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Everything posted by gcol

  1. You are quite right. Could not find the original article study, but at first reading the statistics appeared similar. I also assumed the statistics were similar across other disciplines, And it might be beneficial to consider general trends rather than be discipline specific. Perhaps if I had doggedly used a greater variety of search parameters...... but that onus is on the original poster, I think.
  2. Her are two links that may be helpful. The first is a full survey, the second is discursive as to reasons for the trend: http://www.mines.edu/fs_home/tcamp/cacm/paper.html http://www.ascb.org/news/vol20no8/wicb.html
  3. gcol

    True scilence

  4. Why bother? with rising sea levels and increasing weather extremes, I wager a mud pie to a shrimp that it will be permanently inundated within fifty years. Let nature reclaim it, save some bucks, and remember King Canute.
  5. How would they carve up the mining rights? A 300 mile exclusion zone around each landing site? "Oi, get your rocket off my land, or I'll set the dogs on you!" A Californian gold rush on the moon? Bring back the Western, and beware of Indians.....
  6. Perhaps, in a nutshell then, they are not hypocrites, merely business-like? Sometimes a very fine distinction......
  7. gcol

    True scilence

  8. I might be tempted to experiment with a plumbers pipe-bending spring. The spring goes in the pipe (copper) to provide a gradual curve or round bend with no kinks. Load bearing capability would depend on pipe characteristics. Is that thinking inside the box?
  9. gcol

    True scilence

    Just to be awkward, then, 1.sound does not exist until detected by an observer? i.e. it is the detector that creates sound. (that reminds me of certain statements relative to quantum mechanics). 2. Buck Rogers' space ship was hit by a rock. The old ship clanged and rang like a bell. "Hell, " said a crewman, "did you hear that?" "I heard nothing" said Buck, "because there is no sound in space".
  10. There may be some truth in the unpublished article, the statistics may be significant evidence, but if we are tempted to agree with the conclusions, Big Sister will surely belabour us with her handbag. There are bigger issues worthy of male martyrdom. It may one of those truths that dare not speak its name. Who wants to spend a week in the stocks with a "sexist pig" label around their neck? Count me out, brother.
  11. gcol

    True scilence

  12. If I could find one that looked like Rip Van Winkle, Imight use it.
  13. Read the rules very carefully. For example, if they dont say how you should inflate the balloon(s), use hydrogen and glue on 4 token wheels, hey presto, balloon car. Use a "sausage " balloon, put inside a lightweight frame with wings, plus token wheels.......flying rocket propelled car. Keep weight to minimum, that will be paramount. A fully inflated balloon has large surface area, drag will be your enemy. Long thin balloons best. Depending how you restrict the orifice, you might get a very amusing farty noise. Pretend it is a pulsejet
  14. Like this? "No one will ever say anything stupid in this thread".
  15. Having attempted, in post #6, to widen the discussion a little, I want to draw it back to google, and the internet in general by asking: In the days of snail mail only, and voice telephone, do you remember what a heinous crime it was to interfere with the mail and tap telephones? Nowadays, nothing you send is confidential, and everything will be used against you under the smokescreen of state security. Every thought you entrust to your keyboard will be trumpeted to the world via the internet megaphone. Be very aware that the "Big Brother" of Orwell's 1984 is here and now. (Shriek, horror, indignation, trembling).
  16. gcol


    Soylent Green. The future awaits.....
  17. After they have had some nookie and someone wrinkles their nose and says" I smell fish" , The superior response would be "dolphin is not a fish, stupid".
  18. gcol

    Acronyms Game

    fvuyv; Full Value Uncensored Yankee Viewing (no such thing if you use Google)
  19. gcol

    Acronyms Game

    TB totally blotto
  20. Why pick on Google in particular as an example of corporate hypocracy? It is after all merely a business that is run for profit. It enriches its founders and shareholders, which is its sole raison d'etre. To pretend otherwise is naive. Every time we use it we support it and condone it. Its use is a lifestyle choice only. If we want to change its business ethics, then become shareholders or vote with wallets and fingers. The subversion of the google product for political purposes is the real hypocracy, the way it is manipulated for political, security, and population mindset. purposes. The google question should be considered merely as a subset of the larger question of global business ethics.
  21. And you are seriously in need of a sense of humour deficiency check-up.
  22. gcol

    Muffler design

    Are we confusing two things here? Noise reduction tuning and performance tuning do not go hand in hand. you tune for one or the other. That is why racing machinery shatters your eardrums. Uninformed tinkering with an already tuned system can seriously degrade engine performance.
  23. This sounds like a way of inducing hyperventilation. There are many google results for it. It can induce dizziness, nausia, disorientation and even, in extreme cases in those with respiratory problems, death. If you equate any of these with pleasurable halucination, go ahead, but check your medical insurance is up to date. As for disoriented kneeling girls, well now, that is something else.....
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