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Everything posted by Nuclear_solution

  1. I've tried to make ferrofluid a few times, and there's a few things that I've ran into problems with using these ingredients. Firstly, the hematite comes from stepped down Iron3Cl. You have to reduce it to Iron2Cl. Another issue is that the layers don't separate into distinct species. When I do the experiment i find that you need to have a large amount of iron particles in the solution, i.e my thoughts are that we need to have a super saturated solution. The next time I do this I'm going to try and heat the solution sllllllooooowwwwllly and add everything over the course of a few hours. In this time I'm hoping to get a super saturated iron2cl solution.
  2. Does anyone have any idea as to how to get rid of the waste? I made this with the synthesis of Iron(3)Cl, and kerosene. And just have a mixture of the two to get rid of. Any ideas would be appreciated.
  3. Does anyone have any idea as to how to get rid of the waste? I made this with the systhesis of Iron(3)Cl, and kerosene. And just have a mixture of the two to get rid of. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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