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Tom O'Neil

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Everything posted by Tom O'Neil

  1. If we find a manuscript or book with equal equivalence to my cipher and the Voynich Manuscript than that would be something.
  2. ~LL>~L L=L ~L*L=0 0>~L Then what if anything can ~L be equaled to?
  3. I'm preparing a paper at your request, but I'm trying to make it clear for you. Make sure you post all questions following this post that need answering. https://voynichnumerology.wordpress.com/
  4. I submitted that pdf which is an easy read yet very difficult for you to put together so Strange I question your ability to understand anything I put across to you. There is a 3% gap in finding a Welsh word which my system uses for the labels and themes of the voynich. This number system is bullet proof. Q14) 9/100=9% therefore 91% is excluded in step 1 yet it is lowered to 3% in finding a word because its a 3 step process. Q15) I don't need to repeat myself. I simply set numbers to the glyph's by first associating them to the Pythagoras table. Then by using a common number system that any word has to equal 1-9. Q16) What I was implying is that people who try to decode the voynich; use a frequency list as a cipher or sound out words using mnemonics which fails, because the glyph's are arranged in such away the words start to fail at a point and create unintelligible sentences.
  5. Thankyou Mordred I will look them over
  6. But when you combine his equation with proportionality to GT you get a GUT.
  7. energy is merely one of many properties that a particle has. It isn't even considered a property of a particle as it cannot be used to identify one particle from another ​That argument is an oxymoron. Also if all is not energy than Einstein is incorrect.
  8. all is energy and time is abstract.
  9. can you show me a link where the gravitational constant is used in e=mc^2?
  10. Prove to me that the equation is not proportional. You can't, because its beyond your comprehension. Also there is no known Grand Unification Equation as simple and straight forward as this.
  11. I can use wiki too. 1 is proportional to 1! Remember I'm using proportionality in my equation. G t ∝ mc²/e
  12. When you find a word using this number system 91% of Welsh words are stripped out automatically. Then the image is compared to the Voynich word and it has a chance of 9% for the remaining Welsh dictionary. But the percentages are less than that, because the word is targeting an image and both the welsh word and the voynich word have to be equal. So in essence its narrowed down to 3% for a chance of a fit. Now in these posts you will find a Zodiac which all but one word is in Welsh and I don't know what the percentages of finding that fit is! So here it is again. However I will try .03x.12=.36% so I had a .36% chance of fitting a Zodiac in. The people who are arguing against my method are not taking this into consideration. If all languages don't work based on rules to decoded the voynich than the argument for a number system is high for my method. Dates are arbitrary with a language so here is one for bul. We are not certain it was in use a 100 years prior. 1620 (18g.) Mos 204 29, Cyn amled ar bul, ar y llin.
  13. "bul", is the Welsh word for, "flax"! Strange your comprehension needs work. http://welsh-dictionary.ac.uk/gpc/gpc.html
  14. Another find which supports my method for a number system associated with the VMS. In folio 4r of MS-408 there is a letter, "F" on a pod of a flower. https://www.jasondavies.com/voynich/#f4r/0.5/0.5/2.50 Welsh Dictionary: http://welsh-dictionary.ac.uk/gpc/gpc.html I decided to see if the first two words in f4r, has any meaning associated with the letter, "F". It turns out they do! The image looks like flax and voynich gardens concurs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flax http://www.voynichgardens.com/ Now take a look at this. https://voynichnumerology.wordpress.com/
  15. Well I found out Nobel are not the guys go too. Its these guys and I'm going to win a cool million dollars
  16. Raider, Berllys is a Welsh word for Parsley. The upper left voynich word translates from Berllys to Parsley.
  17. Thank you koti I will leave that to the experts!
  18. I have a body of work currently located on a website which is a cipher for the Voynich Manuscript. The cipher has uncovered many proper names in the voynich manuscript. I believe it merits a Nobel prize in cryptography. Yet my problem is I'm not involved with academia as I am a amateur. So how do amateurs submit work for a Nobel prize?
  19. There are two types of thinkers here like the left and right hemispheres of the brain. 1) The creative types who put across new ideas which may not be understood by mainstream science. 2) The logical types who need proof set down by laws who stay close to mainstream science. I believe speculation is just as valuable as theory! Science fears the outlier due the fact its far away from the mean. There is nothing wrong with either types or progress would never occur. Yet when people become afraid of a new idea which maybe correct vs. common knowledge and they post crap like this, it just shows fear. What's disturbing is chaps like yourself who put down creative thinkers and labeling them liars, because of a lack of understanding. A great deal of science and technology has been put down by people like yourself which slows progress. Sorry, cognitive thinking would imply you may have a problem Mr. Strange.
  20. I thought we were joking around and a mere close up of your picture does not prove you have a high forehead.
  21. Really maybe you are hiding the fact of a Cro-Magnon
  22. Why so academia can close my mind to the possibilities and thankyou I am kind, I was a lifeguard for 7 years and I truly love to help people. I agree its funny my English does need help, but I do convey meaning and you cannot deny my work here unless academia has really got to you Ophiolite! Anyway next time
  23. GUT Axiom.pdf
  24. I feel if I go off topic this post may get trashed if its OK with the mods I will continue with both the skeleton assertions and neutrino gun but that is what I should stick to for now.
  25. Light is not the last conduit of information exchange and I have theorized on neutrino cannons in the past which far exceed the speed of light. This may sound sci-fi ish but a neutrino collector can be built then so can a cannon and then pulsed for information exchange.
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