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Tom O'Neil

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Posts posted by Tom O'Neil


    1. You cannot travel faster than light.


    2. The change in the relative rate of time is explained by Einstein's theory of relativity. You may have missed this breakthrough, it only happened 110 years ago.


    I second Ophiolite's suggestion that you learn a little basic physics.



    They are indeed related in a number of ways, one of which is captured by the (partial) equation you have quoted (mangled). We also know that the energy of a photon is related to its wavelength. We also know that the momentum of a photon is related to its wavelength.

    Hence the full form of the equation:

    [latex]e = \sqrt{ (m_0 c^2)^2 + (pc)^2 }[/latex]

    For generations, physicists believed there is nothing faster than light moving through a vacuum — a speed of 186,000 miles per second.

    But in an experiment in Princeton, N.J., physicists sent a pulse of laser light through cesium vapor so quickly that it left the chamber before it had even finished entering.

    The pulse traveled 310 times the distance it would have covered if the chamber had contained a vacuum.

    Researchers say it is the most convincing demonstration yet that the speed of light — supposedly an ironclad rule of nature — can be pushed beyond known boundaries, at least under certain laboratory circumstances.

    “This effect cannot be used to send information back in time,” said Lijun Wang, a researcher with the private NEC Institute. “However, our experiment does show that the generally held misconception that ‘nothing can travel faster than the speed of light’ is wrong.”



    I'm working on it Evil Liar and I'm just building up to my main point Thankyou



    This to say the greater the energy < time and low gravity threshold. Likewise with less energy >Gt

    Then why is that time reduction occurs when you travel faster than the speed of light and you don't age as much as the person on earth?




    mc2/e = 1 then perhaps gravity, light and energy share a common property!
  3. 1) 1st assertion is that on a Grand and Quantum scale Gt varies as mc2/e. This to say the greater the energy < time and low gravity threshold. Likewise with less energy >Gt!


    2) 2nd assertion defies common logic regarding four known laws, but reduced them to 3 known laws(i.e. electromagnetism, strong nuclear and weak nuclear)!

    1 Graviton 10 femto Joules


    3) An assumption of mine is that light, energy and gravity share properties unknown yet to man on a quantum and grand scale.


    G t mc²/e



  4. I'm going to have to write this in word. The forum locked up and my essay was lost. And I really want to explain, because its needed I agree.

    Tom, please sit down, if you are not already sitting and ****ing pay attention. YOU HAVE NOT EXPLAINED YOUR METHOD.


    No matter how much you may believe you have done so, you have not. Your method is obscure to us. Your attempts to explain it have obfuscated, not clarified. You need to step through the process step by step, defining every term along the way with maximum precision. If you are unable to do this there are two obvious explanations:


    1. You lack the intellect to do so, in which case it is unlikely you have been able to do anything meaningful with the manuscript and you can be safely ignored.

    2. You are deliberately trolling in which case you can be safely ignored.


    Therefore, if you have any interest in promoting your hypothesis you need to explain it clearly and simply and you need to do so now. If you can't be bothered,then neither can I.

    Methodology of a Number System Cipher to the VMS


    First off, I believe that the Voynich Manuscript is a cipher, but not in natural language form (meaning the glyph’s are not arranged as so). I truly believe there is text, a book or books that were used to produce the manuscript, but in the art of numbers. Yes if you interchange the glyph’s you can get the same result and therefore make the script seem as a major null as a natural language. So it would seem to violate frequency analysis to equate to an alphabet. The cipher in number form adds a natural defense at trying to decode the main body of the text; by the premise of a number system in which I believe John Dee would be so inclined to do. John Dee used a number system in which he associated divination to letters as numbers.


    Yes I even attempted to decode several paragraphs from 16th century Bibles. Although not in welsh which violates the main thrust of the language that I propose it is in Welsh! And it was not verse by verse so that was a failure.


    However, if you attack the Voynich Manuscript from a theme and imagery perspective along with a sound cipher many words have come forth which represent its meaning. The cipher which I came up with is a number system which letters equal numbers. I approached this decoding method in the Voynich Manuscript from the most intricate approach attributed to the Zodiac in folio 67r2. Furthermore this became the base of operations for my cipher in which I added upon. This should answer the (Strange) question. However Mr. Strange you have to line up the Zodiac on top of creating cipher for that to work. If you can present one using a number system in a different language; I would like to see it and I will allow 1 Zodiac sign to be a different language to be fair. Every attempt in history here has been met with failure; but I noticed a glyph equivalents to the (scorpion) and, (craf, i.e. garlic) equaled a 1 in along with the code I embraced for this image of craf in f99r; as the Voynich Glyph’s which I associated to have number equivalents added up to a 1.





    o=6, H=8, a=1, e=5, 8=8, 9=9 } All add up and equal a 1



    This cipher I have found which I’m certain is used within the Voynich Manuscript has confounded the language to numbers. It does not follow order of a natural language which has kept it secrets for so long. The words which I have found are in Welsh would be 85 out of a hundred. And they correlate to the imagery and themes. The reason I have 15 words outside of welsh is attributed to known astronomy words in which John Dee would have known. John Dee also annotated a Welsh to English Dictionary (1)! I discount the, “Boke of Jona”, because it was just an attempt in which it produced failure from not following verse by verse and its outside of the Welsh Language. So in a sense I’m just using Welsh with astronomical and astrological slight imbalances to the overall language. That is fair! I’m certainly not using every European Language.


    1) The facts are the images and themes tell a story on their own.

    2) The Voynich word has to add up and equal the Welsh equivalent word

    3) Translate that in which the cipher meets the images head on.

    4) And the theme words correlate to the whole picture; I would say no this is not just a coincidence from 1-9.





    It’s a number system; whether or not Pythagoras came up with it, I used it for my cipher.






    (1) William Salesbury his Dictionarie in Englishe & Welshe, or Brytishe. 4o London 1547 :

    Dee’s copy is now TCD, EE.e.32 (formerly C.10.17). At the head of the titlepage is ‘John Dee’. In the first half of the book, up to sig. K, he extensively annotated and corrected it; in some instances where Salesbury had put words of English origin in the ‘Camraec’ column, Dee supplied a Welsh word and occasionally, where Salesbury left a blank, he supplied an English equivalent. He also corrected equivalents in both languages. Later owned by abp. Ussher. See R. G. Gruffydd and R. J. Roberts, ‘John Dee’s additions to William Salesbury’s Dictionary’, Transactions of the Honourable Society of Cymmrodorion, n.s. 7 (2001), 19–43.




    John Dee Voynich Numerology.pdf


    If you are going to dismiss what Ophiolite is asking of you and post an essay based on numerology nonsense, I assure you your thread will eventually get locked.

    While you write up you essay please keep in mind that numerology is nonsense.

    It maybe nonsense to you yet in a cipher form it does lock up the manuscript unless you have images and themes to work with. Also many people had different beliefs in the 16 the century. Thanks again I will not load it up with numerology :)

  6. Tom, please sit down, if you are not already sitting and ****ing pay attention. YOU HAVE NOT EXPLAINED YOUR METHOD.


    No matter how much you may believe you have done so, you have not. Your method is obscure to us. Your attempts to explain it have obfuscated, not clarified. You need to step through the process step by step, defining every term along the way with maximum precision. If you are unable to do this there are two obvious explanations:


    1. You lack the intellect to do so, in which case it is unlikely you have been able to do anything meaningful with the manuscript and you can be safely ignored.

    2. You are deliberately trolling in which case you can be safely ignored.


    Therefore, if you have any interest in promoting your hypothesis you need to explain it clearly and simply and you need to do so now. If you can't be bothered,then neither can I.

    Ok this is not easy so I will try and make it easy for you all to comprehend ok. I thought those steps were clear I will deliver!

  7. Tom, thank you for making the effort to explain your method.I believe it was a sincere attempt. Strange's questions, however, demonstrate how it fails totally to constitute an explanation. Frankly I find it ludicrous and a little sad that you think it is a viable explanation. Perhaps you are too close to the problem. I don't know, but at present it remains nonsense.

    I don't see what your going on about. It's not nonsense. In fact, I have made greater sense of the voynich manuscript than in all ages. The fact that the script uses 3 evident numbers which I have equated to their equals and the Pi glyph which I represent as 3 does not not seem so mysterious that numerology would be in use here. You are drawing conclusions with no sound evidence that my method is incorrect.


    For instance here is folio 77v and the imagery eludes to the dichotomy of woman's reproductive issues.



  8. post-121320-0-48261600-1476705871_thumb.jpgTom, you have now been asked by several members to take us step by step through your method. You have avoided doing so, apparently in the belief that the steps of your method are self evident. They are not. I ask you please to produce a post that does exactly that.


    If you choose not to do so, but instead post more of the same I shall request that this thread be locked permanently. Please avoid this by posting what you have been repeatedly asked for.


    Thank you.



    1) Find some evident theme or imagery which can produce a cipher.

    a) I chose a table from Pythagorean numerology, because I never tried that before. Also I knew that John Dee practiced Pythagorean numerology.

    b) I chose these glyph's to be identical to numbers in the Pythagorean table along with using the welsh language. The H=8 and so on e=5!


    1) Scorpion shares the same glyph's as craf which is garlic so that was my starting point.




    3) Then I went unto building up my voynich glyph table with words I found that correlated to the Zodiac and planets. This has never been done before.

    a)This was extremely difficult and was done by trial and error.

    4) Finally I needed to support my hypothesis with greater support. I sought out some logic, glyph s outside the voynich and a signature. I actually found Pi way into my near completion of the chart. 3.14159









  9. Tom


    I at least think I know what you are doing. I also think it is nonsense. Each string of characters on the VM you are

    1. Identify Character 1 - using your little table (the squiggle version) you find out the Number equivalent. Repeat for each Character in word on VM

    2. You now have a string of single digit numbers. Add these together to give your TOTAL

    3. Add each digit of the TOTAL to give a NEW TOTAL - continue till you have a single number NB (Numerological Bullshit).

    4. Find an English word which if the same procedure using your little table (the Latin character version) is applied has the same NB and decide that it is the translation


    The problem - which I think everyone here realises apart from you (inter alia see Sensei's great post about zip) is that you are losing vast amounts of information - and replacing it with guesswork.


    A 6-letter string in VM has a huge amount of information - it is one unique string in a possible group of around 21^6 (about 80million); you are reducing this huge complexity down to 9 possibilities. Very roughly each single digit you come up with (refered to as NB above) would be the answer for around 9 million possible words. You have lost all this information


    You then take this single digit number and find English words with the same number - estimates put the number of unique and comprehensible words in English at about a million; you represent all of these million with just nine single digits. So each single digit stands in for abour 111,000 words. You have guessed one out of 111,000


    So what you are doing is the following - this six letter string is rendered the same as any of 9 million and I will choose a meaning for it from 111,000.




    And you have not even been consistent


    Why Europe with an E at the end and not Europa, why Africa and not Afrikus etc. You are deluding yourself with the method and cheating even with your own self imposed rules

    Within this decoded paragraph are direct quotes and words from the Book of Jonah. The sentence structure follows my cipher to the letter and correlates to the Pythagorean numerology from the books of Jonah from the 16th century. Also in folio 79v from the voynich manuscript there is imagery of a cross and a fysh swallowing a male figure. The penis is evident here. Forming sentences with a cipher for the voynich has never occurred until now. The odds of doing this have been misrepresented by you, because my cipher is strong and the logic of sentence structure in this paragraph are evident.



  10. Strange,


    Lets move on you simply have not studied my cipher. Europe is Europa and Africvs is Africa! This is obviously confusing you.


    No one has ever transcribed a paragraph from the voynich so what to you think of this?





    Of course, I don't. I suppose it was quite easy for him to find some 100-year-old parchment lying around in large quantities in mint condition. It must have been dead easy to keep it stretched and dry for a century without anybody writing on it. He probably used 100-year-old ink as well, just to be really awkward in case somebody could date that. Yep, I'm convinced.

    The radiocarbon dating techniques that are used on papyrus can be applied to parchment as well. They do not date the age of the writing but the preparation of the parchment itself.[11] While it is feasibly possible also to radio carbon date certain kinds of ink, it is extremely difficult to do due to the fact that they are generally present on the text only in trace amounts, and it is hard to get a carbon sample of them without the carbon in the parchment contaminating it




    What is a T-Map?


    Why are you equating a document that says "EuropA" with something that you claim says "EuropE"?


    Why are you equating a document that says "AfricA" with something that you claim says "AfricUS"?


    Could it be that you are desperately searching for anything you can make fit?

    tripartite map,

  12. Boke of Jona f79v




    Just running a list of countries of the world through a quick number crunch


    Algeria Andorra Argentina Austria Bahrain Barbados Bulgaria China Comoros Georgia Jordan North Korea Mali Mauritania Niger Poland Romania



    These all yeild 8 as their numerological signifier. Why did you choose Europe? Why not Europa which was the more common spelling till recently and in English?

    T-Maps commonly only use Europe and Africa and Asia on the bottom.



    How do account for the carbon dating to about a century before John Dee?

    How do you know the parchment or vellum was not used a 100 years later?


    Make no sense to me. If it's secret code, you should decode it, not truncate it even more, to unusable level.


    Let's say, you have file on disk, you compress it with ZIP/RAR/7ZIP, from more data you have less data.

    Suppose so somebody finds this file 10,000 years later. But never heard about ZIP/RAR/7ZIP etc.

    Do you think summing the all bytes together and getting single digit from it, would allow reading original data?

    Or you simply destroyed the all data (if there were any).. ?

    If its truncated how did I produce this?





    I must be missing something here. If this is 15th century Welsh numerology, why do you give a code relating to the English version of the Roman alphabet, where the Welsh one is considerably different, and includes letters like ch, dd and ll?

    The letters are still = to the numbers in Pythagorean numerology and I believe John Dee wrote this. John Dee was an English man with a Welsh background!



    Which is why it is obviously complete nonsense. You are mapping every word down to one of 9 possibilities. Therefore you can match any word with pretty much any other word (or close synonym). It is impossible to justify any conclusions reached on this basis.


    Apart from the fact that there is an completely arbitrary relationship between symbols and numbers.


    You would have to be insane to think this was a rational process for extracting information.

    How do you explain this? This has never been done before and the rules are to strict to duplicate in any other language. :)



  15. Can you explain how to get this value after = ... ?

    And why they have xxxxx=y (where y is typically single digit).. ?

    Say you have a word like, "Celf" which is magic in welsh.


    C=3, e=5, l=3,f=6 then add 3+5+3+6=17 then add 1+7=8



    When you use Pythagorean numerology every output has to be equal to any number from 1 through 9. So by adding up the letters remember this. So if a number that equals 11 that would reduce to 2. Number 15 would = 6 and so on.





    two observations, both relating to what I believe will be an ongoing challenge for you: communication.


    1. Reading Comprehension? I made an observation. You then replied to it with content wholly unrelated to my post. That suggests you did not understand what I wrote. (Of course the lack of reading comprehension may be on my part, but that would be atypical.)


    2. Clarity of Exposition. (i.e. writing clearly) Your juxtaposition of a diagram of the seasons with your interpretation of seasons in the manuscript fails completely to explain what steps you have taken and how the resultant numbers relate to seasons. Such a woeful inability to communicate the details of your thesis means only the gullible will buy your story.


    I am not looking for a further attempt at explanation. I offer the observations in the hope that they may encourage you to improve in those two areas: for yourself, not for me.

    I have to say that I developed a decoding process for the voynich manuscript; which discovers welsh words for the images and themes within the voynich manuscript. I realize that I have been a bit vague in my presentation here. I discovered a Pythagorean Numerology Method by decoding all the astrology signs in folio 67r2 which runs consistent to my cipher, something which has never occurred yet to my knowledge. I assigned voynich glyph's to number equivalents. If you understand the traditional model of astrology Aries which is the Ram sits on the ascendant and then moving counter clockwise I found all the signs in folio 67r2 of the voynich manuscript in welsh and one English word for scorpion. I believe John Dee designed the Voynich Manuscript.


    1) Astrology fallows an order of welsh words that are labels for the signs that are counter clockwise 2) and are static as number totals for numerology. 3) In my cipher the voynich words have to equate to those labels in numerology. So with these three very strict rules my output shows welsh as the primary language for the voynich manuscript.





  16. I think he is arguing for it being an elegant exercise in cryptography. So it should be in Maths. :)

    I have searched for days looking for signs of a signature which attributes John Dee for designing the MS-408. I truly believe he made this document and as most artists practice as a hiding technique; they place hard to spot letters in their art. I have done this with some of my oil paintings. There is a leaf half way up to the right in folio 53r and if you invert it and look really close you can make out letters.



    This is a solid analysis for letters just don’t appear! Also it looks as though he tried to hide the text with a dark brown stain, but he added a pointer to the letter, “o”. This is information and finally it adds validity to my work.






    Also you all maybe interested in the four seasons found with my method:






    Looking down from above, Earth revolves around the Sun in a counter-clockwise manner - moves through the seasons




    And "A Book From The Sky"



    You will need a bit more than a few incomprehensible pictures to make your case.


    And why not publish it in a journal that specialises in this sort of thing? Where it can get expert review. Which, I assume, is what you want.

    With further research into f70r I found a 15 digit sequence which runs counter clockwise. This is not an anomaly and it was purposefully done by the Author. The numbers are fifteen digits of Pi (i.e. 3.14159265358979). The inner circle contains the first six digits of Pi while the outer contains the next nine digits of Pi which follow in sequence.







  18. Voynich Manuscript a Cipher for the Ages


    The enigma which surrounds the Voynich Manuscript for all who try to unlock its vault of coded text is intriguing to say the least. A man named Wilfrid Voynich found the Manuscript in 1912 at Villa Mondragone, Frascati, Italy. The book contains 200 pages of an unknown script with pictures of herbs, nymphs, plants and astrology.


    I have studied this code for seven years now and I believe I have made a breakthrough for the Mt. Everest of Ciphers. What I propose is a numerology cipher in Welsh for the main labels and astrology wheel (i.e. folio 68r) in the Voynich Manuscript.


    Here are some images, a video and link to my site:







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