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Quark (2/13)
Okay, you're all right in your own ways. I'm overzealous yes, hot headed yes, amateur, yes. Smart? Probly not. But for the moment, I need help. In order to keep my farm status(and not have to pay 10 years of deferred taxes(we've only owned it for 3years) because I bush hogged the field when the golfenrod was in seed). It doesn't matter why I did it...ugh!...but as scientists, you cannot argue with results. The past 3 years, im the feeding source of tens of thousands (i remember my resource sampling courses) of at least 2 types of bees. This is on the word of an entymologist here in New Brunswick Canada. I could make 3 times the amount if I simply plowed and grew...doesn't matter cause the lands too wet to harvest with a tractor. But for 3 years, the amount of bees haven't fluctuated. I'd rather pay the taxes, but as an agricultural statement based off science, I think the government should help farmers who are giving up 2/3's of their net in order to help the bees. Any advice? Sorry, didn't properly edit. I need reasons why I shouldn't upset the bee populace right now. Scientific reasons, it would most definitely help bees, and farmers.
Perfect! And in laymans terms! Thank you.
One thing I would like to make a point on though, is that when I use the term amateur, I am referring to someone who is not in the field of science as their principle profession. I am not referring to idiots who know nothing of research or the necessity of verifiable evidence. Why is it that I feel that most debates within science boils down to arguments over the definitions of terms? I guess that's all science is.
Any more than one battery would be a positive net result. Now im more confused than ever. I was hoping for mathmatical proof that I could understand. I like to write, and since there are so many amateurs who are on the same line of thought as I am, I'd like to write and share the conclusive evidence as to why this wouldn't work. Simply saying "no you can't" is unacceptable. I took the time to write the idea out as best I could, I'm only asking for the same from a response.
I'm sitting at my farm right now. Sitting and thinking...and writing as well I suppose. Obviously! Lol! I was working on the gardens earlier and stumbled upon a rabbit hole. Made me think of Wonderland. Maybe you are trying to picture what a real rabbit hole looks like? They're quite plain actually. Nothing more than a dug out hole in the ground. Bits of nibbled grasses around it, and some droppings, tufts of white fur. When you look in though, all you see is black. The smells of distured dirt and aggravated roots emanate from its depths. Want to go down there? Of course you do. Let's go! Ah you made it! What took you so long? Never mind that right now, we're here! The rabbit hole! It look a lot bigger on the inside. For me, I'm having this thought in the evening of June 13, 2016. Sunday I think. But here, in this place, it's just now. And right now, you are exploring this very same rabbit hole, with me, at the same time, now. Yet I'm positive that the date for you, right now, is sometime in my future, and I, right now, am somewhere in your past. Yet here we are! Together at last...for now. It's always now here. It's always tea time! Should we picture a lonnng dinner table set for tea? Okay then, here's a lonnng table with dozens of tea cups and pots and cakes. Theres even a little dormouse asleep in the butter. The march hare, can't forget him! He's got a bad case of mites so he isn't here I'm afraid. And the hatter right? I don't know where he is, but I can wear a hat for you. There! A nice big green top hat, as you please! So please! Introduce yourself. ???...hmm, silence. Thats all I hear from you. It's almost like I'm talking to myself right now. But you are here are you not? Of course you are! You're just shy I suppose. Anyway, let's talk about where we are right now. Are we at my farm? In a rabbit hole? At your place? The answer is a big fat no to each! We are in a very strange place indeed. We know that time is different here, which means we have to think about time a little differently. And we know that our physical bodies aren't needed here either. We don't need eyes, or heads, or feet. Actually, we don't really look like anything here, wouldn't you agree? Matter does not matter here. Money, gender, race, weight, none of that matters here. Here, we are invulnerable. Amazing is it not? Some have called this place wonderland, neverland, the neitherworld, cyberspace...the list goes on. To me though, this is home. I didn't find this place like you did. I was sleeping when suddenly, what I thought was "me", was staring at me through the looking glass. This human thing that others called Neil, this being who is made up of matter was using his mind to peer through right at me! I forgot that he's mine, not "me"! Apparently I was asleep for quite awhile because he, like any unattended child, was a walking catastrophe! What about your "child"? How are they doing on that planet of theirs? Still silence. Cat got your tongue? He's good at that. So your child...are they happy? Mine's doing ok. He's certainly a strange duck and has his problems, but he cares about the others. So I'm proud of that. You gotta keep them happy, or all Hell breaks loose. Are they doing what you want them to do? You are growing them remember! Only you know what they like and dislike. What they're good at and what they're not so good at. Their heart is your mind, so if they're not doing what they love, or feel satisfied with, then you're wasting they're time. And that is totally rude! I'll whisper that "they don't live that long..." Some of the things you're going to want them to do will not go over well. They will kick and scream like a toddler having a tantrum in a department store a week before Christmas! Humiliating for the both! You have to be firm, and remember, they're not half as smart as they think they are. But i will agree with you, they are lucky they're cute. All we can do really, is help them overcome the mean kids. You know the ones I mean, the ones that never come here because they'd never read this stuff. Sometimes one will drop in though which is cool. But most of "them" are so fused with their kid, that they actually think that money and sex and fame is all there is to want! And that that place where they all live is what's real! AHAHAHAHA! Such a pity! My hats off to them. Anyway, I'm going back to reality now, see what "the boy's" neglecting. There's the rabbit hole to get you back. And here's your hat. And in a puff of smoke he disappeared, leaving nothing but a smile.
I guess i should delete this? How?
Okay, thank you! Hey, I wanted to know right?
So a direct feed wouldn't be effective. In that case, an already charged battery would be needed in order to power the pump, to prime the system. To me, if a fully charged battery can power a pump long enough for the alternator to charge 2 batteries, then you have a positive net result, no? As long as the pump uses less watts than the alternator generates. The kwh of pumps vary greatly, as does the size and output of alternators. Is there really no possibilty of a happy medium?
I would like to present an invention I have been working on. It is an electric generator that powers itself. The model is quite simple in theory. There are three main components, a pump, an alternator/water wheel hybrid, and 3 deep cycle batteries. The idea comes from integrating a variation of Pelton's water wheel with an axial flux alternator, like the ones used in wind turbines(Hugh Piggots model for example), so basically a wind turbine that has little "cups" instead of blades. The pump is to produce enough force to spin the water wheel-alternator hybrid which would generate the electricity needed to operate the pump as well as enough to trickle charge a battery. The water/antifreeze/gas? that the pump uses would be recollected in a chamber to be used by the pump again and again, like a fountain pump. This is not an attempt at perpetual motion , since each component has a lifespan, and the whole unit requires manual care to keep it functional and practical. The main premise is that instead of using a Pelton's wheel to spin the alternator, the Pelton's wheel IS the alternator. The axial flux design would be best suited since it generates power because of the high revolutions:lower magnetic resistance, as opposed to the older low revolutions:higher torque. Should this theory prove to be possible, it may be safe to assume that the size and output of the alternator, as well as the type of pump and jet nozzle could be both calibrated to perform in almost any type of scenario (i.e., subzero temperatures, within a vaccuum?) Here's my own, uninformed and very amateurish equation to try to describe it: The pump uses x amount of watts to operate. The alternator, spun by the jet-pump, produces x amount of voltage. The voltage takes x amount of time to charge a x type of battery. X is dependant on choice? Now here is the "fork in the road". Could the alternator power a pump via DC as well as charge the x type battery? Or, would the pump have to operate off of it's own battery, therefore requiring the pump to run long enough, off one battery's charge to charge 2 x type batteries? So one would need a total of 3 batteries. 1 to operate the pump, 1 to replace it (charging), and 1 for practical use(charged). If the alternator did produce enough power to run the pump and trickle charge, then that would change things I'm sure. This setup does require gravity to ensure that the pump does not run dry, but in space, it may be possible to use mercury instead of water/antifreeze/gas(?) with a magnet located close enough to the pump's intake to collect the mercury as long as the magnet isn't too strong as to impede the flow through the pump. That's a whole other thread since I haven't done much research into that aspect. I lost most of my schematics and materials in a fire so I'm redoing the "math" I need in order to build a model that can achieve optimal results... If it's feasible! So I'm looking for opinions as to what I'm not seeing here. I'm pretty sure the idea is within the parameters of physics, there's no "water flowing uphill" here(Robert Boyle). If anything, I tried to adhere to the concept of the golden mean, if you know what I mean. All I'm trying to do is reuse past techniques with current innovations. This is an abstract but I hope it was sufficient enough to at least give you an accurate idea as to what I'm talking about. Questions? Comments? Opinions?
Opendreamer78 started following A very uncomplicated generator