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Francisco Gomez Paulet

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Everything posted by Francisco Gomez Paulet

  1. A few years ago an American with a hippie look managed to levitate a steel ball with devices that generated radio waves, uploaded a video on youtube that saw many people, even the nasa noticed this man and said that they were going to recruit To make tests, and that "according to the nasa" needed less energy to push 1 kg of mass than with traditional means. This gentleman did not need math to prove his ideas. Can mathematics explain why levitating the steel ball? Or first you must reason an explanation of what happened. Neither did maths to invent the phone, electric motor, photography, planes, etc. I know I'm not going to convince them, but at least I get to know my theory, thank you.
  2. Okay, I can not answer mathematically but I will answer with reasoning, do not judge me very hard, since I have asperger and I had to leave school at age 13 for bullying, first of all I do not contradict Albert Einstein, it is true That space- Time folds to the center of the planets. I think that dark matter is directly related to space-time, therefore light travels through space-time-dark matter, according to my theory the space-time-dark matter travels to the center of the planet to become electromagnetic waves, this generates a Constant flow. In short, to answer your question, nothing is derived, the calculation is the same.
  3. New Links; LIGHT AND GRAVITY, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1h0vwY2ZmEnZjJicVVPaDhXUzg LUZ Y GRAVEDAD, https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1h0vwY2ZmEna1RvSFI4V2R4NkE If it bothers you close the topic and delete my account.
  5. Hello, I wanted to share with you to new theory of gravity. Thank you for your comments, greetings.
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