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HB of CJ

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Everything posted by HB of CJ

  1. Wow. So many specious shallow arguments. I guess there are lots of sheep. Some sheep dogs. A few wolves. And only very few wolf hunters. There are doers and there are freeloaders. We know who we are. Enough said here.
  2. Phi for All: ... Now not sure if I like Cherry pie at all. I did. Try working for a living. In the mean time get out of my pocket. I worked hard my entire life. Nothing was given to me. I had to earn it the old fashioned way. This post and thread is again devolving into a paddy cake may pole sing along. As a former emergency room RN one of my many jobs was getting the automobile accident victim to sign the permission slip. Had to have somebody from legal to witness. If the gork, (patient) could not sign, statute law at that time permitted us legally to do what was needed. They hardly bled out. When my cracked tooth gets bad enough I will have it fixed. Pretty darn soon also! Yikes! Now for those who are going down in flames trying non successfully to defend socialism, (small s) on any level, including the silly notion that we are all deserving of something FREE from our Gubmt and are now resorting to hateful personal attacks, let's keep this civil please. Some name calling is OK. Do not loose it. The United States Constitution is our law of the land. It is who we are, where we came from and where we are going. The USA is not Europe. Fortunately. But ... unfortunately we do seem to be pestered with bad ELECTED politicians who seem to be into it for only their self aggrandizement. swansont: ...If somebody does not make more money, earn more. Very simple and doable today. For everybody here who wants freebies from Uncle Sam, (which means out of MY POCKET) would you like some biscuits or hand cakes with your cheap whine? Finally .... why is a Science Forum so socialist? Dunno fur sures. Not enough evidence. Correlation does not support causality. Twenty five degrees F. below normal right now. Global warming. About 42.4N, about 123W. Kinda. I would like some more pie please.
  3. Or perhaps there is nothing there? An attempted much to do about nothing? Snow Flake frying?
  4. Phi for All: I do believe I never called myself a Capitalist. Perhaps you are mistaken. Many doable family financial plans exist to address individual health care costs. It is called a savings program. A novel idea today. Easy to eliminate any and all government interference. It gives the individual the freedom of choice. That plus our USA Constitution specifically delegates such to the States or the Individual. Our extended nuclear family may or may not have such a savings program. Perhaps a conservatively oriented diversified investment program geared to long term stability. Housing. Education. Retirement. Even recreational vacations. Medical. Also it is a sense of family honor and responsibility. We try to negotiate medical costs beforehand. Payment in full with a deep cash discount. Or ... a payment schedule paid in full. Personal note. I have a cracked lower molar. Hurts sometimes. No ice water for me! I have been deferring that required Crown so my grandkids can go to summer adventure boot camp. Eventually I will pull out the bucks to fix my tooth. Cheaper for us to just set money aside for years then occasionally spend it on necessary medical fixes. My friend dentist accepts cash. Novel in itself. We will negotiate a price. Socialist government mandated medical insurance has already been tried. Soviet Union. We pretty much know how that worked out. Medical insurance is something the government needs not to become involved in. Keep it in the private corporate "capitalist" sector. Give the individual the freedom of choice. But ... this also requires financial discipline: sometime also novel to the socialist commie sheeple or snow flakes? Dunno fur sures. Respectfully. Cherrie Pie is my favourite!
  5. Years ago we kept up CPR for over 60 minutes on a well known Medical Doctor. Had to call in fresh code teams from all over the hospital. He did not survive. At one point we were glancing at one another. We (staff, RNs, MDs) knew he was dead, but the code boss is the boss in these situations. She finally called it. She knew the patient. The big question is how long has the patient been in full card arrest? Back in the day, difficult to determine. A dynamic situation. Sometimes a patient starts to look "sour" and you have a big hunch and call a "slow code". Then he arrests in front of everybody inside the hospital. Then you know to the second. Then he has about 5 minutes. Self life in the medical field is short. I have been away from it too many years. We need a currently practicing health care pro to tell us.
  6. Lots of websites on the old failed proposed Orion Project. A series of very bad ideas. The ultimate in a extremely dirty Rube Goldberg machine. Gone by the wayside along with the plutonium breeder nuclear reactor scheme. But ... apparently at one point our and their scientists were looking kinda seriously at it.
  7. Here we go again. USA Constitutional law. There is no mandate for Federal Health Care. Let the States take care of it. Or the individual.
  8. Boiling water means less density? Sailboats do not have that much positive buoyancy to begin with. They tend to sink. We can ask John Depp?
  9. Personal discipline. Mind over mayonnaise. Making the bed before you get up. Running that daily 2 miles all at once. Gaining that 50 pounds over decades. Shaving before every morning. Showering more than once a month. Pretending you are the best USN SEAL, which you ain't. Not posting in some Science Forums. Taking what you do serious. Not ever taking yourself seriously.
  10. US vs Miller was about a shotgun. Quite a reach to suggest it deals with all ordinary military equipment. Can you provide a link outlining your statement tied to specific court language regarding this ruling? Respectfully.
  11. A tank would be nice if you can find one. The expense and learning curve would be considerable. Actually where I live it would be legal. Getting the tax stamp, (license) for the cannon would be difficult, lengthy and expensive. The machine guns would be doable but also expensive. The individual armor piercing sabot rounds would be easy to legally have. The HEAT rounds would take special licensing but doable if you are rich and have lawyers and such. To possess the powder charges would require a special state and federal license. Also understand owning a nice newer tank from whomever country would take a maintenance crew to keep it running. Expensive to operate. I do not think you are serious about the nuke. We will leave it at that. All Oregon USA State Laws, USA Code Laws And NFA Rules Apply. The legalities of lots of Constitutional stuff probably, (certainly) is poorly understood by most here. Different environments. Different life styles. Different expectations of government. The normal human reaction to different views is usually a negative one. It rocks our sense of comfort. Critical self examination is always difficult. We all here understand this. My point of view may not be shared by others. Also understand other points of view are not shared my myself. But there should always be room for common courtesy and respect.
  12. Many times we learn and maintain our particular points of view based upon what we have learned and experienced with life. This Forum represents a higher level of intelligence and education. After all it is a Science Forum. We must respect that. Are most here sharing their particular life views BASED upon a particular upbringing? The following is an unfounded reach. Are most here Eastern? Are we all USA Citizens? Or are some of us visitors? Did we grow up in an urban environment? Cities. Universities. Many social services. Public transit. Libraries. Grocery stores. Electricity. Running water. Flush toilets? The basic stuff expected as a norm today. Some of us did not. I grew up on a homestead farm. Imagine the clock turned back 100 years. My skill level and life experiences have taken a different path. I now live in the woods in SW OR USA. About 43N, 123W. Kinda. Many things I take as given life skills are completely foreign to the experiences of many here on this Forum. And never start a paragraph with a conjunction. No ... wait. A feeble joke. It is obvious to me that many of you here are experienced working science types. Educators. Teachers. Researchers. All very good. But ... it is difficult for me to relate to most of you. Just as it is probably difficult for most here to relate to me. Understandable. Solar panels power this computer. Nickel Iron batteries. We do have solar hot water. Flush toilets. But everything was designed and built with my own hands. We live close to nature. We do not live in a big city nor would we want to. We are profound Conservative Libertarians. Not a oxymoron. Conservative. Agnostic. Simple life style. Sossss ... when relating to the US Constitution, we take the Conservative point of view. Original intent using the simple language and meaning of words and punctuation at the time of the writing. The mind set of the writers. Pure geniuses. Also maybe time patrol agents. Just kidding. Also possibly space aliens. Another feeble joke. The Second Amendment means what it says and says what it means. Simple language of the day. The US Constitution is most certainly NOT a living document. Morphing it into something different is tantamount to intellectual sedition. It is NOT about hunting. It IS about requiring an important check and balance of responsible citizenship. Finally, yes I do own a machine gun. Doesn't everybody? I grew up around firearms. Mostly farm tools plus some great recreational experience hunting for the pot. I probably have 60 years experience with guns. Probably 100,000 shots fired. Have not kept count. I understand this if very foreign to some here. Thank you for reading. Respectfully. All Oregon USA State Laws, USA Code Laws And NFA Rules Apply. This is a legal disclaimer stating that owning and shooting a machine gun is completely legal here. Your local, city, county or state laws may very greatly. Today is 18 June, 2017. Fathers Day in the USA. A nice extended family dinner coming soon.
  13. Free state means a free state of being. A condition such as enjoyed with Liberty. I am amazed how little most here know about the meaning of the Second Amendment. It is exactly and totally about shooting our own government when such government gets out of control. The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting. Hunting was a given at the time of writing. The woods and wilderness was your grocery store. The Second Amendment is the absolute right and duty of responsible citizenship to take up arms to defend freedom and liberty. Very basic. Very profound. Very important. Time to strip down and clean my machine gun. All Oregon USA State Laws, US Code Laws And National Firearm Act Laws apply.
  14. I believe the ex CIA guy to be wrong. Perhaps he made a political statement. Why is this even being discussed? There is nothing there. Respectfully.
  15. Diversity does not prove fitness? Numbers do not indicate evolutionary superiority? It will be interesting how this Italian solution plays out. Respectfully.
  16. I think Jarad just wanted to open possible communication lines with Russia. No crime.
  17. Ashamed to be a retired RN? Hardly. I don't think so. Again, killing the messenger of needful or non desirable news is ... not new. People get sick. People die. A point most here fail to understand and grok is that we are setting ourselves up for a big die back as a species and most of us here do NOT understand why? Or how? Italy will do what it will do. I think they are making a mistake. I have presented why. Understanding it or not, it is the point of this Excellent Forum to present such alternate views. Repeating myself, Immunizations have only been around for a couple hundred years. Barely 8 generations. There is no data base showing immunizations have been a benefit to mankind. It would require a thousand years world wide to indicate any kind of species benefit. Are we running towards a steep die back cliff? Are we plowing ahead full speed into uncharted waters? Shoals and rocks abound. Please try to understand a long term point of view. Immunizations have NOT been proven helpful. Respectfully.
  18. Is the weather getting chilly here? Do I see snowflakes in the air? President Trump is the President. It is unlikely he will be impeached.
  19. Easy to point fingers and to just blame Religion. It may not be so much as a religion problem as it is a people problem. Religion may just be the vehicle. If hard science was to be blamed for a people problem where would that land us?
  20. In short just let natural selection and the evolutionary process work. Accept the very short term hits in favor of long term saves. What MAY be happening in Italy and many other places nowadays is counter to the natural scheme of things? A natural scheme that appears to work very well over very long periods of time? However ... that being said ... it is very difficult today as parents and adults for us to accept this. We choose to avoid the preventable deaths. Letting half of your family die when prevention, (immunizations) is available is unheard of today. Italy is making such prevention mandatory. Short term gain? Long term loss. When so much of our modern civilization places so many valuable eggs into just one extremely fragile basket is it possible we are setting ourselves up for a catastrophic crash? So many different aspects of our society appear to be more and more dependent upon so many invisible hairs. Just me. Respectfully. retired RN. Agnostic. Libertarian. Minimalist. Homesteader. Dinosaur. Old. 43N, 123W. Kinda.
  21. Closer to home every year it is recommended that this Old Coot get a flu shot. Sometimes highly recommended. Usually I decline. However, one year I declined and I caught the flu. Go figure. It was not fun. Imagine both ends at once. But I did get over it. Eventually something will kill me. Probably it will go hand in hand with heart failure. Italy will probably do what it will do. It also greatly depends upon where one lives and what selected life style one accepts. Here in SW OR USA, (43N, 123W, kinda) we perhaps live on another planet. But as one who lives here by choice it might be suggested our standard of living is among the best in the world. Reverent? Nobody gets shots. Respectfully.
  22. Again, more of a philosophical question? Or perhaps more of a understanding of human history which may, (may) be capable of being intelligently discussed here? Also, personal attacks upon the messenger regarding the proper long term historical advantage of specie naturally acquired immunity vs the political or economic pitfalls of human intervention may not be the most rational response regarding the question at hand. Italy may be going the wrong way? There may be some expressed or implied temporary benefits of immunization policy today, but in the overall all scheme of things, is Italy doing the correct thing for Italy in the long run? Hundreds of years? How about the rest of Europe? For that matter the rest of the World Population? Is there enough doubt to question such national policy over a great period of time and distance? Oh yeah. Again, more of a philosophical question. Perhaps anthropological. Disease is a natural process. Very much required. Time, numbers and distance. Also I might suggest that working or retired, (due to old age) registered USA nurses perhaps have a better practical understanding of the human disease process and the resulting patient care than most here? What is being explored is an alternate point of view which may be as correct. There are a few words describing the disease process directly affecting population pressures related to many factors, perhaps including technological. This deals also with Humans. It is called Die Back. Respectfully.
  23. It would appear we do not fully understand how naturally acquired immunity works. So another way of asking would be to inquire why the human species did so well for many years and generations with no artificially acquired disease immunity at all? Before ANY inoculations at all which only go back a couple hundred years? This might be more of a philosophical question. Are we better off as a species relying only on the course of human events including the disease process or are we better off relying completely on a technological artificial shot process that might for any number of reasons fail? Imagined short term benefits vs long term harm? Respectfully. ex RN
  24. FUNG EYE. Singular or plural pronounced the same. Yikes!
  25. Are we doing the Human Species any good by giving everybody all these shots? It is a heck of a thing to have your kids get sick and perhaps die, but nearly all the time they catch something, are sick for awhile, get over it, and usually never get sick from that bug or disease again. Naturally acquired immunity. Eventually such gets passed on to the next Human generation. My concern is not so much any possible bad side effects of the government required immunization but rather what happens if such programs are allowed to continue to some imagined total end? Then, for whatever reason, be accidental or designed, such mandated government programs suddenly stop? What then? Are we perhaps setting ourselves up? Respectfully. ex RN
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