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Everything posted by RookieScienceTheorist

  1. I appreciate it guys as the title says rookie. I have spent most of my life in IT i grew bored always had a passion for learning history and science and all of its infinite possibilities. Switching to science is a life change for me i was thinking Environmental Science degree firstthen go from there i am open to better ideas by all means. I am not getting any younger so i may be 46 years old by the time my degrees are done. About at years i believe am i correct and i am 38 this year. Its a late life change i know but its one i wanna do, i was thinking about getting a career diploma in wildlife and forestry preservation so i can land an entry level job at our five river metro parks here in ohio. After doing so starting my degree while working with the parks but honestly friends i have no idea what route i should take i know i love history and geologist often work with archaeologists i figured i could go that route but again i am unsure i have crazy ideas they could be completely faulty or they could be something good i dont know all i know is i would love to be in it with yall tryin to figure as much as possible out any thoughts on what routes i should take any suggestions would be very welcome.
  2. Ah criticism i will take it with passion it is common place and I appreciate it. Lots of people have been ridiculed all through history with their crazy ideas and yet they did amazing things. The world was flat so they say then someone comes along and says its round and then hes crazy but guess what he was right. Another said lets create an energy oh theres no way then oh look at that. All through history are things like this occuring but its okay as i said it was just a thought. Not an attempt at a sf book nor movie and yes some things are false on the internet and some arent but which ones are which. We all know in the end on who has the say so and who dont on rether something should be given to the public our not. Some people well lots of people in this world know were not being told everything we all know about cover ups aka bullshit. Clouding the human eye like we dont deserve to know. One things for certain in this world of ours corruption, greed and power reighn supreme. Anyway it was just something i thought would be fun to just talk about just crazy possibilities fun debates it was never to be some concrete idea only a fun conversation of possibilities, it seems having fun discussing ideas is a rare thing these days everything is so serious and lots of stuff is serious, but some of the most eccentric minds this world has known have made the most progress just sayin you know the sf junkies right, the ones that had the balls to come up with something that could only be right in stories and yet they pulled off the crazy idea and it worked....been nice talkin to yall and ps this is a forum not an internship if need be i can produce technical writing i could sit here to every asterik there is perfect spelling but thats not what i was on here to do i was on a forum to have a fun entertaining conversation. To laugh and think maybe rather it could be true or not.Yes No maybe whatever the outcome it was to be a fun crazy conversation thats all.
  3. But if its not? Media has created sf in an image so people dont think in that kind of box because oh its bad sf. Are we really thinking outside of the box enough these days or are we held bound because of media. Like were supposed to look at the world one way not any other way i aint saying that that is what happened its just another theory. I have many others its just a matter of divide and conquer. There are so many possibilities one thing i am sure of though is we still havent seen the bigger picture. We are still missing something or alot, so many things unanswered about or history, so much science we still havent discovered and the only way we will figure this out is too except every theory check on it make it or break it no matter how crazy it may seem.
  4. Sorry about the sentence continuation i get that way sometimes as i ramble. Theres a few reasons really that are history related as well. Recently I saw footage of the us launching a bomb at the moon because of a supposed structure. I found this interesting because why would we do that for any reason at all. Then there is the technology advancements of the past that even now today our technology cant compete. We keep saying oh maybe we were visited in the past and i thought what if we weren't what if it was us the pyramids the lost and found cities one was created from pyrite how is that possible at the time it was carbon dated. So i started thinking what if we were the E.T what if history is repeating itself. Example:wht are we doing right now we got one satellite up looking for other planets a second going up hopefully next year to get atmospheric readings why because we wanna know if we can habitat another planet. So lets go back say millions of years a huge intergalactic warlets say for earth was the reward. Bases and structures on the moon and mars possible theory that our aesteroid belt was once a planet. Say the casualties were massive they agreed to a cease fire lay down our arms there isnt very many of us left so lets bury our technology and begin again together on earth as primitives and equals. We went from advanced to not and now were advancing again we are at war with one another still it hasnt stopped. Now were in a space race war again have been for awhile so is this gonna happen again what havent we found still, here on our planet so much still yet to be discovered answers still unanswered.
  5. I have been reading watching and studying up on multiple science history relations theorem my own thing really, can we be the end result of an intergalactic war for this planet with the loss of so many lives in that war the survivors agreeing to toss away their technology and lock it up to never be found to purposely start over on earth together as primitives and equals, so many years passed so many stories so many myths legends and ideas and could we have been different entirely at first but over millions of years adapted to this system of earth requiring evolution to change our insides all the same yet maintaining outside physical appearances related to our original extraterestial ancestors sounds crazy and off thetop huh but what if, whats everyones thoughts on this?
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