well ive actualy tought the class before, got me labled as a nerd, but i can live with that, when asked what they were doing about golbal warming they said ask me. i have had a problem before, some idot came up behind me and grabbed me by the ears. i hit him one the forehead without turning around. he rugby takles me onto the desk. at this point i knee him between the legs. next thing i know im talking to the principle, being told how pysical violnce is not acepted. lukly for me the rest of the class made a point of telling him what had happend.
the morales of this story are clear - dont just lie down and take it, people will side with you if you do something they werent expecting, and quite possibly learn a matal art.
when people are coppying your awnsers they tend to want you to be there tomorrow
P.S never had a problem since, cant think why
maybe soemthing bill gates said has meaning here - "be nice to nerds, own day they will won your house"