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Everything posted by Alex_Krycek

  1. Not if you look closely. On a 27 inch monitor the being closest to the family is highly visible sitting in the cab of the vehicle. Frankly, I don't think any video or photographic evidence is enough for some people. Even if the video were shot in broad daylight of an alien it would be explained away as CGI or some visual effects trickery. For me its the confluence of factors coming together that lends legitimacy to this event. 1. The numerous credible eye witnesses who have come forward recently, including those in government and military circles. 2. Credible documented accounts of close encounters with beings of unknown origin (BUOs) - to coin a new acronym. 3. The multiple angles from different cameras (Ring doorbell cam - officer's Bodycam), combined with the authentic footage from the family of encounter with the actual creature. This cascade of events creates in my view a probability that this is encounter actually happened as described. Right, the entire story was fabricated by a group of individuals in that town working together. The video was staged to get viral views, for money. Is that it?
  2. Ok, I just located the complete video set, which shows the body-cam footage, the Ring doorbell cam of the unknown object crashing, and the video from the actual family as they approach the backyard to investigate what landed there. The family are clearly terrified as they approach the back gate that leads to where the vehicles are parked. The father remarks in Spanish about seeing two creatures with big eyes looking back at them. The family retreats from the gate - one family member is armed. In addition to the raw video, the youtube host filtered the video for low light to make it easier to see the alleged beings who are located about 40 feet away behind two large vehicles, which appear to be construction vehicles. If this video is not doctored or fabricated in any way, this appears to be a remarkable and genuine piece of evidence of two intelligent biological organisms of unknown origin.
  3. Such as what? How could a large vehicle gain entry to a fenced off area in the middle of the night, the occupants exit the vehicle and walk around, and then get in their vehicle and fly away? Seems like if that were a helicopter it would be pretty obvious to the residents and their neighbors, due to the sound. Either they're lying or some craft that wasn't a helo landed in their backyard. What do you suggest the craft was?
  4. Personally, I think they're telling the truth. Making a false police report of this nature is a crime - seems a big risk to take just for a prank. But, there needs to be more evidence.
  5. Not to me. If a certain technology could provide a nation with unassailable militaristic dominance over all foreign adversaries, then 100% that technology would be classified at the highest levels of secrecy within the MIC. Planet Earth definitely seems like the ideal destination to drink that martini (if you can avoid the locals). Interesting.
  6. @Moontanman Excellent article and interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJKwglRgwDM https://public.substack.com/p/us-has-12-or-more-alien-space-craft Critical mass is building...
  7. IMO content creation jobs won't be that hard hit. Why? Generating content en masse isn't likely to translate into compelling storytelling. I can see skilled human creators becoming even more valuable than they are now, thanks to the tsunami of tripe that A.i. will inevitably unleash.
  8. With the release of ChatGPT 4 and the development of numerous other generative A.i. platforms, the A.i (re)/(de)volution is clearly upon us. Mass unemployment is one many potential upheavals A.i. could bring. A report from the World Economic Forum in 2021 projected when A.i will take over various sectors: For me, the structural changes A.i. will bring to practically every sector of the economy demand a fundamental rethinking of how our economy is structured. In alignment with the current dialogue catalyzed by Geoffrey Hinton regarding the dangers of A.i. should be a universal discussion on what benefits A.i. must legally afford human society. Such a conversation would be akin to the great Re-Awakening that happened after WW2 in terms of universal human rights and ensuring basic standards for as many people as possible. To cut to the chase, in my view many things that we pay for in society will have to become free in order to make the shift to the brave new world awaiting us. My "free for everyone" shortlist is the following: Basic needs: food, clothing, and shelter All levels of education (as much as a person wants to learn) Transportation Entertainment Utilities such as electricity, water, internet, etc Ultimately the difference between a significantly improved society and a significantly more miserable society rests on our collective decision about what basic rights A.i. should afford each person. How do you see the economy adjusting to the seismic A.i. disruption that is set to take place? Should the social safety net be deepened and expanded, or should it be every man / woman for him/herself?
  9. Recently I read an article in The Guardian about cancer vaccines. Do you think these vaccines are likely to be on the market available for patients within this decade? Cancer and heart disease vaccines ‘ready by end of the decade’ Exclusive: Pharmaceutical firm says groundbreaking jabs could save millions of lives https://www.theguardian.com/society/2023/apr/07/cancer-and-heart-disease-vaccines-ready-by-end-of-the-decade
  10. 1. The ability to travel to other solar systems and visit the planets there. To be able to actually land the spacecraft and set foot on these alien worlds. 2. The ability to end war on Earth. 3. My own garden to grow vegetables.
  11. Relevant article: World ‘population bomb’ may never go off as feared, finds study Population likely to peak sooner and lower than expected with beneficial results – but environment is priority https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/mar/27/world-population-bomb-may-never-go-off-as-feared-finds-study
  12. One "silver lining" in all this has been the integrity of the courts. So far, Republican judges have held the line, both at the state, federal, and supreme court level. When presented with blatantly frivolous or fabricated cases by Trump, Republican judges have dismissed them. Conversely, serious charges are given serious consideration, as with the numerous pending legal actions again Trump. So far Republican judges have not abandoned the law or their duty to the constitution.
  13. They've been taken seriously for a long time, by the right people.
  14. Stochastic terrorism - Trump's favorite tactic.
  15. Some outlets have reported the NYPD has been requested to alter the color of their orange prisoner jumpsuits so as not to match the former President's skin tone.
  16. Plausible but unlikely. Out of millions of intelligent civilizations we're the most scientifically and technologically advanced? Anthropocentricism.
  17. Are they unlikely? The most recent comet impact is thought to have happened only 13,000 years ago.
  18. Not a logical analogy.
  19. A worthy dialogue. In my view, the questions of aliens and A.I. are crucially important because they represent potential extinction level events for mankind. A.I. could escape the pandora's box quite easily and run amok. Similarly, a highly advanced extra-terrestrial species could show up to our doorstep one day with the intent to take over the planet and annihilate our species. Instead of ridiculing those who raise these questions we should be forming concrete action plans in case they really happen, similar to NASA's NEO action plan. As the nuclear age was a catalyst for a new level of international cooperation forged to deal with the specter of nuclear war; so too should A.I. and aliens spur international cooperation with respect to these existential threats.
  20. Sheldrake's perspective, as I understand it, is that some prominent scientists do not operate objectively, but rather have a pre-existing worldview that colors their views on what is acceptable scientific discourse or inquiry - hence Sheldrake's objections to what he perceives as dogma, and those who attempt to shut down dialogue that they deem illegitimate.
  21. I've been a reader of Sheldrake for some time; in my opinion he has some interesting ideas. The "banned" TED talk you referenced seems to be a summary of his book "Science Set Free", which challenges premises underpinning the current mechanistic, materialist worldview of the universe. He's come under attack from the likes of Richard Dawkins and others who have attempted to "debunk" him for challenging the aforementioned worldview. Sheldrake himself is an accomplished scientist, professor, and author. Biography here. The questions he poses are important; as Thomas Kuhn argued in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, science is vulnerable to group think like every other discipline, and thus theories that run contrary to the mainstream shouldn't be suppressed or ridiculed.
  22. Do you really think it was all Donald Trump? Hate to break it to you, but Trump's policies were largely a continuation of Obama's, and were continued without major changes by Biden. Yes, Trump pushed the envelope to appease his base, but his policies were by no means a drastic departure of what was previously, and has since been, US immigration policy with respect to civilian, non-criminal, non citizen detainees. Here's a list of all the ICE detention facilities currently in operation for non-citizens: https://www.ice.gov/detention-facilities?state=All&office=&name=&page=0 It's five pages long with over 100 facilities. So we should recognize the reality that such facilities are already in operation for millions of human beings in the US. What I'm proposing here in alignment with the Sun Break Ranch proposal really pales in comparison to what is already occurring. Such a facility would also be far more humane than leaving homeless addicts out on the street to live in squalid and dangerous conditions.
  23. Correct. I have since amended that point as the discussion unfolded, the Sun Break Ranch proposal being more closely aligned with what I think would actually work.
  24. See the Safe Rest Village project I linked to earlier: https://www.portland.gov/united/saferestvillages This is your self serving caricature / straw man, not mine. I never mentioned anything about barbed wire or guard towers.
  25. The Tiny House solution works great for those who aren't severely mentally ill or addicted to drugs. For the homeless in these two categories, simply giving them a tiny house isn't going to work.
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