sam conifer
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As I am signing up for classes and reading up on potential jobs for applied math, I can't help but be bothered by the idea that maybe I should be taking things like Calculus Based Physics classes or Principles of Chemistry 1 + 2 (the chem classes directly before organic chem), or General Biology Cell to Organism and Oganism to Ecosphere (which are the two biology classes that break into all the 200 bios). I did fit in Micro/Macroeconomics, but they fulfilled degree requirements. As applied math people use math in their work in non math fields, should I have basic education in these fields, or is it assumed that I am just the math guy and it will be the physicist, chemist, or biologist that handles the other stuff? These classes are not needed to meet my degree requirements. I can't really fit them in unless I am willing to spend another year or two in school. It seems graduate applied math classes don't involve them either.
I have heard it said that the only real science classes are biology classes. The rest is just math. If this is true I don't think I am very interested in science, but math I do enjoy. I am going to be taking classes in a community college starting next semester, Spring 2017. One of the requirements for the degree I will be pursuing is that I take a Life Science class, which includes all this yucky biology stuff. Ultimately I will want to be steering toward Applied Math and get a math related non-teaching job. Is there anything in biology that might be useful for that, or is it my fate to take a class that is almost as unrelated to my goals as is rock and roll history? My choices seem to be: Biological Anthropology Introduces the biological anthropology field, one of the four sub-fields within anthropology. Sometimes called physical anthropology, biological anthropology is the study of our collective human origins. Students will accomplish this through three main areas: study of biological evolution, including the forces of evolution and cellular biology; comparing primate and human physical and behavioral practices; and by examining hominid evolution from groups beginning four to five million years ago through today as they are shaped by environmental and cultural stimuli. Study will be done through a variety of in class discussions and lectures as well as simulated or dry lab activities. Additionally, students will learn how modern cultural implications impact our evolution and environment today. Biology of Women Provides a "theme based" course for learning biological concepts for both men and women. Objectives include studying reproductive anatomy and physiology of both sexes, studying pregnancy and fetal development, and examining issues related to reproductive biology and women's physical health. Issues to examine include contraception, cancer, menopause, and the relationship of women to the health care system. Critical Issues in Human Biology Presents information for majors and non-majors interested in the critical and ethical issues related to how the human body functions. Topics such as ethical decision-making, genetic engineering, living wills, and issues related to prevention of cancer will be examined. The course will build the biological framework for understanding these dilemmas by exploring the scientific method and human body systems. Environmental Science Introduces students to fundamental concepts in ecology focusing on human impact and exploitation of the environment stressing the limits of the biosphere with respect to resources, energy, and pollution. Activities will include discussion, group activities, guest speakers and videos. Exploring Biology Introduces non-majors to important biological concepts. This course serves as the prerequisite for Anatomy and Physiology I (BIOL 2201) and Microbiology (BIOL 2205 and 2305). The course emphasizes the molecular level of biology and Darwinian evolution as the unifying theme of biology with emphasis on cell structure and function, cell transport, energy transfers, and genetics. Lab exercises will include the design and conduction of scientific experiments, data analysis, microscopy, cell biology, genetics, and ecology. Students will gain hands-on experience in the safe handling and use of living and preserved organisms as well as laboratory instruments and equipment. Intro to Forensic Science Introduces students to the basic techniques of forensic science. Concepts will be examined with the application of scientific principles and emphasizing molecular biology, cell biology and the human body. Specific topics include designing and conducting forensic science lab experiments in hair and fiber analysis, blood splatter and typing, DNA analysis, document examination, fingerprinting and taphonomy. General Biology: From Cell to Organism Emphasizes the molecular level of biology with emphasis on cell structure and function, cell transport, energy transfers, genetics, technology, and Darwinian evolution. Units include chemistry, cell structure and function, metabolism, genetics, evolution and critical issues. Labs will include several of the following topics: microscopy, spectrophotometry, permanent slide preparation, electrophoresis comparison of plant and animal metabolism, cell reproduction and genetics. Students will gain hands-on experience in the safe handling and use of living and preserved organisms as well as laboratory instruments and equipment. Prereq: Require one year HS chemistry or a college chemistry course.
I am wondering if someone like me who likes math would like to work this problem out for me since it has been about 10 years since I have done much calculus. I am just playing a clash of clans clone game and would like to know the expected value of the premium currency it would take to knock off 14 days of build time. The game is Galaxy Control. The name given to the premium currency is redmin. I have taken 132 data samples, or in other words I have recorded 132 instances of time in minutes which are each associated with a value of redmin. It would however be more accurate to say that each value of redmin is associated with a range of time. For example, while the time lies between 6 to 8 minutes, it is 2 redmin which is associated with this range of time. It may be that between 9 and 11 minutes, 3 value is associated with this range. The value of redmin is always an integer, but to make this more complicated, the value of time is not so clean (rounded) as this example. The time range of a redmin value is actually a value of seconds rather than minutes. Even worse (or better if you appreciate the challenge of it), the value of seconds is rarely known. There is a rule as to the display of time. Only one pair of time numbers are ever displayed. What I mean is that if days are greater than 0, than hours are also displayed, but minutes and seconds are not. If the real value of an instance of time is 2 days, 4 hours, 13 minutes, 10 seconds, what you actually see is 2 days, 4 hours. This means that within that known 2 days 4 hours, multiple time ranges which correspond to different redmin values may exist, so while I have recorded time values associated with redmin values, there are other redmin values which are associated to that 2 days, 4 hours other than what is recorded. If it isn't apparent, a real time such as 12 hours, 5 minutes, 20 seconds would display as 12 hours 5 minutes which also creates opportunity for redmin overlap, though not as wildly as when the minutes are not known. If the redmin associations were linear, the problem would be very easy - just a matter of knowing the slope, but I see from the data that the range of time for each redmin value increases as time increases. Where the function begins, redmin values claim a range of 3 minutes or so, but by the time the function reaches 7 days, the range of time associated with a value of redmin has grown to almost 13 minutes. I feel like this is a calculus problem because I remember calculus dealing with slopes, but I don't think I can remember enough to actually finish the problem and have an answer. In any case, if someone would like to have some fun, here is the data I have collected. T is the value of time in minutes or D* 24 * 60 + H* 60 + M. Where D is days, H is hours, M is minutes. The G column is just T / R where R is the value of Redmin. 5 M 1 R 5 T 5.00 G 6 M 2 R 6 T 3.00 G 7 M 2 R 7 T 3.50 G 8 M 2 R 8 T 4.00 G 11 M 3 R 11 T 3.67 G 12 M 4 R 12 T 3.00 G 13 M 4 R 13 T 3.25 G 14 M 4 R 14 T 3.50 G 15 M 4 R 15 T 3.75 G 16 M 4 R 16 T 4.00 G 17 M 4 R 17 T 4.25 G 18 M 4 R 18 T 4.50 G 19 M 5 R 19 T 3.80 G 20 M 5 R 20 T 4.00 G 24 M 6 R 24 T 4.00 G 26 M 7 R 26 T 3.71 G 30 M 8 R 30 T 3.75 G 34 M 9 R 34 T 3.78 G 43 M 12 R 43 T 3.58 G 1 H 50 M 23 R 110 T 4.78 G 2 H 9 M 25 R 129 T 5.16 G 2 H 59 M 32 R 179 T 5.59 G 4 H 0 M 40 R 240 T 6.00 G 4 H 20 M 44 R 260 T 5.91 G 5 H 14 M 51 R 314 T 6.16 G 6 H 15 M 60 R 375 T 6.25 G 7 H 35 M 71 R 455 T 6.41 G 9 H 57 M 91 R 597 T 6.56 G 12 H 53 M 115 R 773 T 6.72 G 13 H 9 M 117 R 789 T 6.74 G 14 H 33 M 129 R 873 T 6.77 G 16 H 43 M 147 R 1003 T 6.82 G 17 H 58 M 157 R 1078 T 6.87 G 18 H 50 M 164 R 1130 T 6.89 G 20 H 27 M 178 R 1227 T 6.89 G 21 H 50 M 190 R 1310 T 6.89 G 22 H 40 M 196 R 1360 T 6.94 G 1 D 0 H 208 R 1440 T 6.92 G 1 D 1 H 215 R 1500 T 6.98 G 1 D 2 H 219 R 1560 T 7.12 G 1 D 5 H 230 R 1740 T 7.57 G 1 D 10 H 251 R 2040 T 8.13 G 1 D 11 H 256 R 2100 T 8.20 G 1 D 12 H 259 R 2160 T 8.34 G 1 D 14 H 266 R 2280 T 8.57 G 1 D 16 H 274 R 2400 T 8.76 G 1 D 17 H 281 R 2460 T 8.75 G 1 D 19 H 288 R 2580 T 8.96 G 1 D 21 H 296 R 2700 T 9.12 G 1 D 23 H 304 R 2820 T 9.28 G 2 D 1 H 312 R 2940 T 9.42 G 2 D 2 H 316 R 3000 T 9.49 G 2 D 3 H 323 R 3060 T 9.47 G 2 D 7 H 338 R 3300 T 9.76 G 2 D 8 H 340 R 3360 T 9.88 G 2 D 9 H 346 R 3420 T 9.88 G 2 D 10 H 351 R 3480 T 9.91 G 2 D 11 H 356 R 3540 T 9.94 G 2 D 13 H 361 R 3660 T 10.14 G 2 D 15 H 371 R 3780 T 10.19 G 2 D 20 H 392 R 4080 T 10.41 G 3 D 0 H 405 R 4320 T 10.67 G 3 D 9 H 444 R 4860 T 10.95 G 3 D 10 H 448 R 4920 T 10.98 G 3 D 11 H 451 R 4980 T 11.04 G 3 D 16 H 472 R 5280 T 11.19 G 3 D 17 H 477 R 5340 T 11.19 G 3 D 18 H 482 R 5400 T 11.20 G 3 D 19 H 484 R 5460 T 11.28 G 3 D 22 H 499 R 5640 T 11.30 G 4 D 0 H 506 R 5760 T 11.38 G 4 D 3 H 519 R 5940 T 11.45 G 4 D 4 H 523 R 6000 T 11.47 G 4 D 5 H 525 R 6060 T 11.54 G 4 D 7 H 532 R 6180 T 11.62 G 4 D 8 H 540 R 6240 T 11.56 G 4 D 9 H 543 R 6300 T 11.60 G 4 D 10 H 548 R 6360 T 11.61 G 4 D 11 H 549 R 6420 T 11.69 G 4 D 12 H 556 R 6480 T 11.65 G 4 D 14 H 564 R 6600 T 11.70 G 4 D 16 H 571 R 6720 T 11.77 G 4 D 17 H 576 R 6780 T 11.77 G 4 D 18 H 581 R 6840 T 11.77 G 4 D 19 H 583 R 6900 T 11.84 G 4 D 20 H 589 R 6960 T 11.82 G 4 D 21 H 591 R 7020 T 11.88 G 4 D 22 H 598 R 7080 T 11.84 G 5 D 0 H 604 R 7200 T 11.92 G 5 D 1 H 607 R 7260 T 11.96 G 5 D 2 H 612 R 7320 T 11.96 G 5 D 3 H 617 R 7380 T 11.96 G 5 D 4 H 622 R 7440 T 11.96 G 5 D 5 H 624 R 7500 T 12.02 G 5 D 6 H 630 R 7560 T 12.00 G 5 D 7 H 633 R 7620 T 12.04 G 5 D 8 H 637 R 7680 T 12.06 G 5 D 9 H 640 R 7740 T 12.09 G 5 D 10 H 645 R 7800 T 12.09 G 5 D 12 H 652 R 7920 T 12.15 G 5 D 14 H 660 R 8040 T 12.18 G 5 D 15 H 668 R 8100 T 12.13 G 5 D 16 H 668 R 8160 T 12.22 G 5 D 18 H 678 R 8280 T 12.21 G 5 D 19 H 681 R 8340 T 12.25 G 5 D 20 H 685 R 8400 T 12.26 G 5 D 22 H 694 R 8520 T 12.28 G 5 D 23 H 696 R 8580 T 12.33 G 6 D 0 H 703 R 8640 T 12.29 G 6 D 1 H 708 R 8700 T 12.29 G 6 D 2 H 712 R 8760 T 12.30 G 6 D 3 H 716 R 8820 T 12.32 G 6 D 4 H 719 R 8880 T 12.35 G 6 D 6 H 728 R 9000 T 12.36 G 6 D 7 H 730 R 9060 T 12.41 G 6 D 8 H 736 R 9120 T 12.39 G 6 D 9 H 740 R 9180 T 12.41 G 6 D 10 H 744 R 9240 T 12.42 G 6 D 11 H 750 R 9300 T 12.40 G 6 D 15 H 764 R 9540 T 12.49 G 6 D 16 H 768 R 9600 T 12.50 G 6 D 17 H 772 R 9660 T 12.51 G 6 D 18 H 777 R 9720 T 12.51 G 6 D 19 H 782 R 9780 T 12.51 G 6 D 20 H 786 R 9840 T 12.52 G 6 D 21 H 791 R 9900 T 12.52 G 6 D 22 H 792 R 9960 T 12.58 G 6 D 23 H 797 R 10020 T 12.57 G 7 D 6 H 825 R 10440 T 12.65 G 7 D 9 H 838 R 10620 T 12.67 G 7 D 16 H 867 R 11040 T 12.73 G I apologize for the lack of readability. I can't seem to paste a nice table into this post. I have all this data on an Open Office spreadsheet.