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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Space - Universe

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I would like to put my ideas into the pot for any ones thoughts. As I will try my best to explain these theories are ideas that I have had for many years and over the years and how a lot of new discoveries and theories I hear about, fit in to what I have always thought about. These include Black Holes and how they work and what they do, the Big Crunch and the Big Bang. Also Dark mater and the hidden extra mass of the universe that cannot be explained. First of I would like to get you thinking about the scale of things such as this topic, how big is the universe (and where does it end) and, at the other end of the scale, how small the smallest things can go or be? To me these are related and scalable. First off, imagine a atom nucleus as a large black dot as large as your screen. In the middle of this dot, about the size of the mouse pointer (or about 5mm), is a hollow space. Now in the middle of this space place a single pixel. Now zoom in on this pixel and you see a universe of galaxies and stars like we see as our known observable universe. From here I would like to explain further about how this universe would work, how it would have been created and then later, how a lot of the theories that I have heard about can be applied to my idea. Please have a think about this and let me know your thoughts on this idea.
  2. Please read my question again. I did say the known universe (as far as we can observe or predict.) Further out again beyond this, what do you believe is there? Also what do you believe is inside a atom nucleus and what do you think they will discover with the Hadron collider? I would be interested to know what you think!
  3. I am new to this forum, particularly this subject matter on.... the universe ending. I read with interest some of the ideas put forward from people with clear and logical minds and, also some not so scientific or logical thoughts as well. I have studied about the universe, black holes etc. for most of my life and listened to many experts watched every documentary I could get my hand on, but I still have different thoughts on these subjects that I would love to discuss here if possible. First thing I would love to hear about is people thoughts on is what is out side the known universe and, what is inside the smallest known objects such as atom nucleus or Quarks etc. My idea is that they are both simular and after hearing from people in the know or have a few good ideas I would like to start putting some of my ideas up for discussion.
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