I am aware a set is Bounded if it has both upper and Lower bound and i know what a Limit point of a set is but how can i show that If S ⊂ R be a "bounded infinite set", then S' ≠∅
Let's call a set "Pseudo compact" if it has the property that every closed cover (a cover consisting of closed sets) have a finite subcover.
Does "Pseudo Compact" in this case the same as "Anti-Compact" ? Then how can we describe the "Pseudo-Compact" subsets of Real Numbers?
Let S = [0,1]. If x and y are in s with x ≠y. How can we show that there are m,n∈N such that x< m/2^n <y. Can the Archimedean Property be used to prove this? If yes, could anyone provide me an insight to do this?
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