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Thomas Wood

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  • Quark

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Quark (2/13)



  1. Thanks people, what I needed to hear.
  2. I have been thinking alot about this recently, I have no clue where to look though.
  3. I am lucky enough to be going to live in a foreign country for 6 months and have realised I have been recommended to take about 6 different vaccinations. Though when I looked for some information (google) about vaccinations I found out there are some worrying ingredients inside them e.g formaldehyde (carcinogen), polysorbates (affect fertility) and heavy metals. This is a site with a table of vaccinations and their contents: http://www.informedchoice.info/cocktail.html Does anyone know any reliable sources (not government/conspiracy) that will help me decide if I should have them?
  4. Chemisty project, I did mine in physics and in biology but I think some friends did chemistry project on rates of reactions..
  5. I got owned.
  6. Is it possible to create a flash simlar to the ones in the flashbang grenades? Wiki says: "The filler consists of about 4.5 grams of a pyrotechnic metal-oxidant mix of magnesium and ammonium perchlorate."
  7. Good luck!
  8. I am having the same problem to, but for the UK can anyone tell me if this is a reliable chemical shop? http://www.thechemicalshop.com/
  9. No reply:Lack of internet So my assumption is correct worded differently?
  10. When the big bang created matter and anti-matter,could there have been another universe created of the opposite matter? If so if we managed to enter it would we annialate (sp?) instantly?
  11. I like the organ donation one, i do think healthier people should get first shout on the organs logic Vs.emoction is a hard one.Valid though,depends on the situation
  12. Probabily should be in a physic's forum but..... I'm interessted in rocketry and weapon science.Can anyone give me any refrences on any good books on either subjet?
  13. lol nice would the fish be contamanated then?
  14. any idea on what ?
  15. right thanks, but napoleon i think used them, they must have fired something
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