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Everything posted by JohnDoeLS

  1. a strong feeling of affection. a great interest and pleasure in something.
  2. Evil is malice, to prove the point that love can indeed produce malice through their participation with the evil that they love.
  3. A mindless love for an evil person is not that, it's love as well but evil is not necessary to hate.
  4. Say, extreme nationalism, a love for their country, it produces xenophobia and sometimes racism, in the case of the Nazis, their love of the idea of a pure race, of the Aryan. A criminal's love for his family, thereby using it to justify their actions. A love of a person mindlessly, ignoring the evil they might have done, a mindless devotion. Hate can be a drive and if someone hates an unfair government, they use that hate as a drive to achieve overthrowing, if they hate the way they are being treated, they fight back. Both are a drive that can lead to both good and bad conclusion.
  5. Truth should be logic, something that can definitively prove to be correct, but one can say that not everything in this world is as we perceived or other things to doubt our reality. But that's another question, assuming everything is real, there is a factual truth to things, it still remained; is truth supposed to be logical? I don't just think truths are just facts, what is true is simply true, the Earth is round, that is true and it's a fact. I am sure, by context, what is true to others may differ but my question is, are there facts, definitive answers to moral quandaries? Or, a truth to existence? Which might also be illogical? Also when I said illogical as the rest of the world, that admittedly wasn't developed enough. I think life is illogical, why are we alive when we are bound to die? Why did existence come to being? There is no logic to life and existence, and logic, in this case, is the standard of the end point, what is the end point? I should eat so I can live, I eat good food so I am happy. When I am happy, I feel good and then I can pass down my genes to my children. Then the cycle continues. Of course, life is much more complicated than that, the point is, the end goal is to live life, and perhaps everyone has a different end point for themselves but what is it that they want it? I can say definitively it's because of emotional fulfilment, but what is the point of that in the grand scheme of things? Yes, it's also definitive that it is irrelevant to that person if they don't ask the question, but their existence is still quite meaningless in the view of the world. We are all working to keep this society going, to make sure there is progress. We humans all have a part to play to keep the cogs moving, and the question remains: why? Since there is no end point other than constant emotional fulfilment, there is no logic to doing this, not seeking the end point would also mean not wanting to seek progress, since mankind wants to progress then there should be an end point, and if there is an end point, what is the point of that end point? And if there is no end point then what is the purpose of seeking an end point? Love can produce malice as well. Hate can produce goodness too.
  6. Is there no truth to a decision one makes? Can one say definitively that a morally questionable decision that was made to be right by a universal standard?
  7. How do we even know if true "nothing" actually exists? Even if it does, it's either this or that. What's the point of knowing? To establish that the Big Bang isn't real? How do we even know that a true "nothing" exists before the Big Bang, how does one presume to know?
  8. Is Truth supposed to be logical? For right and wrong, factual correctness is defined by a standard. Does it make sense? Does your mind see the bridge of connections for why? What if the Truth was illogical as the rest of the world? Truth means facts. Things that are true to counter mysticism and baseless things, that was it’s purpose back in 600 BC when it was first established, and of course, still so now. But what is considered to be the truth? Is it something that is factual or something that is sensible? Let’s put it in a context so we can establish a proper standard for right and wrong. If one were to kill someone and take his resources for the necessity of his own survival, is it right or wrong? Does Truth cover that? What is rightfully considered to be the logical thing to do or the RIGHT thing to do?
  9. People don't really like to think about why they are alive, some people are comfortable with the reality that they are given. God being the answer for why we exist, why we do what we do, our everyday emotions and troubles. It feels normal and being skeptical about it takes those meanings away, adding to the fact they are preoccupied with many other things. Work, love, play, and life, in general, having a meaning to associate with it isn't odd to them.
  10. He said this, I will try to see if he can get on here.
  11. He also said this
  12. He thinks it's abnormal for a person to think they are female/male when they are male/female.
  13. Life has no meaning. We can try to make sense of it and give it meaning but it is all inherently pointless. Our brains attempts connect all the dots of the world to make sense of why we are alive but there is no real meaningful end when you keep asking the question of why we are doing what we are doing. Our emotions can be easily tricked into thinking of what is false or true, it's like the Matrix, if you think the world is real, what is the problem then? There is nothing that is actually "real", only what our brain thinks is real. If we keep on doing what we are working on right now, we will eventually arrive at a point in time where either everything is achieved or a forever climb up a hill that never ends. So what if God exists? He has no purpose in his life as well, his meaning is just as lacking as ours.
  14. My friend has this theory that transgender people can normalize their gender by taking hormones of their assigned gender. I have told him why it is untrue but he wouldn't believe it because he thinks psychology is soft science and he has his own theory on why. And he speculates that taking hormones for their assigned gender is already happening but just not reported. This might sound absurd but can anyone offer a clear explanation on why he is wrong? I can't provide one that is satisfying for him.
  15. I don't think I can actually come to terms with death, I have learned to stop thinking about it. Death seems to be such a radically different thing from life yet it is what will eventually happen to life, it is possible to come to terms with your death if you have found a meaning in your life which you have fulfilled, you also practice simple acceptance, that you were once dead before and given life to by the universe accidentally. Life has no real meaning and everything is just our brain attempting to make sense of the chaos.
  16. It wasn't me, and he told a lot more nonsense; like how I can only write a compelling story only if I were to accept that magic might be real.
  17. I read all that in a redneck voice and it fits perfectly. But I think you should keep your sentence to one because I think he TL;DR everything and assume you were just a liberal because you are young.
  18. He also said since we don't know everything so even Magic that contradict the known law might exist. Also, thanks for the input.
  19. I am a complete layman but someone who's been debating to me about how magic is real just told me Quark can make magic. Can someone here weigh in on this? This is specifically what he said. "Science is indeed the truth, it's been continuously proven time and again and the variance is so minimal it can be considered the truth. But magic is somewhere out there where science can be molded and manipulated in a way that causes abnormalities. Most matter in the universe are a combination of up quarks and down quarks, some of the most stable elementary particles. Yet it's not like you've done enough research to know them well enough. Say I propose an interesting combination of quarks that are composed of mostly up and strange quarks, a particle you only find at high energy (and an unusual one, since strange should pair with charm & down with up normally). They are usually found within biological components which represent the body's driving force, and immediately lost upon brain death. The complex system known as life support, found in most living beings, are directly influenced by the existence of this deviant particle of matter. It's so small, and yet it exists because the subconscious electromagnetic waves emitted by people (voltage in the nervous system) create an environment that allows this particular particle to exist. It's very hard to research without killing the subject because you're shoving 17 inches of medical equipment into someone's gut and organs. There's no way someone would survive a risky procedure like that if they knew what was happening to them. (Google Dr Martha Power of Suggestion) This particle, and Man's ability to influence it, can theoretically change everything you know. You wouldn't even know it."
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