Just a theory but what the heck, since the earth is ever growing which means it grows in size and mass. Than that would mean the earth's gravitational pull is always increasing along with gravity. What if the Earth we live on reached a gravitational pull climax and started to bear repercussions such as bringing Saturn in our atmosphere more often than what it was first diagnosed as. We could experience even it's meteorite ring being brought into our atmosphere, also since every planet has a gravitational ameba like a circle in a peachree dish what if ours started to devour the moon which is said to be hollow(nasa engineer) started to grow also with earth masss and was brought into our gravity field really cool stuff here. Things to think about not just comment with a witty first attempt thought or some black box recently read out of the blue topic.
P.S. Sometimes I get the feeling im a time saver and De'o is always listening. Ryan tracey....small pox kills.