Ok, so I built a new computer.
I've had a few problems, but they're probably just id10t errors.
I have everything hooked up now, and the mobo is posting.
I see my HD listed in the boot priority options. I can run the HD software, and partition it, and what have you.
When I go to install windows xp pro is where I have a problem.
It starts up, and gets to the point where it basically says "Do you want to install windows? (hit enter), or not install windows (F3)"
I hit enter, and it then tells me I have no HD.
My question is, WTF?
I've had the hardware tested, and everything checked out, so it must be user error.
Does anyone have any ideas? I know its hard to TS when you aren't actually there, I'm mainly hoping for some previous experience to enlighten me.
I appreciate your help!