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Everything posted by Apple3.14

  1. My BIOS were not at all similar. I went through everything again last night, and couldn't find any kind of settings that would effect SATA other than the "enable/disable" option on the main page.
  2. Cool, thanks for the info. My brother and I jacked around with the BIOS a ton, but I'm not sure what those are set to, so I'll check when I get home.
  3. Ok, I have the new HD in, and its not detecting it either. It shows it at the boot, but nothing when I try to install it. I'm now wondering if the jumper by my SATA connectors on my MOBO need to be adjusted or something. I cannot find any documentation about jumper settings for my board (ASUS P4S800D-X). Anyone got any other ideas?
  4. Yeah, my MOFO has primary and secondary IDE slots, and 2 seperate SATA connections on it. We tried disabling the IDE channel, and it had no effect. I returned the original SATA drive, and got a new one (Western Digital this time). I'm going to try installing it tonight, and see how that goes. Thanks for your help guys.
  5. I appreciate your thoughts on this. The ports are labeled 1 and 2. I've tried both. (tried 1 originally) Ya know, I'm not sure what it did when I tried booting directly to the HD. I'll try that. I went ahead and jacked my IDE HD from my old computer, and slapped that in, and its working fine. I don't believe jumpers are required for it. I know my HD itself says it doesn't have any, and I'm pretty sure my MOBO is supposed to be jumper free for that. There is something with a jumper on it near the SATA connections though. I'll have to look for some more documentation on it. I checked my manual and it never said what those were for. Oh well, at least I have my old HD working now. If nothing else, I'll take the new one back and either exchange or just get a refund.
  6. Plug one into the PS/2, and the other into the USB, and use both!!
  7. oh, my hardware btw is MOBO = Asus P4S800D-X HD = Maxtor SATA 350 watt P/S At work right now, so cant really look at the specifics.
  8. Ok, so I built a new computer. I've had a few problems, but they're probably just id10t errors. I have everything hooked up now, and the mobo is posting. I see my HD listed in the boot priority options. I can run the HD software, and partition it, and what have you. When I go to install windows xp pro is where I have a problem. It starts up, and gets to the point where it basically says "Do you want to install windows? (hit enter), or not install windows (F3)" I hit enter, and it then tells me I have no HD. My question is, WTF? I've had the hardware tested, and everything checked out, so it must be user error. Does anyone have any ideas? I know its hard to TS when you aren't actually there, I'm mainly hoping for some previous experience to enlighten me. I appreciate your help!
  9. serpents have hair?
  10. Wait! ... I've got it! If you get down to the atomic level, the ball cannot possibly be a perfect sphere, therefore it would have to be more blue.
  11. Yeah, I just need to make sure I don't take a wild guess as I've been known to do before. Like when I upgraded my RAM a long time ago, and got ECC, and then found out I needed non-ECC. I'll just check everything to make sure it is compatible.
  12. Ok, in the same line as the thread about upgrading RAM, I have a question.. I am planning on building a computer pretty soon, and its the first time I'll be building one, as opposed to just buying it all assembeled. I was just wondering what key things to check for as far as mother board, CPU, and RAM compatiblity, to make sure I don't do something stupid, and buy stuff that isn't compatible. Or if anyone happens to know of a good source to check the compatibility of such things? Thanks for your help...
  13. Yeah, I noticed dictionary.com didn't have it too. I get "One entry found for Slite." when I got to webster's site though. http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=slite I just want to knwo what they are finding, because I cant seem to log in and check. Alas, I accept defeat. My hat's off to The Thing.
  14. BLACK SLACK SLICK SLICE SLITE -- Webster's is saying it is one of their words, but is not letting me log into to actually confirm its definition. - can you confirm it? SHITE WHITE
  15. I remember talking about this in my psycology class. Isn't it that when the information gets old, or is deemed useless, the gleal(sp?) cells come and clear out the information from the nerve cell? .... anyway, I think I remember hearing that ... or maybe I forgot...
  16. Hah, that x-mas one is good. Afraid I'll have to steal it come next winter.
  17. woops ... my mistake. (see what happens when you don't get enough sleep? You can make the dumbest mistakes) corrected to read: "if you accept"
  18. You forgot Shaun of the Dead ... great movie!
  19. Yeah .. like every culture isn't stereotiped by some form of entertainment. I'm from Texas, and find it quite humurous when movies/TV steretype us.
  20. If you accept formal names, then I have one step better for you... BLACK BLICK - http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=blick BRICK BRICE - Normal First Name TRICE TRITE WRITE WHITE
  21. I've never heard of, or tried anything like that, so I'm not sure how you could even do it. As stated above, you would need the computers to already be connected to the internet, and then you use a program like hyperterminal to remotely access one of the other computers. They find eachother through their IP addresses. To dial straight into a computer via a phone call is something totally different. About the only way I could even rationalize something like that working is client/server. You would set the computer you are dialing as a server. It would have to listen to the phone line, and when it rings it picks up. This initiates the 2-way hand shake, and then the server provides an IP address to the client. They can then communicate, and you can use a program like hyperterminal to speak to it. Let me see the information you have read though, maybe I can make some better sense of it if I see what you are reading.
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