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Everything posted by Apple3.14

  1. Simple .... The ball is spherical. That means the whole ball, in its entirety is spherical. The dye/paint is blue, not necessarily the plastic the ball is made of.
  2. You would see yourself, sitting in one sweet spaceship/Winnebago, that you hope wasn't built by Ford, because if it was, then you know you're going to get stuck far far away from home.
  3. Yes, but it will give you a "non system disc error" if it tries to boot from a floppy or CD. Repairing it as described above "should" fix your problem. If not ... beat your computer with the biggest stick you can find. That always works.
  4. Where on the internet did you read this? I've got to read it myself. Maybe I an help a little then.
  5. If you want to go with windows, XP is the way to go. It's more stable, and more user friendly than any other current version. Linux is of course your best alternative to windows. I don't have much experience with linux myself, but I'm sure someone else here could fill you in on the details of some of the linux flavors. I've only played around with red hat a long time ago, on a crappy computer I got for free. Never got good hardware drivers for its super old hardware, and essentially never got much going on it.
  6. http://www.redhat.com/docs/manuals/linux/RHL-9-Manual/release-notes/x86/ There ya go...
  7. Hmmm, thats an interesting way of looking at it Pangloss. Know where I can read more about that?
  8. OK, I have a question here. If getting close to the speed of light distorts how time is percieved(slows time down), then what about not moving at all, compaired to how we perceive time. We are moving. Exactly how fast can be up for debate. Studies have shown the milky way is moving at 370 miles per second(Relative to other galaxies). The solar system, is also moving within that system, and the earth is moving there within. I see that it could be also possible that all of the galaxies we know of are moving at a rate, relative to something else we are not aware of, and therefore cannot calculate that speed. So my question is, ... if we are moving so fast, how would time be distorted if we were to not be moving at all?
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