Asian Guy
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And knowledge cannot be acquired without an adequate IQ. Someone with an IQ under 90 will most likely never be able to learn calculus. In fact, here is a chart of the national IQ averages of 185 countries: http://www.rlynn.co.uk/pages/article_intelligence/t4.htm And one will see an overall trend showing that the higher the IQ average, the more advanced the nation.
And the last link I'll post supporting the claim that race is a valid concept: http://home.comcast.net/~neoeugenics/miele.htm I'll let you have the last word.
January 04, 2004 Routing The Race Deniers (Not That They’ll Notice) By Steve Sailer Read mensnewsdaily.com interview with Steve Sailer... Many intellectuals pride themselves on how remote their theorizing is from mundane reality. After all, if daily life could provide answers to lofty questions, we might not need so many intellectuals. And that subversive thought must be suppressed at all costs! Consider the topic of race. The trendiest idea among intellectuals is that Race Does Not Exist – what we at VDARE.COM call “Race Denial.” Last year, a three-night PBS documentary summed up this new orthodoxy under the title Race: The Power of an Illusion. That this idea, no matter how trendy, strikes the vast majority of Americans as self-evidently stupid only heightens its appeal to those who view themselves as superior because of their ability to juggle esoterica. Now Vincent Sarich, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Berkeley, and Frank Miele, senior editor of Skeptic magazine, have stepped in to this debate with a new book Race: The Reality of Human Differences. They document overwhelmingly that the weight of scientific knowledge is on the side of the man-in-the-street's commonsense view of race. [ . . . ] Complete article is at http://www.vdare.com/sailer/sarich_miele.htm
Linda S. Gottfredson School of Education College of Human Services, Education, and Public Policy University of Delaware Newark, Delaware 19716 USA (302) 831-1650 FAX (302) 831-6058 gottfred@udel.edu Gottfredson recently wrote "What if the hereditarian hypothesis is true?" see http://www.udel.edu/educ/gottfredson/reprints/2004socialconsequences.pdf In this article she writes: Of course, this is just one study, and one study can't be decisive. But, many such studies exist, and extensive meta-analysis has been applied to come to the same conclusion regarding the high heritablity of intelligence. For example, much research has shown the actual biological correlates of IQ, such as brain size (esp. gray matter volume), average evoked potentials, glucose metabolism rate in the brain, the speed of nerve conduction, the thickness of the mylean sheath (did I spell that right?), reaction rate, etc. A thorough coverage of all the data available is archived at http://www.neoeugenics.com/
Here is an excerpt from "Taboo: Why black athletes dominate sports and why we're afraid to talk about it," by Jon Entine (January, 2000):
I tend to disagree. I consider NAMBLA members to be homosexual, who prefer pre-pubescent males. I've also seen statistics showing that most illegal sex with pre-teens involve homosexuals above the age of 18.
Okey, I've edited my first post of this thread and included some science forums that I like. You will have to go back and look at them.
Because owners of other forums often have policies about not posting links to competing forums. So, I was just being respectful. It has nothing to do with the legal issue of posting links.
Based on this, pretty much every mainstream news source would then be propaganda.
Please add to this list: Attention Deficit Disorder: the individual can't focus on anything that requires attention to detail, he gets bored very easily, any does not have much motivation. He is only willing to engage in pure hedonism because anything else feels too much like a chore of painful proportions. The causes for this is believed to be a deficiency of the neurotransmitters norpinprine and dopamine. Medications for this include the latest non-stimulant drug Straterra. This is a norpinprine reuptake inhibitor which increases the concentration or norpinprine by blocking the receptors that uptake the norpinprine back into the neuron. Another class of medications for this is amphetamines such as Ritalin, Concerto, and Aderol. These are Dopamine re-uptake inhibitors which increase dopamine levels. This can be experienced when intaking caffeine, which also increases dopamine levels, but caffeine is quickly metabolized and has a very short effect, while the prescription drugs have a much longer half-life. There are no other medication types I am aware of for ADD.
I think statutory rape laws indicate how arbitrary and relative moral systems are. Before 1900s, there were no statutory rape laws. In other words, for about the last 5,000 years of recorded human history, there were no age of consent laws. But now we have them. And the trend is towards higher and higher age of consent laws, from 15 to 16 to 17 to 18, and many even contemplate increasing the age to 21. And during each generation of morality, the followers claim moral absolutism, yet the next generation the morality changes. Also, the American Psychological Association came to the conclusion that there was no emotional damage done to a teenager under the age of 18 who had a sexual relation with some someone 18 or over, as long as the relationship was mutual and consensual on both parts. They actually said the minor found the experience to be pleasurable. So in other words, statutory rape laws don't have any scientific backing, it's rather an emotional imperative. Much of it came from feminist ideology that views all men are "evil sexual predators." Women have to be protected from the "barbaric" males.