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Everything posted by Randolpin

  1. To be specific: Theism- belief in God Agnosticism- don't know Atheism-there is no God These are the specific worldviews I want to discuss...
  2. We can't deny the fact that science greatly change our lives and the whole humanity. But I will go directly to this question, what is the status of science today in terms of verifying our worldviews?.. Does it verify the worldview of a theist or the worldview of an atheist or other worldviews? I hope that we can discuss our ideas here and I am willing to give my ideas as well as best as I can... Thank you very much in advance
  3. Space is important in our daily lives and to the whole universe. It provides the way for various physical as well as chemical processes etc. to take place. Space is so common to us that we still don't know it's deepest nature. What is space and it's composition? We obviously know that one of the function of space is to provide an arena for all physical processes to take place. And general relativity make use of space for gravity to work. Now my another question is, what are other functions of space? Why space is the way it is? Feedbacks are very much appeciated to cultivate ideas for the advancement of our scientific reasoning...
  4. This is only my argument that I want to impart to you and I try my best to defend it To begin my reasoning with regards to my argument let's think first about a box and assume that we live inside the box. What we only perceive is inside the box, our logic and senses adapt the features inside the box, but we have imaginations also that may contradict the logic inside the box but we don't know that there is world outside the box because we don't perceive and analyze in logical manner if there is outside the box and what would it look like. Our imaginations have no boundaries, it could jump outside the box. What we think is impossible would be possible outside the box. See, we should not rely on our own standards, our own logic or reasoning because we don't hold the reality, it's the reality that holds us.
  5. Through our intelligence, we try to rule out our nature. Some worldview treat the physical reality as a complete picture of reality. As a human being, we are comfortable base on our reasoning that this is the only reality- The reality we see or perceive. In other words, we look our reality base on our own standards, base on our own intellect or reasoning. And some are confident to hold that position. This is my argument. The own standard argument of reality. We make ourselves as a reference point to define reality-base on our own intelligence or reasoning. Keep in mind that our intelligence is only finite and can we solely rely in it? This is my argument. Response are very much appreciated to cultivate a valuable outcome... Thank you
  6. Does robots have consciousness? Robot's actions are based on the programmed chip that it contains and it's sensors. For example, we have a robot designed to shot the ball if it sees a ball. When it's sensors for vision sees a ball it shots the ball because that is being programmed on it's microchip. The essence of this reasoning is that robots have no consciousness. It is merely a "catch and response" machine depending only on the program of it's microchip. It has no freedom on itself just following the program of it's microchip. It can't do other things other than shooting a ball. It has no freewill in other words. It is not also aware of itself because it has no consciousness. Now I want to go deeper. Consciousness is a separate entity..Why? It is not depending on the program of a certain microchip... How? Robots will never have consciousness because it only depends on the program of it's microchip. Robots are only pattern-seeking machines. They are "mindless of themselves". Another example to clarify all the points regarding this. Again, we take the example of a robot who is designed to become a basketball player. The robot is being program to either shoot or dribble a ball when it sees a ball. Now, what should lead the robot to either shoot or dribble the ball since it has no consciousness or freewill to choose which of the two actions. The only way for a robot to come up into a specific action is engineers will program a random generating action based microchip because creating consciousness is impossible.
  7. Strange Post: "And your god doesn't care that millions of innocent babies are killed in horrible ways." It is due to human sinful acts. It is not God's acts. Due to greediness and carelessness, we forlorn our nature, as we know, our world is a fallen world and we make it even worse. That is why natural disasters are frequent and also due to new ideologies (e.g. Hegelian philosophy)we distorted our fundamental morality and ethics. For example, in some countries, killing a baby (abortion) is legal when infact killing is really a wrong act. Deep in our hearts, we know it.. It happen because we have free will. We are free to choose our actions. Sometimes or oftentimes, we can do what is wrong. Nobody is perfect. God did not do it. We are the ones who do the wrong action that resulted into that bad results. If you ask why God gave us freewill, pls look this post # 173. God already made a way to save our fallen world by sending His Son to redeem us from our sins and to give life to us and an opportunity again to live with Him in heaven because if Jesus did not come to save us, we are completely damn into hell, we don't deserve to be with Him in heaven and no hope from the sufferings that we experience now but what an awesome, merciful and loving God, He doesn't wanted to let it happen to us because we are His treasured possessions. He loves us even as He love His Son Jesus Christ. He offered His Son even knowing that He will be persecuted and put to death. That's the great mercy and love of God being portayed. Yes, God has a great wrath to those who do ungodly ways but He is also a merciful and loving Father. We were already save by Him. He already gave life and hope for this fallen world. What we should only do is to confess our sins and believe in Him so that we will live with Him in heaven. If we do not confess our sins, it means that we continue abiding in our fallen nature and the nature of the fallen world. But if we confess our sins and offer our whole life to Him it means that we already surrender our fallen nature and transforming ourselves not already conforming to the pattern of this world and so, we have the new life living for Him. Yes, we have freewill but it's up to us if we choose Him Who is the Creator of life and hope or the one who is in this world. His coming is near but we don't know when, so we should be prepared always.
  8. Right or wrong doesn't actually exist if you don't belive in God but deep in your hearts, you know a certain action whether it is right or wrong, which make that specific worldview inconsistent. Every second, every minute etc., we are all vulnerable to create sinful acts. Nobody is perfect in this world.
  9. How come mindless particles become intelligent and learn to love. Intelligence comes only from intelligence. The thought of the book you read is from the book but the one who make the thought of the book is intelligence. It is impossible letters arranged by themselves and eventually form thoughts.
  10. Why you have the ability to love if it is not from God? Does evolution make sense.. does inanimate particles combined and formed and ultimately it learns to have the ability to love?
  11. But love is useless without God because God is love. He is the One who gave us the ability to love ourselves and most importantly to love and glorify Him. The book or the bible is God's Word, heaven and earth shall pass away but His Words are not. From 2k years ago up until now, and to forever, His words will remain.
  12. It's not the age of the book but the truth which it speaks. It is the type of book which is best-selling, still stands and overcome all criticisms which also proves that it really speaks the truth.
  13. We should depend only on God, because we owe our life from Him.
  14. God is the Creator of all. After our first parents ate the apple, they become knowledgable of good and evil so we know the acts of right and wrong. The snake who is Satan, wants us to rebel also against God and became like God. This is the very reason why Satan became a fallen angel because He wants to be like God and proud of Himself. Like God in the sense that we don't depend on Him, instead we depend on ourselves, on our own knowledge and abilities.
  15. They are already warned by God.. I think you mean-God created us having free will. God created us having free will so that we are not like robots following only what is intended to do. In other words, if God did not created free willed beings, those beings will not experience God's glory in many aspects like His mercy, love, Greatness etc. We are like robots incapable of realizing God's greatness or we are not conscious about it. But if we are free willed beings, we are conscious of God's glory. We have consciousness or awareness on ourselves and the surroundings. When you are conscious, you are free on what you want to do unlike robots.
  16. What are other reason why we are sinners?
  17. I'm just answering the question, justifying that we are all "evils" because we are all sinners.
  18. Brother/sister, we are all sinners from the start of our life in this world we live. It is a hereditary sin passed on generation to generation from our first parents. We are all unrighteous. Our sinful nature affected our physical/emotional nature ( mortality, physical limitations, bad attitudes) and spiritual nature-our relationship with the Almighty Creator. But because God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son to wash away our sins through His cleansing blood flowed in the cross and so we are being saved. Believe in Him as a personal saviour of your life.
  19. I will provide my first evidences for Christianity: (Quoted from website:http://www.thedivineconspiracy.org/Z5221O.pdf in the Book Reasonable Faith by William Lane Craig pages 29-35) From the book I quote: 1. According to Augustine: "We see that something is true by either physical perception or rational demonstration. We believe that something is true on the basis of the testimony of others. Hence, with regard to miracle and prophecy, Augustine says that the trustworthiness of reports of either past or future events must be believed, not known by the intelligence. Elsewhere he declares that one should believe in God because belief in him is taught in the books of men who have left their testimony in writing that they lived with the Son of God and saw things that could not have happened if there were no God. Then he concludes that one must believe before he can know. Since for Augustine the historical evidence for miracle and prophecy lay in the past, it was in the realm of authority, not reason. Today, on the other hand, we would say that such a procedure would be an attempt to provide a rational foundation for authority via historical apologetics. Why accept the authority of the writers of the past, whether they be the classical writers or the authors of Scripture? Clearly, if Augustine is to avoid circular reasoning, he cannot say that we should accept the authority of the evangelists because of the authority of Scripture, for it is the evangelists’ testimony to miracle and prophecy that is supposed to make evident the authority of Scripture. So Augustine must either come up with some reason to accept the evangelists’ testimony as reliable or abandon this historically oriented approach. Since he lacked the historical method, the first alternative was not open to him. Therefore, he chose the second. He frankly admits that the books containing the story of Christ belong to an ancient history that anyone may refuse to believe. Therefore, he turns to the present miracle of the church as the basis for accepting the authority of Scripture. He saw the very existence of the mighty and universal church as an overwhelming sign that the Scriptures are true and divine." 2. According to Aquinas: "Thomas’s procedure, may be summarized in three steps: (1) Fulfilled prophecies and miracles make it credible that the Scriptures taken together as a whole are a revelation from God. (2) As a revelation from God, Scripture is absolutely authoritative. (3) Therefore, those doctrines taught by Scripture that are neither demonstrably provable nor empirically evident may be accepted by faith on the authority of Scripture. Thus, Aquinas can say that an opponent may be convinced of the truths of faith on the basis of the authority of Scripture as confirmed by God with miracles.8 Again the question arises: How do we know that the purported miracles or fulfilled prophecies ever took place? The medieval thinkers, lacking the historical method, could not answer this question. They developed a philosophical framework in which the signs of credibility confirmed the truths of faith, but they had no way of proving the signs themselves. About the only argument was Augustine’s indirect proof from the miracle of the church. Thus, Thomas declares: "Now such a wondrous conversion of the world to the Christian faith is a most indubitable proof that such signs did take place. . . . For it would be the most wondrous sign of all if without any wondrous signs the world were persuaded by simple and lowly men to believe things so arduous, to accomplish things so difficult, and to hope for things so sublime." 3. According to Locke: "In his subsequent works The Reasonableness of Christianity (1695) and Discourse on Miracles (1690), Locke argued that fulfilled prophecy and palpable miracles furnish proof of Christ’s divine mission. He set forth three criteria for discerning a genuine revelation. First, it must not be dishonoring to God or inconsistent with natural religion and the natural moral law. Second, it must not inform man of things indifferent, insignificant, or easily discovered by natural ability. Third, it must be confirmed by supernatural signs. For Locke, the chief of these signs was miracle. On the basis of Jesus’ miracles, we are justified in regarding him as the Messiah and his revelation from God as true." And I added: Mat. 24:14 of the scripture: King James Version (KJV) "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." The Gospel shall be preached into the whole world which is actually happening now.. Missionaries go to and fro to preach the Gospel. Almost all the nations of the world know about Jesus Christ and His Gift of salvation. Christianity is the world's biggest religion. As what we see, what is written in the bible is actually happening now. It's just because we are really a fallen world. The curse resulted from sin affected God's creation. It doesn't mean that babies are bad. It's just because we are really a fallen world. The curse resulted from sin affected God's creation. It doesn't mean that babies are bad. If you want God to eradicate evil, you are demanding Him to eradicate us. But we all know God did not do it because God have a great mercy on us. Salvation is His alternative for us rather than eradication. Instead of eradicating us, He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to save us from our sins. We see here that God really is an Omniscient Being because He knows what is the right thing to do for us, coupled by His great love and mercy on us. God has no gender because, He is spirit. The pronoun He only represents a Higher authority. In this worldy scenarios, men symbolizes authority, like father in the family.
  20. I observed that all of us has the innate commonality of emotions. I observed particularly for example, is our ability to feel comfortably when we listen a comfortable song,delightful feeling of seeing the beauty of nature and many more. If someone neglect it, he still feel it. What I really mean is that all of us has the common behavior but because of our intelligence, we question it.. Any response is very well invited to accumulate a fruitful discussion... Thank you....
  21. My friend, Christianity is superior to other religion because it worships the true God.I know that Christianity is true because God Spirit lives in me and assures me that it is true and you can know that it is true too, because God is knocking on your heart.If you sincerely seek Him then He will give you the assurance that the gospel is true.Now to try to show you that it is true, I'll share with you some arguments and evidence that I really find convincing. But should my arguments seem weak and unconvincing, that's my fault, not God's. Whatever you think about my arguments, God still loves you and holds you accountable. I'll do my best to present good arguments to you. But ultimately, you have to deal not with arguments, but with God Himself.
  22. There are no hindrances when God revealed Himself to those who don't know Him. God will reveal to them personally. God test those Christians on how great their faith is by letting evil on their lives. But we all know God is not the author of evil. He only let evil (since there is already evil in this world) as a diagnose of how great the faith of a Christian is. Amidst all this sufferings, the true Christian will flourished because of his great faith in God. By this,we see that all things work together for the good of a Christian. He proves himself that he is really a child of God. We also experience evil or sufferings in our lives to let us remind that there is a God when there are times that we forgotten Him.
  23. There are factors to be considered why they did not know the bible. It would be because of wrong choices or they did not accept the bible, or because they born in a country with different religion- That is why there are Christian missionaries who go to dangerous, remote places to preach the word of God.
  24. Yes, some of these known religions are classified us heathen religions. But what is important is our relationship with Jesus Christ because if we have relationship with Jesus Christ , we will know the truth. And the truth will set us free.
  25. If we believe in Jesus Christ as the One Who saves us from our sins and follow His will, we will be save. In Him, I found myself.
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