What we experience now- sufferings, famines is just the consequence of the disobedience of our first parents. After our first parents disobeyed the command, the whole creation became a fallen creation. Before the fall, the creation of God is a perfect creation but because our first parents rebelled against the Creator, there is a spiritual and physical death. The sin committed by our first parents, affect not only themselves but also the whole creation.That's why, we experience sufferings and famines. Again, God did not do it.
But here is the good news. Because God so love the world, he did not eradicate it, instead He gave His only begotten Son to save us from our sins. Thru Jesus Christ, there is assurance of salvation. God really is omnibenevolent God because He cares for us. He doesn't want us to go to hell and consumed by our sins.
Bible is the word of God.Thru reading the bible we can uncover the treasuries of knowledge and the truth about Him. Read the bible and you will prove it.
I myself can testify the genuineness of the bible.
It is useful for life guidance into Him that created us. For example, moral laws, proper behaviour, establishing relationship to Him etc. If you read and ponder upon it, it will change your life unto righteousness.
Remember, we are the ones who created evil after we disobeyed Him in the garden of eden. If God eradicate evil, He eradicate us because we are the ones who committed evil. But because of the great love of God on us, instead of eradicating us, He redeem us from our sins through His begotten son, Jesus Christ. That's how great God's love is Because He is God. He created everything.He is worthy to be glorified.We ourselves are created to Glorify Him.
We should focus ourselves for his own glory. Focusing only on ourselves is the heart of idolatry.
God can't be seen because He is not like us. He revealed himself to us 2000 years ago.
With regards to the problem of evil, God let evil to be in this world so that we must seek Him and His glory,His love and mercy.
According to a book I quote: For God to plan a universe in which evil exists is a good thing if that evil will be used by God to bring greater Glory to Himself.
Evil is not a thing but a privation of good- this happen after the fall of mankind from the garden of Eden.
God allows evil to achieve a greater good.
From the same book I quote:
The Greatest example of Man's evil overruled by God's glory is the murder of Jesus which is the most wicked act perpetuated by a human being-deicide,-the killing of a God. Yet, in that same act, we see the salvation of the world,the defeat of Satan, and most importantly, the glory of God's justice displayed for all the cosmos to witness.
Some people did not believe because they did not see. Are their really sure what they can't see really don't exist?
Consider for example radio waves. You can't see but you know it exist.
Many revised theories had been proposed in the pre-bigbang moment, Vilenkin's model have flaws and other competing models. For example the multiverse theory of Alan Guth. The problem of this theory is where is the source of the energy fueling the multiverse came from? And if it is only from nothingness, how come nothingness produce something?
Probe your own body thru a microscope and you will see cells with complexities. Little machineries which defies evolution. As well in the universe. Infinitude of stars you will see at night, where you could probably wonder what is the source of their unfaltering energy.
If you believe there's nothing to lost instead there is something added to your life. As I study science, I don't see science contradicted the existence of God, instead it shouts out that there is a God.
This answer is a escaping answer. What is the reason, why you should not believe?
The evidence so far is the beginning of the universe where the pre-bigbang moment is a complete nothingness
As a Christian, I want to ask those who don't believe in God, why they don't believe, what encourages or pushes them to not believe? What is the exact reason why they don;t believe?
Are their reasons completely enough to firmly hold their positions?
Before holding their position, did they think first?
Did they balance things first?
Are they able to check their own selves or hear their own inner selves before deciding to hold their postions?
I am curious about this....
Feedbacks are very much appreciated. Thank You...
Planets orbit around a specific star, e.g. the sun in our solar system. What I observed is although billions of years had passed, still the planets orbit around the sun unchanged in it's position or even only a very tiny amount of change..
Why is this?
Why planets are faithful to follow the course of their orbits?
Can we infer that it's just the result of accident even it characterizes organization?
Every second, every minute, hours, days, etc. we learn..
But our knowledge are finite and is this would probably hinder our goal to understand the reality if we only rely solely on our logical abilities?
Answers are welcome... tnx...
We gaze at the stars in the sky and wonder why it look that way, why it has that specific properties.
It's just the result of anthropic principle?
Many questions pop out from my mind,with regards to this questionning...
We live in the world which is full of different aspects of life. Such aspects are social, individual, philosophical, religion, scientifical, etc. so many aspects. We use different ideologies that serves as our life-meaning, that we fail to hear our inner voices....
Wars, famine etc. that we all know are negative waves of times. But others say it is not negative, it is just the flow of nature...
What I want to affirm now is that there are ethical values which are innate to us, e.g. conscience...
Counting number filed (1,2,3,....) results into consequences such as for example prime numbers. Prime numbers are located in the counting number filed (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,...). The bolded numbers are primes. So we can assume that the counting number field has a great relationship to PN that needs to study to know the deep nature of prime numbers.
So for you, what could be there relationship?
What I mean is that-Provided that humans are intelligent beings so even themselves can't create simple living organisms how much more mindless or "by chance" processes of the interaction of particles.
Purely naturalistic without the intervention of intelligence.The result is chaotic or random processes because there is no intelligence that guides the processes.
Are the rules of chemistry not the result of random processes?
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