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A Childs Mind

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Everything posted by A Childs Mind

  1. ............... why dose every one have to read deep into information............ if i may say so this was my reserch tbh. to see if people take a simple question and blow it out of perportion. few acualy go along and have fun with it. but people are so caught up on being smart all the time they forget wut life is about. stop dwelling over knowledge for once and have fun. be randome.
  2. ahhh like the brain thing from teen tightans.....yes i watch cartoons still bite me
  3. ......i didint notice that....creeeeepy
  4. but you all miss the point. im not talking about the imune system. i belive i put this in the wroung catigory i intende it to be a philisophical question....
  5. can our mind creat alternet personalities or felling of an alternate thought
  6. 1 word.........zombie
  7. Results 1 - 10 of about 25,430,000,000 for "a" with Safesearch on. (0.31 seconds)
  8. oh ya well moo ha take that. i fell the burn in your ears...
  9. How can we have distiance when i have a gf who lives states away from me and we talk on webcame and on the phone. would this make distiance irelevent
  10. to me it all has to do with belife. if you hurt someone relly bad. the hurt might belive or pray something will happin to you. and it might acualy happin not in the way the person who was hurt wanted but something bad might still happin
  11. so if thats was true. than it would constantly expand till every thing was pushed away from earth. lol in reality in make another univers..... of nothing
  12. WOW that makes so much more scence thank you
  13. My theroy is no. Because gravity would be so stroung the empty space would cave in.
  14. Dont be a Budanki head
  15. who names there kid Red
  16. I like it you put some effort into this bloog
  17. are yal picking on me im seriously tryin to see if thers a patarn
  18. wut im serious im tryin to see if we were animals or humans
  19. Do you have any type of recollection of your previous life as to who and where?? Can you remember? I am doing some research at the moment.. Would appreciate some feedback no matter how outlandish it may sound!!! .... I am a firm believer that we have all had past lives and was wondering if anyone has any type of memories about there previous lives... whether they have been here before or in another dimension does'nt matter... Don't be shy... And Be honest... Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedLike me i belive i was a cat. I dont no i have comone dreams and vishions of cats
  20. It all depends on wut you lisstin to. Like listining to hard core scremo hevymetal wont relly calm you down i perfer the soft forms of trance. and some clasical music
  21. Hands Up it does. the heats will slowly begin to affect the way plants grow. wich will change our food. so yes it dose affect life on earth
  22. BRAVO i would love to be in wutever class you teach
  23. i was watching house the other day. and ther was this guy. was about to die on his deth bed. and all of a suden his wife had trouble brething then stoped. and the husband lened up and started screming help her. then for like 3 days he was helthey but was still dieing so my question can willpower cause a suden bost of recovery.
  24. Aparintly i mean the univers has shown proof that is is beiginging to shrink http://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=66781 Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged space relly isint matter. it just a pocket of particles floting around... think of space as a human. and all the srats and plantets ar just cells. it dose eventualy come to a edge were nothing can traval past. thats just my theory of course
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