Homosexuals can be just as strong and whatever, but they are definitely less masculine.
The whole concept of interest in man is more a woman's quality, which is more 'womanly'.
Plus, exclusive homosexuals have less than half the testosterone level of exclusive heterosexuals on average, which I'm sure contributes to a lack of masculine characteristics.
I'm not sure if homosexuals have lower testosterone because they're gay, or if they are gay because they have lower testosterone (and almost no homosexuals had higher testosterone levels than a heterosexual- "almost no overlap").
Second way would work of course, but,
It can work the first way too, because I read something about this in Ap Psych, dominating behaivor apparently causes testosterone to boost.
Preconceptions, tv portrayals, they are there like that for a reason. They are based on actual facts, even if they are exagerated.
I'm not racist against homosexuals in any way, if you know someone who happens to be gay, it's kind of hard.
Feminist lesbians- so true.