Hi, Can anyone check for me if I'm doing correctly calculations based on 2 equations? Especially an integral because I don't really know how should I compute it. I'm calculating it in microsoft excel (I've got those equations from scientific paper, and I don't really know if there is a mistake or maybe I'm doing something wrong, because I should get other results than I'm actually getting) (I've put both equations and excel file in attachments). From the beginning, I've got a model created in Abaqus CAE and I am taking temperatures of elements from there (temperature depeneds on time, because it it connected with laser irradiation, laser position is changing with time). Then I'm puting it in Arrhenius equation (6). From equation (6) and time I'm calculating integrals (using Trapezoidal rule), subsequently I'm putting it into equation (5). Can anyone help me? Thanks, best regards, Steczkowski Patryk