This is the upgrading of my first research with the same subject, which can be found in
My conclusion in the first article has been optimized as below:
A whole number, odd or even, can be analyzed as the sum of a prime number and two Fibonacci numbers. Here we have some examples
52362 = 52127 (prime) + 2 (Fibonacci 1) + 233 (Fibonacci 2)
52381 = 51769 (prime) + 2 (Fibonacci 1) + 610 (Fibonacci 2)
Also, this time I verified with range [5 - 10,000,000 (ten millions)]. It’s lucky that no failing case as the first time. That means all positive integer number from 5 to 10,000,000 match my rule above.
To view my result, first of all, readers can go to this location
Then download file test.txt to local machine and open it with Notepad++.
Here the first column is the prime number, the second column is the first Fibonacci number, the third column is the second Fibonacci number. And the last one is the whole number to be calculated.
I also put my new research in LinkedIn with the link:
Please put your feedback there so that I can keep track and answer.
Welcome all of you
Thinh Nghiem from Vietnam