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Everything posted by Butch

  1. Butch

    Trump tweets

    I am all for socialism on a small level, it is good to have community to do those things... It is not our governments job. He did not change his story, just his actions, he is very anti media... And I don't blame him.
  2. Butch

    Trump tweets

    Yeah, I am talking about things like trading futures... In one minute out the next and hope you grabbed a few dollars. If making a dollar we're easy, a dollar would not be worth much. Trump's job is really tough... Really tough, especially when he chooses to stick to his values and he isn't doing it for the money.
  3. Butch

    Trump tweets

    This is fun people, everybody getting things out there! By the way Trump is a great believer in science benefitting the world, I think we will see some great things, if he can get them through the hill.
  4. Butch

    Trump tweets

    There are those who attended and have done quite well, they don't need their money back. Have you ever played the stock market? I don't mean a 401k, a broker or a Muni. I mean taking the bull by the horns and eking out a profit. He is not afraid for the world to see him as he is, he "ain't" perfect but he is happy in his skin.
  5. Butch

    Trump tweets

    Trump does not back off, change his story or start making apologies... He doubles down on what he believes and "Damn the torpedoes!" How would you like to wake up in his shoes everyday? Now tell, why does he even bother.
  6. Butch

    Trump tweets

    If you paid tuition for Trump University and expected to learn to become a billionaire without applying yourself, would you be surprised when you failed? I believe Trump is an honest statesman, I also believe he is a dog that will rip out your through with no mercy in the business world. If he wanted to be a politician, he could probably do well. I do believe he chooses to be a statesman.
  7. Butch

    Trump tweets

    No he dosent he says what he thinks his supporters want to hear. He speaks what he believes and hopes to have the support of the people, that is why they all hate him on Capitol Hill.
  8. Butch

    Trump tweets

    Before we get to Trump University, let me ask the students here... Did you pay your tuition and have knowledge injected into your veins... Or did you have to work hard to learn? Trump doesn’t deny that four of his businesses have filed for bankruptcy. He argues, however, that filing for bankruptcy is a common business decision, and he was smart to make the moves when he did. His businesses filed reorganizational bankruptcy, He has never filed any form of bankruptcy. No one can speak for everyone. Politicians are just good at using language so that you believe they are.
  9. Butch

    Trump tweets

    That is what we all do, if a man speaks his mind and the people agree for the most part... He might become president! Not trying to be sexist, I used the term man only because of Trump's gender. Again, you had better check your facts... Donald Trump has never been bankrupt. Nothing wrong with that.
  10. Butch

    Trump tweets

    That is not true, you had better check your facts, he does not make apologies or change his story for anyone... Remember where he came from, the business world is a lot tougher than the hill! At least he still says it without consideration about who will like it.
  11. Butch

    Trump tweets

    I don't believe Trump with his super enormous ego will have anyone speaking for him.
  12. Butch

    Trump tweets

    He never does, he says what he thinks, not what he thinks is popular, doesn't mean he isn't wrong... Just means he expresses himself honestly. Politicians have been using office to their own benefit way to long. I don't believe Trump is the best president we ever had, but I do believe he is a statesman who will break up the party on both sides of the fence and give this government back to the people.
  13. Butch

    Trump tweets

    Well, I don't follow his tweets(obviously the media does). I think that someone that speaks off the top of their head, may often speak wrongly, foolishly or unpleasantly... But at least they are speaking honestly.
  14. Butch

    Trump tweets

    Some of Trump's tweets are well... Would we really rather have a president that hides behind closed doors and speaks only via a speech writer or a very strategic press secretary?
  15. As I Have Stated previously... The math of our relative universe does not work in the absolute, if you look at the charts you should be able to understand that with limits of infinity, the hyperbolic curve of acceleration becomes a right angle... This indicates that the framework of the universe exists only @ T0 absolute present time. Because of neural delay and the travel time of photons we witness the curved path between -15 Ms and -13.67 billion years, if we look at a distant body it can be plotted as a single point between these two. I have elected to describe the beginning of the big bang as the point of unity, as we cannot measure things that are in the past beyond the right angle represented by the plot with limits of infinity, thus we can plot objects on this curve as a function of time with values less than unity. For example a body at a distance of 1 gly would be placed at 1/13.67 = T-0.073152889539136. I prefer to call 13.67 gly one cosmic unit, if you think it wise to use different units I am open to suggestions. If you follow me, we can continue with dimensional analysis, I am just trying not to lose you along the way, you have been responding for quite some time... I do appreciate that.
  16. I see the multiverse as a web of black holes each containing a universe which contains black holes... Excellent article, it has occurred to me that if the universe is infinite it still has a finite number of possibilities defined by physical laws, hence it would reduce to a fractal... An infinite number of the same occurrences.
  17. How much dimension does a frequency shift have? A photon can have a frequency measured over an infinitesimal amount of time. Indeed if a photon gives up it's energy( which they do) what is left of it? The fool on the hill, sees the sun going down, but the eyes in his head see a world spinning 'round.
  18. That is why we call them postulates. I have presented the simplest math I can at this point and you pretend ignorance. It is simply acceleration... Do you or do you not understand S=1/T^2 it is a simple acceleration formula...
  19. In my understanding light is a wave without dimension, hence no mass. Upon encountering matter it creates a dimensional wave when giving up it's energy.
  20. Yes, no satisfaction... I need to create orbital models, I don't need to incorporate forces, but there is timing involved. Android
  21. The evidence for those postulates is confined by the relative universe. They are postulates, because nothing in science is fact. It perhaps is time for you to think on those charts and try to understand so that we can move on. I am pretty sure that you are the rare breed that does not confine themselves to learning, teaching and verifying... You want to explore.
  22. Close but no cigar... What is space without time and what is time without space, note that in the absolute space and time do not coexist! My hypothesis says that the relative universe exists at T0, the absolute present. We can never witness the absolute present because of neural delay and the limited speed of light. The relative universe that we witness in one instant, no longer exists in the next instant. Our sense of time is created by our minds and is a factor of the neural delay (a fly has a much different sense of time). The absolute function would be as T approaches 0, S approaches infinity. When plotted to infinity this path is a right angle... When we translate this into what we witness in the relative, it becomes an accelerating expansion of space (matter included) so the formulae I have presented is simple acceleration... Do not let this trip you up, we are for the most part unaware of this expansion because we are a part of it. There are some indications of it and it can be measured... It can also become a victim of errant assumptions. Actually, we do have it both ways... The object is distant and in the past, it is smaller then and the photons it originated then have a shorter wavelength than the photons it is originating at present. If these photons do not experience red shift in their journey across space they would arrive at our retina with higher frequency and hence energy than they should have. Please note that the absolute facet of this phenomena would have the photons accelerating with expansion a double whammy for energy of the photon, thus the red shift in the absolute would be equal to that in the relative and they would be additive, one we can measure, one we cannot... That is we cannot measure it directly, however we know it is equal to the relative. Expressing this in more precise mathematical terms would again be meaningless until you grasp the concept, if you will study the charts I think it will help. Redshift and the apparent accelerating expansion of the universe that current assumptions postulate. There is other evidence, but again, we would be getting ahead of ourselves. I really am making a great effort to make sure you have your head around this concept before we move on. That does not mean you need accept it, just grasp it.
  23. I am seeking to create an animation of an atomic model of my own creation, I need an animation app to do this on my phone, any suggestions?
  24. Alright then, here is the answer regardless of the distance between the tires, if they are the same size, they will leave subsequent marks at the same distance from the original paint spot... The answer is 0.
  25. These charts are plots of space v time via the function space = 1/time^2. For clarification: Time here is absolute time, it is flat and infinite. Space is the absolute dimension of space, not just the void between particles. This then is the path of space v time, at this scale it approaches a right angle and indeed plotted with limits of infinity it would be a right angle. But let us take a closer look... This is not the chart I had prepared but it will do... At this scale we observe a hyperbolic curve, the relative soace/time we are familiar with lies along this curve. The "Big Bang" began at -unity. If you refer to the first chart note that unity is at the vertex of the right angle. Our present is at T-15ms (neural delay) as we look into the distance we are looking into the past, the past lies along the path of T-n, the furthest we can observe is T-1. The physics student wondered, "Why is that frisbee getting larger?" And then it hit him. (At T0, however he did not realize it until T+15ms). We do not see them actually being smaller because we are also matter that is expanding, their relative size remains the same at any point in time, however we are observing distant objects as they were in the distant past... They were smaller then. I warned you that this concept would seek to escape you, it is difficult to think outside of relative space time. Simply put, perspective is a part of the illusion that is the relative universe... It is difficult to ignore this illusion, it is ultimately persistent. Perhaps it would provide incentive to grasp this concept if it seemed a worthy pursuit, so what is the use of understanding something that is outside of our "reality"? This absolute frame of reference would provide a means by which to verify and/or modify current science, it would also provide clues for new discoveries. It should not however negate solid scientific theory, rather it should enhance our understanding.
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