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Dave Davidson

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  1. There is no place in science for racism and discrimination? Racism defined as using the race concept, like others isms, a concept used with exactly the same definition as any phylogenetic category? I'd say there certainly is a place for racism in science. Perhaps due to the intentionally vague nature of the word you are trying to imply "racism" necessitates gas chambers and slavery, and then associating this with discussing human psychological differences, a cheap and dishonest but entirely common tactic. Sadly modern politics has devolved to the point where mindless sheep bleat "racist, racist" ad infinitum. It's sad that such mindless idiocy affects science too. Amazing how one can dismiss categories by putting "ist" on the end and name calling your opponents. It's amazing because people are stupid enough to fall for it. Discrimination? As in observing differences? An agenda? My "agenda" was to debate human variation scientifically. The science of your members was incredibly weak. It's a pity you can't criticise my science, and instead have to pretend you can know my motivation, as if that's of any relevance anyway. Perhaps your agenda is Communism or White genocide or global Islamification or Jewish supremacy. I don't know and wouldn't pretend to. I would discuss the science. What there isn't a place for in science is mindless name calling based on your personal feelings. Pathetic board.
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