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Everything posted by bascule

  1. Hearsay is fun. I heard McCain eats babies.
  2. bascule

    Poor Joe

    When I was a teenager I used to look to George Will as a conservative blowhard, but it seems like lately we agree on a surprising number of issues. So much so that I have to wonder... is George Will turning into a liberal?
  3. Interesting take on this by the New Yorker: http://www.newyorker.com/talk/comment/2008/11/03/081103taco_talk_hertzberg?printable=true
  4. It follows recent statements by both McCain and Palin that Obama's economic plans (specifically in regard to redistribution of wealth) are "a little bit like socialism" And from there, it's just a hop, skip, and a jump away for the base to start calling Obama a Communist
  5. So apparently it's just fine with Pangloss that our government hopped across the Syrian border and murdered civilians including 4 children. What?
  6. You know, for some reason I don't buy that, maybe because I'm a childish, elementary-school, crybaby liberal. You honestly take that response at face value? I'm sorry, I guess I don't...
  7. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,444101,00.html What?? Why are we attacking Syria? This is completely absurd...
  8. It's easy to generalize about dumb people. Like... ever been to the South? But that doesn't count... how do you actually know they're dumb?
  9. http://www.economist.com/vote2008/?source=features_box_main McCain does not seem too popular internationally...
  10. Here's a photo of his visit to Denver, with over 100,000 people attending:
  11. I don't have any personal stories, but here's some video of people leaving a McCain rally in my hometown: The Republican base certainly seems to hate Obama...
  12. iMovie HD is awesome for this, if you have a Mac
  13. I think the latter is the far more likely possibility.
  14. Obama is in Denver right now (watching it live), and is going on to Colorado State University to speak in a venue that holds 20,000. The lines to get into that venue are 2 miles long http://www.coloradoan.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081026/NEWS03/81026007/1002/rss (whoops, how did this end up in computer science? my bad)
  15. You might try LED bulbs. Their bases are still a bit bulgy, but tend to be less so than their CFL counterparts.
  16. bascule

    Poor Joe

    Oh man, that again? Let me state for the record: I'm for wealth redistribution. Obama's answer certainly didn't offend me. The Fox News crowd has certainly latched onto that line though...
  17. bascule

    Poor Joe

    Hmm, Joe has a suspended drivers license and more than $700 in outstanding court fines What a stand-up fella...
  18. I think that's certainly up for debate, heh
  19. Yes, out came the S-word! An aspiring young wingnut asked McCain why we have a progressive tax structure. McCain's answer seems to describe Obama's tax plan...
  20. http://fivethirtyeight.com presently predicts a 94.9% chance that Obama will win on election day
  21. Whoops, mea culpa
  22. C++ is a terrible first language to start with. Just my two cents. I'd recommend starting with a lower level language like C or a higher level language like Java, Python, Ruby, etc. C++ is in an uncanny valley between low and high level features where the set of compromises it's made have greatly complexified the language into a byzantine mass of concepts which do not play well together and do not serve a new programmer in understanding programming.
  23. Yesterday reports came out that the GOP has spent $150,000 on outfits for Palin alone, a remark Palin called sexist. Today the New York Times reported that McCain's top staffer is... Palin's makeup artist, who was paid $22,000 for the first two weeks of October alone. Is any of this substantive, or is it just a bunch of mindless bluster? In my opinion it's indicative of how the McCain campaign has its priorities wrong.
  24. Well, since no one else created this thread, I figured I would. Cast your vote for the next president of the US!
  25. No, I don't, and from the abstract this doesn't appear to be a paper on quantum consciousness. Except we do... the brain receives information through the peripheral nervous system. You can hypothesize some sort of crazy reverse-time-affects-brain thing if you'd like, but without evidence for it, why should we believe that any more than the tooth fairy?
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