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Everything posted by bascule

  1. Are you familiar with the slippery slope fallacy? Well... ostensibly not... hello Bill O'Reilly... if we let gays marry we have to let people **** their donkeys too...
  2. Well, thanks for opening a dialogue, Pangloss. I'm curious if you think there's anything odd about the pre-emptive arrests which have been occurring before the RNC. Is that abnormal, or just standard operating procedure?
  3. Palin has been Bristol's mother for 17 years. I think that counts a bit more... If she got a largely secular Danish education, she'd have a 0.5% chance of Only a VP candidate? You're just giving her a bye? She has credentials that are questionable for a cabinet member, let alone the person who takes over the country when the president is incapacitated or dies. We're talking 20 months as governor of a state with 3 electoral votes. That's supposed to give her the experience to command an entire nation? She was governor of a state whose population makes up 0.2% of the entire nation... for 20 months.
  4. Well, he's been charged with "interference and posting unauthorized posters" supposedly. I guess the camera crew was arrested for conspiracy to commit interference and post unauthorized posters. I don't know what "interference" is, but unauthorized posters are, at worst, misdemeanor littering, punishable by a $100 fine. It's something you get a ticket for. It's not something you get arrested for, but YSMV. I suppose I take offense to a figure like Shepherd Fairey, whose imagery is at this point intractably intertwined with the Obama campaign, getting arrested at the DNC for putting up Obama posters "illegally." Yes, clearly from the OP I have no vested interest in street art. My interest appeared today when I suddenly gained interest when it helped me further a political point about abuse of power at the DNC and RNC. Let me say: I was almost thinking about posting a thread about how police abuse of DNC was overstated, but I unfortunately I didn't manage to snap a photo of a cop in riot gear petting a puppy in time to back it up. If their posters looked like this, hell yes:
  5. You might take a look at what George Orwell has to say about nationalism: http://www.resort.com/~prime8/Orwell/nationalism.html Nationalism is not to be confused with patriotism.
  6. Looks like it was a mistake... apparently Google forgot this was a browser, not a web site: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080903-google-on-chrome-eula-controversy-our-bad-well-change-it.html That's odd considering Webkit nightlies were getting 100/100 back in March. Most likely passing acid3 wasn't one of Google's top concerns, or they just haven't been keeping up with the Webkit HEAD. I don't think they were bragging so much as pointing out that it makes it difficult to optimize JavaScript. You can inline "methods" (i.e. anonymous functions stored in an "object") for one object, but that same optimization can't be applied to other objects. However, people end up using objects as if they belong to a class anyway, so by inferring hidden "classes" optimizations made to one object can be applied to all objects of the same class. Flash isn't something it's easy to interoperate with, however it has one of the best ECMAScript VMs available, Tamarin. Given the sheer amount of time Adobe has had to optimize it I would expect Tamarin to perform on par with V8 (if not faster).
  7. ...taken from behind with no verbal orders to disperse, etc: http://www.minnpost.com/stories/2008/09/03/3320/ap_photographers_last_pre-arrest_shot_is_a_stunner After attending the DNC, I really get the feeling the cops at the RNC are 100x worse...
  8. Her daughter is indicative of the shortcomings of her policies, but you don't have to look to that for evidence. There are studies documenting the shortcomings of abstinence-only programs in reducing pregnancy rates (and in some cases, increasing pregnancy rates over a control group who didn't take any sex ed)
  9. I enjoy a culture that can look at the law and see shades of gray, unfortunately most cops only see their own particular version black and white.
  10. Well, that's the nature of street art. Banksy's alterations are done with paint. You'd be an idiot to paint over one. The proper thing to do is put it in a display case, or rip out the entire section of wall and put it on display somewhere. I'm sure people would kill to commission a Banksy work on their building, but that's just not how he operates, which is part of the value (although the Swiss Embassy managed to vicariously commission a Banksy by opening up their parking garage to whichever street artists wanted to paint there) Shepherd Fairey was putting up posters. People tape up posters on the street all the time. I wasn't under the impression that it's something you could even get arrested for. It's an easily reversible act (just rip the poster down) and again, you'd be an idiot to throw the posters in the trash. Hang onto it for a few years and (particularly if Obama gets elected) you'll have quite the collector's item on your hands. It's really hard to argue that a street artist of Shepard Fairey's caliber is defacing your property, even if you're a Republican. He may as well be defacing your property with hundred dollar bills. Also, why did they arrest the camera crew? Conspiracy to commit street art? I see this as a case of a bunch of philistine cops acting with zero clue about what they were actually doing.
  11. He got arrested for putting up posters. Hope posters. Posters he designed. A design that's probably the most noteworthy this year. I'm sure you could eBay those posters for hundreds of dollars now.
  12. Oh. I guess it does. Sounds like this was properly handled. Thanks Bascule. What the insane Pangloss logic? Let's see if I follow it correctly here: 1) Some people were arrested at the DNC for charges ranging from “assault on a police officer” to “throwing stones or missiles.” 2) Shepherd Fairey was arrested at the DNC C) Shepherd Fairey was clearly assaulting police officers and throwing stones or missiles QED! Read harder, Pangloss:
  13. Looks like the copy and pasted the YouTube EULA...
  14. Here's a taste of YouTube action: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sIzovpnYk2o That's it? WTF? Well, nobody ever said he was a man of words...
  15. England's most celebrated street artist is most certainly Banksy, who's pulled a number of quite interesting stunts like doctoring several copies of Paris Hilton's album and distributing them in music stores, but he's mostly known for his "graffiti". Banksy is revered as a cultural hero, and many municipalities meticulously protect and restore his artworks. Well, that's England for you... Back here in America we don't have a Banksy, but we have Shepard Fairey. There's two likely paths you've encountered his artwork: his now ubiquitous portrait of Obama, or his infamous "Obey Giant" artwork: (and yes, that's him putting those posters up) Well, I was quite sad to see that he was arrested at the DNC. Yes, here in America we arrest our street artists for spreading hope. That said, Banksy has taken a trip to the states to decorate New Orleans. It'll be interesting to see if America arrests Banksy too...
  16. Chrome has plug-ins, which are discussed extensively in the Chrome comic: http://www.google.com/googlebooks/chrome/ ...but they're proprietary to Chrome, so...
  17. Well, I tried it out. The UI is a bit ugly, at least on Windows. It reminds me of Ubuntu Gnome. I like what they're going for conceptually but it seems a lot like how I already use Opera. But that said, my overall impression is positive. Memory usage is much lower than FF3, and it feels quite fast. It needs OS X support, gestures, and adblock. Once they get that I can see it becoming my primary browser.
  18. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/02/rnc.day/index.html?eref=rss_topstories He's not going to be physically present, but he'll remote in via satellite. I'll be interested to hear what he has to say...
  19. Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Kennedy Ken-ne-dy for me! Yeah, wouldn't be the first time...
  20. Bristol Palin: living proof of the effectiveness of abstinence education (Sorry, Obama, I played the family card!)
  21. So, Google's making a web browser. They took the Webkit rendering engine (often touted as the fastest around, and by far the simplest given its standards support) and built a multiprocess browser, such that every tab is contained within its own process. And they wrote their own JavaScript virtual machine (called J8) to boot. Sounds pretty spiffy...
  22. I think you'll be hard pressed to find a non-linear editor with an interface that doesn't take some getting used to. Are you calling best-in-class programs like Avid Xpress DV and Final Cut Pro "pretty but crap"? Or for that matter, iMovie...
  23. I smell a shotgun wedding
  24. Yes, that's probably your inexperience with operating systems talking. I can't stand servers (or computers in general) without a *IX operating system... preferably Linux in the case of servers. The interfaces of all those programs look abhorrent. But hey, at least they can interface with DV cams at all, I suppose.
  25. Computers used to be a lot easier to build. The HSF for my 486 weighed only a few grams and was made entirely out of plastic. Now you need some sort of gigantic metal monstrosity to keep CPUs cool. It depends what matters to you. For a system with a good thermal and acoustic profile you're much better off going OEM. Unless you're willing to sink even more money into making a quiet system or one which does an excellent job of cooling, chances are any box you're going to build yourself will be quite loud and run hot.
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