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Everything posted by bascule

  1. I don't think the Second Amendment is clear about anything. It doesn't even read like a valid English sentence to me. That said, I strongly support the right to keep and bear arms. I think it would work much better as a states rights issue, though. I don't think we need a national law as different laws are needed for different states.
  2. To the best of my knowledge, nuclear reprocessing emits all sorts of nasty radioactive isotopes into the water. England's Sellafield-II (a rebranding of the infamous Windscale) was criticized for years for its emissions of Technetium-99 and Krypton-85. They're now decommissioning the entire site.
  3. bascule

    Supreme Court

    I love it when you respond to people's complaints about your strawmen with red herrings. How is that remotely relevant to the other quote? Specifically the "Bush-packed" part... Oh look, doG had the exact same response. Perhaps that should indicate something to you.
  4. I take it he's using MS Paint for kitsch value...
  5. (in the Mr. Burns voice:) NUCLEAR POWER! Fission now, fusion later
  6. I'm not sure what he's waiting for... construction of Yucca Mountain to be completed? If that's the case, we won't see any new nuclear reactors during an Obama administration as Yucca Mountain won't be finished until after 2016.
  7. I think people who suggest the Gimp as an acceptable substitute for Photoshop are doing some pretty simplistic things.
  8. bascule

    Supreme Court

    That would be Pangloss strawmanning his opponents
  9. I find Obama's stance on nuclear power disheartening...
  10. Conservapedia numnut Andy Schlafly recently contacted Professor Richard Lenski about a recent experiment which demonstrated a novel mutation in e. coli bacteria, namely the ability to metabolize citrate: http://www.conservapedia.com/Conservapedia:Lenski_dialog And uhh, yeah, hilarity ensues...
  11. bascule

    Supreme Court

    Uhh, habeas corpus isn't so much an issue of "logic" as an essential civil liberty (perhaps the most essential civil liberty) and one I'd hope you as a self-proclaimed "libertarian" would respect. And do you even have precedent for claiming I'm a hypocrite, or is that more of your typical bluster?
  12. bascule

    Supreme Court

    Since when is habeas corpus a liberal / conservative issue? Are you saying liberals are de facto libertarians and conservatives are de facto authoritarians? I think Stalin would disagree...
  13. I think the proposed "Chevron claims the prize for an existent technology they previously kept suppressed " would royally suck. However, I would like to see better, more efficient batteries for plug-in hybrids developed, and in that regard this seems like a reasonable idea.
  14. I don't believe the world is overpopulated... yet
  15. Are Cubans allowed to drill 45 miles from Florida's coastline? I thought our waters extended 200 miles out... And I'm not sure how the potential environmental impacts of what Cuba is doing somehow mitigate the potential environmental impacts of what we do. By the same logic, should we pollute just as much as China since that's making them more economically competitive?
  16. CNN just ran an article saying pretty much the same thing: http://money.cnn.com/2008/06/23/news/economy/oil_drilling/index.htm?eref=rss_topstories
  17. In Honor of Carlin: Shit. Piss. F*ck. C*nt. Cocksucker. Motherf*cker. Tits. ( censorship)
  18. Emphysema at 24? That's a lot of crack smokin'
  19. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/06/22/1161113.aspx Obama wishes to cut down on excessive energy speculation by closing the so-called "Enron loophole", allowing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to fully oversee the oil futures market and investigate cases where excessive speculation may be driving up oil prices. This would occur by banning trades of oil futures on unregulated offshore exchanges while working with other countries to adopt similar legislation. McCain says he'd also like to close the "Enron loophole" and blasted Obama for stealing his idea, or something, all while getting in a few jabs at Clinton for signing the bill into law in the first place (never mind the Republican Congress who authored it) According to Michael Greenberger, the former director of Trading & Markets for the Commodities Future Trading Commission (CFTC), the government board that oversees commodities markets: “Yes, overnight [closing the Enron Loophole] will bring down the price of crude oil to get at least a 25 percent drop in the cost of oil and a corresponding drop in the cost of gasoline. Some people estimate 50 percent.”
  20. Pinning the problems of corn ethanol on ethanol in general is silly. That said, the influence the corn industry has over this country is sickening.
  21. I'm not much of the bumper sticker type, but this place has awesome t-shirts: http://wearscience.com/
  22. As mathematics is a symbolic language, I think this guy belongs on top:
  23. Funny, the US Energy Information Administration (a subsidiary of the DOE) claims 18 billion barrels, an order of magnitude below the 115 billion barrel figure: http://www.eia.doe.gov/oiaf/aeo/otheranalysis/ongr.html That long haired patchouli wearing hippie George W. Bush also claims 18 billion barrels: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Economy/Oil_prices_soften_on_US_inventory_report/articleshow/3142917.cms Oil consumption in the US is projected to rise in 2009: http://www.eia.doe.gov/steo
  24. http://www.eigenfactor.org/map/maps.htm Calculated by randomly traversing a citation graph
  25. I'd imagine it's a lot like before you were born
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