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Everything posted by bascule

  1. That's why I posted this thread which so far hasn't had a lot of takers...
  2. bascule


    Python is a nice modern dynamic object oriented scripting language. Compared to it languages like Java feel overly verbose, tedious, and poorly designed. Python sports a lot of features that Java lacks, among them lambdas / higher order functions, list comprehensions, and multiple inheritence. That's not to mention its dynamic nature strips away the language boilerplate and just lets you get stuff done. The indentation sensitive syntax is pretty spiffy.
  3. I'm currently playing GTA4, MarioKart, House of the Dead, and Okami
  4. Yes, RepRap is incredibly awesome... glad to see the project continuing to move forward, although it's unfortunate you can't buy parts for a RepRap that were made by another RepRap... yet. You'd think they'd be a lot cheaper that way...
  5. Well, we've had quite the thread discussing various data errors in sources scientists use to build a comprehensive picture in our climate system. However, are these errors affecting the bigger picture, in the form of model outputs? Now that the errors have been corrected, are we seeing a radically different picture of the climate system? As far as I'm aware, we are not...
  6. Yep, sorry about that, that would be the correct paper (they cite this as well: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/301/5632/479?ijkey=4451f674156aabdeaa7e2ec55a08f5b1bfe226d7&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha) No, the values aren't measured because there's no way to quantitatively measure them, especially on a global scale. I'd love to, but I'm probably running into the same problem as you: "The article you have requested is available via Journal Subscription or Single Article Purchase" Have I not told you a billion times that I personally worked on modeling how long term variabilities in cloud formation affect the general circulation of air, within the scope of a GCM? I can personally attest that this problem is being worked on because I helped work on it, regardless of how many times you claim it is not...
  7. I think you blew a fuse in your sarcasm detector
  8. Yes, it's entirely possible we were created by The Moon Dogs of Voltus, or Rael, or that we were brought over here on intergalactic spaceships that look like DC-10s by the evil space overlord Xenu. Lots of things are possible...
  9. Increasing CO2 concentrations have had an increasingly positive forcing effect for the past half century. While it's true that temperature affects the solubility of CO2 in ocean water, this in no way comes close to explaining the massive increases in CO2 concentrations we're seeing now, nor do all other natural sources of CO2 in combination.
  10. It's hard to get a good idea of how someone feels from their voting record alone. Obama and Clinton had fairly similar voting records, but I think it's clear from their respective campaigns that they hold some pretty different views. In fact many times Clinton felt far more akin to McCain than Obama (e.g. the "gas holiday" crap, the "who will answer the call" crap, etc.)
  11. About this time last year I expressed my concerns that if Hillary ended up being VP on the ticket, she's a shoe-in for the Democratic nomination in the event the Democrats win.
  12. What data, how flawed was it, and how much did it affect the reconstructions? That stuff is kinda important For example, a flaw in the data used by GISS for their surface temperature analysis did cause an inaccurate reconstruction of the GMST, but the inaccuracy was only ~0.003°C. http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/2007/
  13. Poll finds majority of Dems want Obama-Clinton ticket :-( :-(
  14. Except the reconstruction wasn't inaccurate, which leads me to question your premise... care to defend it instead of making vague, blanket statements?
  15. Then please, demonstrate it. I'll stop you right there. The forcings aren't modeled, they're model inputs. Yes, and using them to perform an accurate reconstruction of the historical climate provides a test. And again, you don't know what you're talking about... they're not models. The GMST is modeled, not the forcing inputs. Game, set, match! Err, no... The graph was created using the DOE Parallel Climate Model as part of Meehl et al (2004) Yes, my bad, the explanation I gave was for early 20th century warming, not the mid century cooling.
  16. No? Sorry. Here's THE GRAPH again:
  17. OGCMs are calibrated against SST and sea ice data I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about... No? That's entirely explicable based on radiative forcing inputs due to a decrease in volcanic activity (resulting in lower levels of sulfate aerosols) and increased solar activity. Huh? Perhaps you'd care to fill me in here a little better, as I don't know what you're citing. Can you provide a paper? Particularly a publically accessible one? And that said: AOGCMs are calibrated against GHCN data, not SST directly.
  18. Will it be Hillary? http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/06/04/obama.vp/index.html?eref=rss_topstories
  19. Indeed! Thanks for... backing me up? I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill. I don't know if or how SST is used as model inputs for AOGCMs so I'm the wrong person to ask, however the atmospheric/ocean interface is modeled, rather than relying on model inputs alone. The models use ocean heat, not surface temperatures.
  20. That's a pretty broad statement to make based on a fairly limited set of problems. There are models which use the circulation of ocean heat rather than just trying to model the atmosphere/ocean interface with SST alone. Coupled atmosphere-ocean GCMs (AOGCMs), such as HadCM3 and GFDL CM2.X, do not rely on SST for modeling the atmosphere/ocean interface.
  21. You're missing the point. Did the economy actually grow in real dollars? Or are we in the midst of some nasty inflation and the economy actually suffered a loss?
  22. That's the definition the media tend to use, however that's not a technical definition of a recession. A recession is a period of decline in real economic growth (typically for two quarters in a row). The question you have to ask about growth in the GDP was whether it was growth in real dollars, or simply due to inflation. http://www.reuters.com/article/etfNews/idUSN0230080320080602
  23. Not to jump the gun... Obama still needs 12 delegates the secure the nomination. But Hillary has announced that she's willing to be Vice President, and that's a pretty clear indication she's conceded her loss. Wonder if Obama would accept her. That'd be... weird.
  24. i could live with being abused by a hot serial killer

  25. This time I didn't receive a personal reply like I did before, but instead I got a form letter which didn't address my question at all.
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