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Everything posted by bascule

  1. Some more additions: Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan The Beach Boys - God Only Knows Brian Wilson - Good Vibrations (SMILE version)
  2. Just grab as many videos tagged "pseudoscience" as you can off various web sites, look for the most glaring inaccuracies, and document them. This sounds like a great idea for a video Podcast
  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_boat
  4. "accident"?
  5. Mine is a caricaturization of myself
  6. bascule


    The entire game is based on how you present yourself to other people. My advice: pick out the best player in the game, you know, the one who's cleaning everyone out, and pay as many times as you can to see his/her cards... repeatedly, as long as he/she lets you. That, more than anything else, has taught me how Hold 'Em is played.
  7. You mean Atlantis wasn't located in Antarctica, and just got frozen due to crustal displacement?
  8. http://clickcaster.com/item/view/rip-steve-irwin
  9. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4848668803639628771&sourceid=zeitgeist That's right folks... mankind was the first simian, existing long before any of the others, and they've found all sorts of fossil evidence proving that man existed over 100 million years ago! EDIT: removed remark, Bascule wanting this to be posted in pseudoscience
  10. I respect him! At least enough to have bought his last for-laymen book. Anyone who knows anything about Loop Quantum Gravity is likely to at least have heard of him. SEED just ran an article on spacetime braiding which mentioned him. He was respected enough to be asked the 2006 Edge question. Not sure what to make of that guy and his backlash against Smolin. He seemed angry. Yeah... And, on that note, I haven't even finished reading Three Roads to Quantum Gravity yet. Aaaaah!
  11. This is awesome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_that_0.999..._equals_1
  12. Well, I guess I'm going to heaven then, because long ago, I truthfully accepted Jesus Christ into my heart as my personal savior. The concept of forcing aid upon people is silly. You think starving people are going to turn down free food, fresh water, and new clothing? Those who ask, receive. Those who fail to ask, well, **** them, let them burn in hell. Okay, the dichotomy we have here is this: 1) Save people from eternal damnation even if they don't want to be saved. If they want to suffer for all eternity, well, you're just going to foist not suffering upon them because you, God, in your infinite wisdom, think that eventually they'll become of the opition that eternal suffering is a Bad Thing 2) Let the people who want to suffer for all eternity suffer for all eternity because you, in your infinite wisdom, decide that the choices they make now reflect upon them forever, and that they should've fallen in line and believed if they really wanted to be saved. And if after 100 years of suffering they realise "Oh my horribly beaten body, I can't imagine an entire eternity like this", well, too bad for them. So what's the greater evil: saving those who don't want it from eternal damnation, or failing to save everyone from eternal damnation? I'm, uhh, gonna go with the latter... You have sin. Hitler had a hell of a lot of sin. But I guess, per the "join the club if you want in" attitude, Hitler deserves heaven and all the jews he killed deserve hell, because Hitler was an exclusive VIP and the jews, well, they just weren't hip to the trend. But only if you ask for forgiveness before you're trying to get in and have, in front of you, absolute proof that the whole proposition isn't just an artefact of superstitious beliefs from an earlier time. It's kind of like the Statue of Liberty... want to go inside? Well you need a ticket you can only get before you took the ferry ride over here. Don't have the ticket? Too bad, you can't get it here. It's more like you get to a football game, and outside, you run into some college-age types who tell you "Dude, you can't get in with a beer. Here, let me hold it for you, and when you're finished watching the game, I'll give it back to you. I swear that's the case. I'm not going to steal your beer" What if he's not actually a dry alcoholic, but a narc, wanting you to divulge the existence of your open container so they can charge you? Metaphors are fun.
  13. Try PDF Redirect. I've found it works better with Office than Adobe Acrobat Distiller even (or Adobe PDFWriter). We tested out several of these at my last job when we needed to create PDFs of various scientific papers and presentations, and this was the one that worked the best. It's also great for producing small PDFs from Microsoft Word documents. The majority of papers my research group put out before were done in Word with only the boss's papers done in LaTeX. Why would scientists waste their time learning LaTeX when they can just write their papers with Word and MathType?
  14. I dreamed about a girl I like last night too. Nothing that strange about it at all.
  15. The main Jewish guy I know is the guy who owns a local kosher deli. He's one of the few people I know who actually tries to hold a conversation with you while making food, and if you're looking for the cheapest way to do anything, well, he's the guy to talk to, heh...
  16. Umm, thank you for giving me a place to rant about Scientology. I guess I should've taken the initiative myself. In fact, I think I will.
  17. It's 2030... post-Singularity application analyzing technology has rendered spyware and adware nonexistent, but now you have to worry about hackers getting into your brain and altering your memories.
  18. "is said" isn't exactly a reliable source now, is it? It is said that dragons once inhabited several parts of the world. It is said that leprechauns occupy parts of Ireland. It is said that long ago unicorns dwelled in the forests of England. Do you believe everything that... "is said"?
  19. How can you claim God is "infinitely forgiving" if he's unwilling to forgive those who don't ascribe to the Christianity meme? Why does this gift of infinite forgiveness come with strings attached? How would America be looked upon if the only Iraqis we offered aid to were ones who swore allegiance to America? Or what if Church-run homeless shelters were to turn away those who didn't swear they were members of the Christian religion? Why does God command humans to do so much work to spread his word, to be charitable to the unsaved until they come around, when he could solve the whole mess by simply being equally as charitable as his followers? Isn't it evil to put strings on a gift like salvation from eternal damnation? If you were God, wouldn't you want to save everyone, regardless of whether they accept you, reject you, love you, hate you, blaspheme you, etc. There's something almost nihilistic and Nietzsche-esque about God's attitude. The sort of "long live the strong, screw the weak and let them die" about the entire thing. From a Utilitarian perspective, God is terribly immoral and a hypocrite for posing such a quandry. The right thing to do would be to save everyone, since that's in the greatest interest of the most number of people. IMM is right. What kind of monsterious, sadistic God would let Hitler into heaven while condemning the 6 million Jews Hitler vicariously murdered to eternal damnation? Isn't this example an excellent illustration of what a horrible metric swearing allegience to an idea is for offering a charitable gift, especially one so important as salvation from eternal damnation.
  20. It's the only life you've got. Make the most of it. Step one to not being a loser is to stop acting like a loser. Stop sitting around at home writing crappy web browsers and get out. Find something to do. If you suck at everything, find something you can do passively that you enjoy. Go to a show. Network with people with similar interests who are passively doing the same thing as you. That's how you make friends, without having to do a goddamn thing except dragging your ass somewhere other than around your house/dorm room/whatever. You're in college and you can't make friends? A dorm is a ready-made social network. Aren't you surrounded by people with similar interests? All of my friendships I have now can be vicariously traced to connections I made with people in the dorms, since the whole experience plopped me in a new city where I didn't really know anyone except the skant few I still maintained contact with from my hometown. Your workplace is a great place to network too. Where do you work anyway, and why can't you make friends there? If nothing else, try taking up a job in a call center. This will teach you how to talk and converse with people, since judging by your moping you clearly suck at that. And furthermore, it's a great place to network with people your own age. Don't try to start your own business if you don't know what you're doing. I tried. I failed. I work for a startup now (which I own a part of) and now understand the full implecations of starting your own business. They're vast, and unless you're a pathologically self-organizing and self-motivating person (which you're clearly not) you're going to fail at self-employment. Furthermore, you're not going to be able to network in a work environment if you try to be self-employed. So there you go, some "orange band" advice
  21. Maybe he wouldn't need so many kilos of sugar if he had a smaller family.
  22. BRAIN FACTS AND FIGURES: http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/facts.html Total neurons in the brain: 100 billion Total neocortical neurons: Approximately 20 billion (Pakkenberg, B., Pelvig, D., Marner,L., Bundgaard, M.J., Gundersen, H.J.G., Nyengaard, J.R. and Regeur, L. Aging and the human neocortex. Exp. Gerontology, 38:95-99, 2003 and Pakkenberg, B. and Gundersen, H.J.G. Neocortical neuron number in humans: effect of sex and age. J. Comp. Neurology, 384:312-320, 1997.) And another paper: http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1096-9861(19970728)384:2%3C312::AID-CNE10%3E3.0.CO;2-K#search=%22humans%20million%20neocortical%20columns%22 Some claims: A human neocortical column consists of 60,000 neurons http://www.forbes.com/technology/sciences/2005/06/06/cx_mh_0606ibm.html (Same article claims there are 10 billion neurons in the human brain) Humans have a million (or millions) of neocortical columns http://bluebrainproject.epfl.ch/FAQs.htm So what is it? 20 billion neocortical neurons / 60,000 neurons per NCC = 333,333 NCCs 20 billion neocortical neurons / 1 million NCCs = 20,000 neurons per NCC
  23. This was a meme started by Stephen E. Jones, specifically in regard to WTC7: http://www.physics.byu.edu/research/energy/htm7.html However, it's been parroted in 9/11 conspiracy theorist sites all over the web, including ones who try to corroborate their claims with physics, and applied to WTC1 & WTC2 as well: http://physics911.net/closerlook.htm http://911research.wtc7.net/wtc/analysis/proofs/speed.html http://www.911blimp.net/prf_FreeFallPhysics.shtml http://www.tpmcafe.com/blog/911wasinsidejob/2006/jul/31/the_official_9_11_conspiracy_theory_defies_physics The incinuation is that "cutter" charges would need to be placed in the towers to clear the lower floors to allow them to collapse as the rate they did.
  24. Didn't Kent "Dr. Dino" Hovind consider himself a cryptozoologist, looking for those elusive dinosaurs that all those ignorant evolutionists claim haven't existed for 65 million years?
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