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Everything posted by bascule

  1. What courts have said that Bush's "wartime powers" take precedence over the Fourth Amendment and FISA? I just hope present resentment among the American people is enough to induce a little change-of-guard in Congress, at which point I hope to see Bush impeached. Then maybe we'll get a litte retribution for the White House's disregard for the freedoms they claim they're trying to protect.
  2. #6 from the top Indeed. Although not to sound like an arrogant blowhard, but much of it I predicted myself before I found out about the "Singularity" label. I read The Age of Spiritual Machines in 2000 and was not impressed. The Singularity is Near is basically about 80% of what I've been thinking about recently, but with all sorts of empirical support for his ideas, with an excellent presentation. On the whole I've been very impressed so far. Kurzweil's predicted date is 2045 (it was 2099 in The Age of Spiritual Machines) At this point, Kurzweil predicts that by 2045 $1000 of today's money will buy a computer with a billion times the computational power of all human brains on earth. The Singularity is an event waiting for what James Burke called "The Trigger Effect" to occur. Designer consciousness is the trigger of the Singularity, and there are all sorts of ways to implement designer consciousness. Whenever the first one happens, the Singularity happens. Some of these will take a long time to complete (i.e. complete molecular level simulation of the human brain on a computer) but others could happen in as short as 5-6 years (i.e. neocortical column-based seed AI)
  3. Well, we all are... However, Godel's views are certainly more logically consistent than the ones I presented which were (admittedly) "full of dren" as it were. Clearly an assumption of a cyclical cosmology, at least as I have conjectured it, is that in some grand fullness of the universe Godel must be wrong. One possibility, which I have conjectured, is that there are no "truly" non-terminating programs because "apparently" non-terminating programs all exist as subroutines within a terminating program.
  4. Well, the solution is clear... collect solar energy on the moon and beam it back to earth with microwaves!
  5. Okay, this meme comes to us from a guy who was trying to argue to me that infinite regression is the only logically consistent way the universe could possibly exist. He kept trying to assert that he was using "logic" when really the greatest logic he could muster was an argument from incredulity. So, here you go, here's the meme he was trying to spread regarding dinosaurs, apparently completely unaware of how surface area and volume scale with different exponents in relation to size, and how these properties affect body composition. By his logic, humans can't exist (within the framework of Newtonian mechanics), because if we scaled a mosquito to human size, its legs would break and its wings would be incapible of lifting it off the ground. I say all this because it makes me feel better about our long, drawn out pointless argument. When people construct their world view from memes like the Electric Universe, its no wonder they have such bizarre takes on things like infinite regression vs. original causation. So that's how they built the pyramids! It all makes so much sense now...
  6. If you look at my list you'll see it's topped by the two greatest evolutionists of our age (in my opinion) Charles Darwin would make an excellent name to top my list and is certainly a noticible omission...
  7. I used that quote in an argument with some infinite regressionists. They liked it as well Indeed, the infinite regression model doesn't really solve anything, it merely provides some reasoning for its non-solution. It's essentially saying causality exists because it's always existed. I simply cannot imagine the present, complex state of the universe somehow arising through an "infinitely long causal chain" with no origin. But that, of course, can't be used as an argument against infinite regression, since it's just an argument from incredulity. As far as I am able to understand it, a "background independent" theory of the universe is supposed to provide explanations for the true nature of space and time, and therefore abstract them out of the model. I think the true nature of the first cause, if it exists, is inherently unknowable by those of us trapped within causality. Yes, logic seems to break down when trying to describe relationships between causal and acausal elements of the universe. Something which is acausal only seems to perturb the question "How does something which is acausal come to exist in the first place?" In the end there really is only the "universal now" of spacetime itself, and we perceive time because the operation of our brains is dependent on causal relationships. Yup. Sadly I think it may be a fundamentally unknowable property of the universe. The whole "loop" idea goes back to my asinine notion that a mathematical system which is complete must be entirely self-dependent, and the only way for that to happen is for it to prove its own axioms, which seems like a rather ridiculous notion, but then again so does an acausal "first cause" arising from parts inexplicable, or an inexplicable infinite causal regression.
  8. According to who? You? Are you an authority on Constitutional law? I'll go with the ACLU's interpretation, thanks.
  9. Well, let me start by saying that I don't see an infinite regression as a solution worth pursuing. If it's correct, then causality simply cannot be comprehended. "How did the universe get this way? The infinite regression did it!" is no more comforting an answer to me as "Where did the universe come from and what keeps it all going? God did it!" Not that I find any greater comfort in pondering existence beyond causality. Since we are trapped within causality, I don't think it's possible for us to ponder what lies outside of it. However, the universe we observe is very much a progressive construct. Entropy continually increases according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, and Extropy increases according to Kurzweil's Law of Accelerating Returns. These progressions (and the evolution of our own, personal conscious experience over time) instill in us a sense of time and causality having a set, predetermined direction. But physics views all laws and operations (I think???) as possessing CPT symmetry, that if the process were somehow inverted for charge, parity, and time that it would play out backwards in the exact opposite progression. So perhaps the process never halts, but instead the ultraconsciousness at left at the "end" of the universe brings about eschaton via the creation of a T-symmetric reflection point. The "first cause", whatever it may be (fundamentally unknowable, I continue to assert) represents another such point of T-symmetry, and thus causality bounces back and forth between these two points of T-symmetry ad infinitum... This is a very different construct from the idea of self-completion. The answer to your original question is that as I cannot comprehend the first cause, I can't imagine what sort of destructive operation, applied to the universe as a whole, would somehow bring about a reversion to the first cause, whatever it may be. In this model, I just haphazardly conjectured that it somehow must miraculously exist. All of these things: incompleteness, the halting problem, the origin of causation, are the problems the ultraconsciousness is going to be left to grapple with at the end of the universe. And it's possible it may just have to admit that they are fundamentally unsolvable, in which case it will have to venture a "best guess" as to what course of action it should take, which, I hope, in doing so will bring about a sort of universal completion. But this may be merely imposing anthropic concepts on a system we can't (by its very nature) possibly comprehend...
  10. You should also keep in mind it's a model, and thus if what it's modelling is remotely close to reality, it's probably still an oversimplification.
  11. To keep from having to throw away all internal combusion engines on earth. We have an enormous infrastructure built around the internal combustion engine, and any source of energy which can leverage the existing infrastructure will have an advantage over something which seeks to replace it. Think of the immense amount of energy which has gone into the production of every gas-driven machine on this planet. Think what an enormous waste it would be to simply throw all that away. Yes, we can, but one step at a time. The point here is to find solutions that keep the grid from breaking down and human society from coming to a screeching halt. We can't retool our entire infrastructure overnight. It has to be a gradual, incremental process (the S-curve, as it were) in which the new paradigm works alongside the old one, slowly replacing it in a gradual transition. From the intuitive linear view of history I'd say it has another 20-30 years in it at least. From the exponential view I'd say by the time it'd really be practical to replace the internal combustion engine, we won't even need them. Nanomachines will have usurped all the roles that the ICE was intended for.
  12. I believe in a cyclical universe Well, the question should really become what is the origin (or cause, as it were) of causality? Is causality causeless? Or is there existence beyond causality from whence causality originates (the "first cause" as it were) It would seem to me that any background independent physical theory must include within it the origin of causality. An infinite regression, with causality itself simply having always been and an infinitely long causal chain which has played out over an infinite amount of time, merely seems like a pathetic attempt at dodging the question. It also seems like it would provide no explanation for symmetry...
  13. padren nailed it. See also Vernor Vinge's Singularity paper. Vinge covers the implecations quite extensively in his section on Intelligence Amplification (IA). Kurzweil, perhaps the pre-eminent Singularitarian, gives us about a 50% chance of surviving it. Then he goes on to claim he's an optimist. Or we can inflict the most painful and brutal torture that anyone has ever experienced. Or people will have their brains "hacked" into, ala Ghost in the Shell. There are a great number of negative possibilities to DNI. It's just one of many things we need to worry about in the near future.
  14. I believe M-theory sees them as small slices of higher p-dimensional membranes (p-branes) which vibrate in higher dimensional space. As far as I understand it, they are modeled as curved one dimensional lines in the same way quantum theory models particles as points, but as to what specifically the entities the theory is modelling are composed of I don't think it begins to speculate (just as quantum does not speculate what the point entities of the fundamental particles are composed of) Of course, I am not a physicist, so you're probably better off assuming everything I just said was wrong.
  15. Well, I found the philosophical concept I'm inquiring about: infinite causal regress Apparently Thomas Aquinas attempted to use it to prove the existence of God. Or at least attempt to, what he really "proved" was the concept of a "first cause," and his proof of that was shakey at best. So, infinite causal regress, possible, not possible?
  16. These are the people that have most helped me figure out the universe, and for that I am quite grateful: Richard Dawkins Stephen Jay Gould John von Neumann Alan Turing Vernor Vinge Ray Kurzweil Tim Berners-Lee Kurt Cobain Alfred North Whitehead Carl Sagan Timothy Leary Bill Joy Bob Dylan Terrence McKenna James Burke Steven Weinberg Daniel Dennett Brian Greene Ed Witten Seth Lloyd
  17. Well DV8 2XL, you can probably see what I'm getting at. In a strong deterministic universe, the pattern of all causality must originate somewhere. Where? Hmm, perhaps in the eternal Tao, which is inherently unknowable...
  18. Well, the subject is my question... my question specifically alludes to a conjecture which claims that time has no beginning and simply continues backward ad infinitum. Such a universe, to me, seems inconsistent with both the concepts of causality and symmetry. Well, anyway, when it really comes down to it I don't have a clue... is there anything that can be inferred about cosmology at this level? Can spacetime have an origin? Does it need to? Is it possible for it to simply continue "backwards" ad infinitum?
  19. Oops, strawman. Mea culpa. Yet you go on to say... So therefore you are just as unjustified in your original statement, which is your interpretation, as I am in mine. Yet you continue: And as you are not a Constitutional attorney, your opinion is likewise just as uninformed. Perhaps we can leave it at that. My opinion is backed by the ACLU which comprises some of the country's best Constitutional attorneys, and yours is backed by the Attorney General of the United States. There's some pretty good Constitutional authorities behind either interpretation. The ACLU has argued that the President cannot assert wartime powers because Congress has not declared a state of war (nor have they since WWII) Yes, however, this doesn't mean we can ignore the Fourth Amendment and the needed checks the Judicial branch provides on the Executive. Furthermore Bush created this program without any kind of Congressional approval or oversight.
  20. I predict GMO crops can and will be used to solve both problems. We'll begin to breed and genetically engineer crops to increase starch content and thus maximize ethanol yields. At the same time we'll engineer food crops to increase yields as well. We can also engineer both to thrive in more inhospitable climates, increasing the amout of arable land.
  21. The fundamental neural units of the cortex are the Neocortical Columns (NCCs), which comprise 80% of the human brain. I think they accomplish sensory postprocessing, processing of sensory postprocessing, processing of the processed output of sensory postprocessing, up to however many levels of feedback you desire, since they can feed back off each other, or sensory data. Some tend to specialize in sensory processing, some in association, and some in motor control. I just wrote a post on them if you're interested
  22. Oh please, FISA is merely an extension of the Fourth Amendment into the electronic age. IANAL, but if FISA is ruled unconstitutional and Bush's actions are upheld, it would be a gross misinterpretation of the Constitution. FISA is on sound Constitutional footing. But if you want to persist with your "Bush isn't wrong, the whole damn system is wrong!" argument go right ahead... It all goes back to the idea of checks and balances. Judicial oversight ensures that the executive can't run amok, and, for example, illegally spy on political opponents like Nixon did. When you attempt to bypass these checks and balances, you're violating the Constitution. That article is unabashed apologism for the administration.
  23. joema, that has to be the best synopsis of the situation I've seen. Well done.
  24. Well, there's another compelling reason to move to a single-payer system: outsorcing. Why pay an American a salary and a healthcare benefits package if you can just pay a European (or Australian, Canadian, etc) the base salary. A move to a single-payer system has the added benefit of making America more competitive in the international marketplace.
  25. Creationists sure like to play the out of sight, out of mind game when it comes to evidence for speciation, don't they? If we pretend it doesn't exist, then we can just ignore it, right? Well, science has the following to say about the matter, in the form of observed speciation events. Yes, macroevolution really does happen, and we do have evidence for it. Lots of it. General 1. M Nei and J Zhang, Evolution: molecular origin of species. Science 282: 1428-1429, Nov. 20, 1998. Primary article is: CT Ting, SC Tsaur, ML We, and CE Wu, A rapidly evolving homeobox at the site of a hybrid sterility gene. Science 282: 1501-1504, Nov. 20, 1998. As the title implies, has found the genes that actually change during reproductive isolation. 2. M Turelli, The causes of Haldane's rule. Science 282: 889-891, Oct.30, 1998. Haldane's rule describes a phase every population goes thru during speciation: production of inviable and sterile hybrids. Haldane's rule states "When in the F1 [first generation] offspring of two different animal races one sex is absent, rare, or sterile, that sex is the heterozygous [heterogemetic; XY, XO, or ZW] sex."Two leading explanations are fast-male and dominance. Both get supported. X-linked incompatibilities would affect heterozygous gender more because only one gene." 3. Barton, N. H., J. S. Jones and J. Mallet. 1988. No barriers to speciation. Nature. 336:13-14. 4. Baum, D. 1992. Phylogenetic species concepts. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 7:1-3. 5. Rice, W. R. 1985. Disruptive selection on habitat preference and the evolution of reproductive isolation: an exploratory experiment. Evolution. 39:645-646. 6. Ringo, J., D. Wood, R. Rockwell, and H. Dowse. 1989. An experiment testing two hypotheses of speciation. The American Naturalist. 126:642-661. 7. Schluter, D. and L. M. Nagel. 1995. Parallel speciation by natural selection. American Naturalist. 146:292-301. 8. Callaghan, C. A. 1987. Instances of observed speciation. The American Biology Teacher. 49:3436. 9. Cracraft, J. 1989. Speciation and its ontology: the empirical consequences of alternative species concepts for understanding patterns and processes of differentiation. In Otte, E. and J. A. Endler [eds.] Speciation and its consequences. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. pp. 28-59. Chromosome numbers in various species http://www.kean.edu/~breid/chrom2.htm Speciation in Insects 1. G Kilias, SN Alahiotis, and M Pelecanos. A multifactorial genetic investigation of speciation theory using drosophila melanogaster Evolution 34:730-737, 1980. Got new species of fruit flies in the lab after 5 years on different diets and temperatures. Also confirmation of natural selection in the process. Lots of references to other studies that saw speciation. 2. JM Thoday, Disruptive selection. Proc. Royal Soc. London B. 182: 109-143, 1972. Lots of references in this one to other speciation. 3. KF Koopman, Natural selection for reproductive isolation between Drosophila pseudobscura and Drosophila persimilis. Evolution 4: 135-148, 1950. Using artificial mixed poulations of D. pseudoobscura and D. persimilis, it has been possible to show,over a period of several generations, a very rapid increase in the amount of reproductive isolation between the species as a result of natural selection. 4. LE Hurd and RM Eisenberg, Divergent selection for geotactic response and evolution of reproductive isolation in sympatric and allopatric populations of houseflies. American Naturalist 109: 353-358, 1975. 5. Coyne, Jerry A. Orr, H. Allen. Patterns of speciation in Drosophila. Evolution. V43. P362(20) March, 1989. 6. Dobzhansky and Pavlovsky, 1957 An incipient species of Drosophila, Nature 23: 289- 292. 7. Ahearn, J. N. 1980. Evolution of behavioral reproductive isolation in a laboratory stock of Drosophila silvestris. Experientia. 36:63-64. 8. 10. Breeuwer, J. A. J. and J. H. Werren. 1990. Microorganisms associated with chromosome destruction and reproductive isolation between two insect species. Nature. 346:558-560. 9. Powell, J. R. 1978. The founder-flush speciation theory: an experimental approach. Evolution. 32:465-474. 10. Dodd, D. M. B. and J. R. Powell. 1985. Founder-flush speciation: an update of experimental results with Drosophila. Evolution 39:1388-1392. 37. Dobzhansky, T. 1951. Genetics and the origin of species (3rd edition). Columbia University Press, New York. 11. Dobzhansky, T. and O. Pavlovsky. 1971. Experimentally created incipient species of Drosophila. Nature. 230:289-292. 12. Dobzhansky, T. 1972. Species of Drosophila: new excitement in an old field. Science. 177:664-669. 13. Dodd, D. M. B. 1989. Reproductive isolation as a consequence of adaptive divergence in Drosophila melanogaster. Evolution 43:1308-1311. 14. de Oliveira, A. K. and A. R. Cordeiro. 1980. Adaptation of Drosophila willistoni experimental populations to extreme pH medium. II. Development of incipient reproductive isolation. Heredity. 44:123-130.15. 29. Rice, W. R. and G. W. Salt. 1988. Speciation via disruptive selection on habitat preference: experimental evidence. The American Naturalist. 131:911-917. 30. Rice, W. R. and G. W. Salt. 1990. The evolution of reproductive isolation as a correlated character under sympatric conditions: experimental evidence. Evolution. 44:1140-1152. 31. del Solar, E. 1966. Sexual isolation caused by selection for positive and negative phototaxis and geotaxis in Drosophila pseudoobscura. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (US). 56:484-487. 32. Weinberg, J. R., V. R. Starczak and P. Jora. 1992. Evidence for rapid speciation following a founder event in the laboratory. Evolution. 46:1214-1220. 33. V Morell, Earth's unbounded beetlemania explained. Science 281:501-503, July 24, 1998. Evolution explains the 330,000 odd beetlespecies. Exploitation of newly evolved flowering plants. 34. B Wuethrich, Speciation: Mexican pairs show geography's role. Science 285: 1190, Aug. 20, 1999. Discusses allopatric speciation. Debate with ecological speciation on which is most prevalent. Speciation in Plants 1. Speciation in action Science 72:700-701, 1996 A great laboratory study of the evolution of a hybrid plant species. Scientists did it in the lab, but the genetic data says it happened the same way in nature. 2. Hybrid speciation in peonies http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/061288698v1#B1 3. http://www.holysmoke.org/new-species.htm new species of groundsel by hybridization 4. Butters, F. K. 1941. Hybrid Woodsias in Minnesota. Amer. Fern. J. 31:15-21. 5. Butters, F. K. and R. M. Tryon, jr. 1948. A fertile mutant of a Woodsia hybrid. American Journal of Botany. 35:138. 6. Toxic Tailings and Tolerant Grass by RE Cook in Natural History, 90(3): 28-38, 1981 discusses selection pressure of grasses growing on mine tailings that are rich in toxic heavy metals. "When wind borne pollen carrying nontolerant genes crosses the border [between prairie and tailings] and fertilizes the gametes of tolerant females, the resultant offspring show a range of tolerances. The movement of genes from the pasture to the mine would, therefore, tend to dilute the tolerance level of seedlings. Only fully tolerant individuals survive to reproduce, however. This selective mortality, which eliminates variants, counteracts the dilution and molds a toatally tolerant population. The pasture and mine populations evolve distinctive adaptations because selective factors are dominant over the homogenizing influence of foreign genes." 7. Clausen, J., D. D. Keck and W. M. Hiesey. 1945. Experimental studies on the nature of species. II. Plant evolution through amphiploidy and autoploidy, with examples from the Madiinae. Carnegie Institute Washington Publication, 564:1-174. 8. Cronquist, A. 1988. The evolution and classification of flowering plants (2nd edition). The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY. 9. P. H. Raven, R. F. Evert, S. E. Eichorn, Biology of Plants (Worth, New York,ed. 6, 1999). 10. M. Ownbey, Am. J. Bot. 37, 487 (1950). 11. M. Ownbey and G. D. McCollum, Am. J. Bot. 40, 788 (1953). 12. S. J. Novak, D. E. Soltis, P. S. Soltis, Am. J. Bot. 78, 1586 (1991). 13. P. S. Soltis, G. M. Plunkett, S. J. Novak, D. E. Soltis, Am. J. Bot. 82,1329 (1995). 14. Digby, L. 1912. The cytology of Primula kewensis and of other related Primula hybrids. Ann. Bot. 26:357-388. 15. Owenby, M. 1950. Natural hybridization and amphiploidy in the genus Tragopogon. Am. J. Bot. 37:487-499. 16. Pasterniani, E. 1969. Selection for reproductive isolation between two populations of maize, Zea mays L. Evolution. 23:534-547. Speciation in microorganisms 1. Canine parovirus, a lethal disease of dogs, evolved from feline parovirus in the 1970s. 2. Budd, A. F. and B. D. Mishler. 1990. Species and evolution in clonal organisms -- a summary and discussion. Systematic Botany 15:166-171. 3. Bullini, L. and G. Nascetti. 1990. Speciation by hybridization in phasmids and other insects. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 68:1747-1760. 4. Boraas, M. E. 1983. Predator induced evolution in chemostat culture. EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 64:1102. 5. Brock, T. D. and M. T. Madigan. 1988. Biology of Microorganisms (5th edition). Prentice Hall, Englewood, NJ. 6. Castenholz, R. W. 1992. Species usage, concept, and evolution in the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Journal of Phycology 28:737-745. 7. Boraas, M. E. The speciation of algal clusters by flagellate predation. EOS. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. 64:1102. 8. Castenholz, R. W. 1992. Speciation, usage, concept, and evolution in the cyanobacteria (blue-green algae). Journal of Phycology 28:737-745. 9. Shikano, S., L. S. Luckinbill and Y. Kurihara. 1990. Changes of traits in a bacterial population associated with protozoal predation. Microbial Ecology. 20:75-84. New Genus 1. Muntzig, A, Triticale Results and Problems, Parey, Berlin, 1979. Describes whole new *genus* of plants, Triticosecale, of several species, formed by artificial selection. These plants are important in agriculture. Invertebrate not insect 1. ME Heliberg, DP Balch, K Roy, Climate-driven range expansion and morphological evolution in a marine gastropod. Science 292: 1707-1710, June1, 2001. Documents mrorphological change due to disruptive selection over time. Northerna and southern populations of A spirata off California from Pleistocene to present. 2. Weinberg, J. R., V. R. Starczak and P. Jora. 1992. Evidence for rapid speciation following a founder event with a polychaete worm. . Evolution. 46:1214-1220. Vertebrate Speciation 1. N Barton Ecology: the rapid origin of reproductive isolation Science 290:462-463, Oct. 20, 2000. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/290/5491/462 Natural selection of reproductive isolation observed in two cases. Full papers are: AP Hendry, JK Wenburg, P Bentzen, EC Volk, TP Quinn, Rapid evolution of reproductive isolation in the wild: evidence from introduced salmon. Science 290: 516-519, Oct. 20, 2000. and M Higgie, S Chenoweth, MWBlows, Natural selection and the reinforcement of mate recognition. Science290: 519-521, Oct. 20, 2000 2. G Vogel, African elephant species splits in two. Science 293: 1414, Aug. 24, 2001. http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/293/5534/1414 3. C Vila` , P Savolainen, JE. Maldonado, IR. Amorim, JE. Rice, RL. Honeycutt, KA. Crandall, JLundeberg, RK. Wayne, Multiple and Ancient Origins of the Domestic Dog Science 276: 1687-1689, 13 JUNE 1997. Dogs no longer one species but 4 according to the genetics. http://www.idir.net/~wolf2dog/wayne1.htm 4. Barrowclough, George F.. Speciation and Geographic Variation in Black-tailed Gnatcatchers. (book reviews) The Condor. V94. P555(2) May, 1992 5. Kluger, Jeffrey. Go fish. Rapid fish speciation in African lakes. Discover. V13. P18(1) March, 1992. Formation of five new species of cichlid fishes which formed since they were isolated from the parent stock, Lake Nagubago. (These fish have complex mating rituals and different coloration.) See also Mayr, E., 1970. _Populations, Species, and Evolution_, Massachusetts, Harvard University Press. p. 348 6. Genus _Rattus_ currently consists of 137 species [1,2] and is known to have originally developed in Indonesia and Malaysia during and prior to the Middle Ages[3]. [1] T. Yosida. Cytogenetics of the Black Rat. University Park Press, Baltimore, 1980. [2] D. Morris. The Mammals. Hodder and Stoughton, London, 1965. [3] G. H. H. Tate. "Some Muridae of the Indo-Australian region," Bull. Amer. Museum Nat. Hist. 72: 501-728, 1963. 7. Stanley, S., 1979. _Macroevolution: Pattern and Process_, San Francisco, W.H. Freeman and Company. p. 41 Rapid speciation of the Faeroe Island house mouse, which occurred in less than 250 years after man brought the creature to the island. Speciation in the Fossil Record 1. Paleontological documentation of speciation in cenozoic molluscs from Turkana basin. Williamson, PG, Nature 293:437-443, 1981. Excellent study of "gradual" evolution in an extremely find fossil record. 2. A trilobite odyssey. Niles Eldredge and Michelle J. Eldredge. Natural History 81:53-59, 1972. A discussion of "gradual" evolution of trilobites in one small area and then migration and replacement over a wide area. Is lay discussion of punctuated equilibria, and does not overthrow Darwinian gradual change of form. Describes transitionals Overkill 20. Craig, T. P., J. K. Itami, W. G. Abrahamson and J. D. Horner. 1993. Behavioral evidence for host-race fromation in Eurosta solidaginis. Evolution. 47:1696-1710. 21. Cronquist, A. 1978. Once again, what is a species? Biosystematics in agriculture. Beltsville Symposia in Agricultural Research 2:3-20. 24. de Queiroz, K. and M. Donoghue. 1988. Phylogenetic systematics and the species problem. Cladistics. 4:317-338. 25. de Queiroz, K. and M. Donoghue. 1990. Phylogenetic systematics and species revisited. Cladistics. 6:83-90. 26. de Vries, H. 1905. Species and varieties, their origin by mutation. 27. de Wet, J. M. J. 1971. Polyploidy and evolution in plants. Taxon. 20:29-35. 28. Rice, W. R. and E. E. Hostert. 1993. Laboratory experiments on speciation: What have we learned in forty years? Evolution. 47:1637-1653. 42. Du Rietz, G. E. 1930. The fundamental units of biological taxonomy. Svensk. Bot. Tidskr. 24:333-428. 43. Ehrman, E. 1971. Natural selection for the origin of reproductive isolation. The American Naturalist. 105:479-483. 44. Ehrman, E. 1973. More on natural selection for the origin of reproductive isolation. 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