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Everything posted by bascule

  1. PHP isn't close to C at all. PHP's closest relatives are shell scripting languages, such as Perl, awk, sed, etc. PHP contains some functions with similar names to C functions, however PHP remains a dynamically typed (barely) garbage collected language with many extreme cases of type coersion. It's the only language I know where "3 dog night" + 2 = 5. That said, PHP is probably a very bad language to start with. It's a horrible amalgamation of different languages fraught with bad design decisions by its creators.
  2. I just found out my BMI is slightly over 25, which is a surprise to me, because I do not consider myself overweight and yet that's what my BMI would classify me as. My BMI used to be ~22 a little over a year ago. I think I've been getting more strenuous exercise lately and much of my BMI increase can be chalked up to muscle mass increases than increases in fat. I'm not saying I haven't put on weight as well (I started eating turkey/chicken, which might have something to do with it) but checking my BMI gave me something of a shock. I guess it might also be that I'm getting older and my metabolism is starting to slow, although given how much I exercise and how frequently I would be surprised if it slowed that much. I have short periods of mild aerobic exercise (jogging) for 20 minutes every day throughout the week, and typically a much longer period (1-2 hours strenuous hiking) every weekend.
  3. Perhaps ChucK is a better language to do this with than C++: http://chuck.cs.princeton.edu/
  4. I'm a liberaltarian
  5. The bad: My commute just increased by approximately an hour. (oi, true story again lol)
  6. The problem which (the normally conservative-leaning) Pangloss pointed out is that the "whining" and "tantrums" aren't based on factual arguments against the bills, but gross distortions/lies. There are certainly problems with these bills (I for one don't think they go far enough and would prefer a single-payer system) but the arguments against them coming out of these neocon PAC-organized town hall meeting crashing sessions aren't particularly valid.
  7. Your statement is an example of an argument from ignorance. Just because you haven't noticed it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You don't notice gluons or neutrinos either, but I'll trust the quantum physicists who say they exist.
  8. This is the first I've ever heard of agent oriented software engineering. Having read a few sites about it I'm still confused as to what it is.
  9. It's not a jumbled mesh, but it is made out of past experiences. Neocortical columns are basically predictive pattern analyzers which deduce the interconnectedness of events across time and space.
  10. I think any public policy moves taken in response to the deleterious effects of climate change need to be mitigation (not prevention) strategies aimed at the most dire of problems resulting from climate changes, such as water vulnerabilities.
  11. I don't think those arguments apply to Rand Paul or Peter Schiff.
  12. Okay, guess it's just a coincidence you're talking about microtubules and ascribing quantum mechanical properties to neurons in other threads.
  13. u9rtlL4nq3c These libertarianesque retro Republicans who are trying to move beyond the "moral majority" are pretty damn awesome. Rand Paul and Peter Schiff. I am obliged to hate them for various reasons (well not really), but I think they're pretty sweet.
  14. So says the science editor of Newsweek: http://www.newsweek.com/id/208164?1 I find it ironic the climate science denier crowd keeps trying to insist the opposite is true... in many regards detrimental climate change is happening faster than the model projections.
  15. Bishadi, you sure are obsessed with microtubules, although you seem to be confused as to what to call them. They aren't nanotubes. They aren't microtubes. They're microtubules: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microtubule I assume from your obsession with them you have some passing familiarity with the Penrose-Hameroff hypothesis and its associated quantum mind mumbo jumbo?
  16. Quantum chemicals! Umm, wrong. The brain is a classical physical system.
  17. Your writing is slightly... incoherent. But I will attempt to respond. Consciousness is a metaphysical construct. We self-referential conscious systems live within an elaborate reconstruction of the outside world created by the operation of our brains. Brains are classical physical systems. "Consciousness" and "brains" are not interchangeable terms. Consciousness is metaphysical, brains are physical. The metaphysical nature of consciousness should not be confused with the supernatural. There is nothing supernatural about consciousness. How are you proposing it works then? Judging from comments like: I can only assume your answer is MAGIC! That's not the case. Our brains obey the laws of physics, and are made out of macrostructures too large to exhibit quantum mechanical properties which cannot be explained by classical physics. The operation of the brain is deterministic and follows the rules of classical mechanics. There's no "magic" to be found, sorry.
  18. I'd try uninstalling and reinstalling it
  19. Okay, ignore what I stated previously as it was poorly worded (and no, I didn't mean fluxes). What I meant was that the post-industrial CO2 anomaly is caused almost exclusively by anthropogenic sources.
  20. I support HR 676, i.e. single-payer healthcare.
  21. New Order / Jesus, everything they made, but especially: True Faith Thieves Like Us Bizarre Love Triangle 1963 Regret Round and Around Vanishing Point Crystal Shellshock World (Price of Love)
  22. Okay, while Global Warming "Skeptics" piss me off, I have a zero tolerance policy towards moon landing deniers. Yes, we landed on the f*cking moon. If you think otherwise, you're a f*cking tard. Good day.
  23. The Bad: I had to sign a 2 year contract with AT&T, who subsidizes the phone. Tons of other people have bought iPhones and it's a bandwidth sucking goblin. When too many iPhones congregate in the same place the service goes to sh*t. TRUE STORY! By an iPhone owner.
  24. Go fish: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Botnet
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