Hello to all. This is my first post in this forum
I've been trying to plot some graphs on Mathematica but I have faced some troubles so far.
I am working on this paper by Lattimer on binary systems:
I am trying to reproduce Figure 11 but something seems to go wrong.
Here's what I have done so far:
we set
q=$\frac{m_{ns}}{M_{bh}}$ the ratio of the neutron star mass and the black hole mass.
then we set the radius
$\frac{R_{l}}{a} = 0.46\bigg(\frac{q}{1+q}\bigg)^{1/3} $ with a being the semi major axis that follows
$a<2.8 \bigg[ \frac{M_1 M_2 (M_1+M_2)}{〖M^3_ {\odot}〗} \bigg]^{\frac{1}{4}} R_{\odot}$
The first thing to plot is the neutron star radius versus the neutron star mass.
Then we must plot
$\frac{d \ln{R}}{d \ln{m_{ns}}} $ ( which derivative simply leads to $\frac{m_{ns}}{R} \frac{dR}{dm_{ns}}$) versus the neutron star mass $m_{ns}$
The equations are written in LateX language....
If the link to the paper does not work I've attached the paper here.Pdf page 22 Fig.11
I've been trying to plot these functions for days but what I get is far from the desired results....
Any help would be very appreciated
Nuclear matter and its role in supernovae, neutron stars and.pdf