I'm a new user here with some basic chemistry,
If u encounter some bad english well sorry thats all i've got
Here is what I did
I have a table salt that contains normal salt (NaCl), dextrose, potasium iodide, sodium bicarbonate, yellow prussiate of soda.
I've poured some of it in water (not sure of the quantity but it's 2:2)
I've taken four 1.5v batteries and connect them together with to pieces of iron.
Then i've put the two pieces in water (I was expecting to get NaOH cuz i didn't know that the salt conatains potasium and other stuff)
the water started bubbling it turned to yellow there is some color less gas comming out (i think it's chlorine)
than after few minutes( 1-3) the solution turned into black and it was still bubbling after a while i've taken the iron pieces of while it's still bubbling and it was like the solution ate my iron pieces somehow (only a few amount was ate by the solution )
well i just want to know waht went wrong and what are the compounds i've got some tips on doing my next electrolyses.
i'm a 10th grade student and just started chemistry I know about 1 third of it and we were learning about Sodium and its compunds we've taken NaOH i leanrned that u can make it by electrolysis of NaCl solution so that what happened.
Thanks god i've just known that chlorine is toxic
and sorry for the long topic