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Everything posted by TBeam

  1. I am at an ethanol refinery. We are measuring the wt% of ethanol in our beer prior to distillation. I measure the volume rate of this beer into the distillation system. I would like to convert the wt% ethanol in the stream to vol% to allow me to calculate the max 200 proof ethanol production from this stream. I've been told to multiply the wt% by 1.2, 1.23, and 1.26 by different people. I know this is temp dependent, but I don't need to be so exact. I believe these numbers may come from mixing with water and not the stream I have. The sg of the beer is 0.9385 and the sg of the stream after ethanol is removed is 0.9795 (still contains 0.05 wt% ethanol). Can anyone help and maybe explain it also? Thanks
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