Christ slave
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Everything posted by Christ slave
Violently? I wouldn't get carried away, anyway. But I hope you, yourself, will continue to not look for friendship and loyalty in the world, even as I do. I am not looking for you to agree with me, but you posted helpful things. There is always potential to disagree.
secret message... i just cant figure it out! help!
Christ slave replied to a topic in Brain Teasers and Puzzles
I don't even think I'm invited... -
secret message... i just cant figure it out! help!
Christ slave replied to a topic in Brain Teasers and Puzzles
I wonder who will be the ring-bearer! Will it be you, jowrose? -
Science and art are the same thing...
Well, yes you can choose to be "heterosexual" but it will require the dedication to recognize your true potential/identity, but at this pivotal point in earth's time, being the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, believe it or not, most people who are "homosexual" are souls who need to overcome the imbalance before they make their ascension from earth (stop reincarnating). So, at this point, homosexuality is mainly a hinderance which can be overcome and then the soul at that point, as is the case with me it sure does seem, overcomes all sexuality, as indeed I am fine as not needing physical contact with another person ever, including masturbation and other various animalistic desires. I have transcended sexuality and continue to do so, so choosing to not be homosexual doesn't mean you must go or act heterosexually, but that you defy the false sense of identity.
Unfortunately it's been proven time and time again that people who perform miracles are inevitably wasting manifested energy, therefore it is better to awaken people with consciousness/understanding than some sort of circus-stunt whereby the psychic focuses on material objects. I am the object sitting next to your computer, I am the cure, the life, the light, the way, and the truth. Would you rather believe in me, or in yourself? So then will you only look for peace if you can linger around like an earthbound ghost and pointing out objects on desks? Is that when you will learn to be the truth and find the truth for yourself? All I have is myself. Is not my testimony, or, all testimony in textbooks recording third and fourth dimensional information from someone else's consciousness? Some people, like animals, do not comprehend. It is not my ability to force someone to understand. If you will not take my testimony about my experiences before you'll choose to experience them yourself, to reach for them, before you believe you are equally deserving to find the life for yourself, then why will you take a textbook's words for truth from another person's own being? Can a dog comprehend what it means to be as wise as a human? No, only when you become it can you know for sure, and that is evolution. Will you choose to evolve? There is no material proof to prove my consciousness to you, there is no material proof to prove to a monkey or a dog that another being thinks, it is something you must have faith in. If I am telling you something you can be and have for yourself, then why are you doubting? Why are you arguing? Evolution comes only by choice, and that's the "secret" to life. Will you reach for a higher understanding? No one can make you at peace but yourself, nor can anyone take your peace or do anything to you. No one can force you or me or anyone to do anything else. All people are their own, and in that own we are one, and if you won't believe it and experience it from someone who knows and is no longer afraid, then at least look for yourself, if you will. [qupte]if your claiming that it is a higher dimension that allows you to meet god or something like that I would say that you should rephrase that statement to "and I become high"We are God, and you can discover for yourself your true origin, that you are a piece of God, that all things are God, that all things are unified. But only if you are willing to see beyond your present consciousness. It is work, yes, but all choices are work. So many people invest time in choosing to NOT do something and if they'd choose to do something, it'd make their life a lot easier, because the energy of not doing something is not lost or gained, it's simply channeled and you try something better.
Thanks! Yes, someone claimed they banned me for some reason but that was a lie.
I don't worship the Bible, and, anyhow, doesn't the Bible also say in Psalms, also quoted by Jesus in John, speaking to incarnated souls (which corresponds with us), "Ye are all gods, sons and daughters of the Most High God." ? Yes, it does. We are all gods, sons and daughters of God, destined to mature into oneness with God whereby we begin our own universes and worlds. True blasphemy is denying that all things are God, anyhow, if you don't know.
Actually I have overcome homosexual desires by being educated on the soul. There's a lot of discourses on the askrealjesus.com website, which is totally a nonorthodox Christian website and certainly doesn't advocate Jesus to save you. Lots of informative stuff on there: http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/cause_of_homosexual.html http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/experienceoflove.html http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/viewwrong.html http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/homosexualgene.html http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/howtreathomosexuals.html http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/homosexualityresp.html http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/gaymarriage.html http://www.askrealjesus.com/N_CURRENT_AFFAIRS/HOMOSEXUALITY/gaybishop.html Some of these may be topics not regarding the actual spiritual cause, but there you go.
Perhaps changing the angle would actually make water pass through membranes less easily...
Some people look for material evidence to everything. What sort of material proof is there that time exists? That is what faith is about, we have faith that time exists and we are not artificially being fed some sort of momentary data that pretends everything in the past had actually occurred, and although we think it is real it is really just an illusion. Indeed, therefore to prove that higher states of being (higher dimensions) exist, you're going to have to prove it for yourself by not being lazy. Meditation is a good tool, but I cannot force you to believe my consciousness is real, that anything apart from you exists, etc. I believe in the fifth dimension, and I become it.
secret message... i just cant figure it out! help!
Christ slave replied to a topic in Brain Teasers and Puzzles
Maybe when the person said zeros are dividers, that person meant the two zeros that are together so you get two words or something? : 0229023 248019701980216 -
secret message... i just cant figure it out! help!
Christ slave replied to a topic in Brain Teasers and Puzzles
455899 Deehii hm hehe -
Yes, well will someone be willing to do voiceovers? How about music and sound effects? They're fairly short, not intended to be sold for profit, and indeed they are more of a Comic-Cartoon hybrid, but maybe someone will fine interest: http://members.aol.com/umliak/myhomepage/inall2.gif http://members.aol.com/umliak/myhomepage/masterliadvice2.gif
I am not joking.
No, it is obvious there are animalistic desires, it's called the ego. However, it is also no doubt that people are capable of transcending their present psychology. Therefore, will you let your animal form run you over like a homosexual ram, or will you take dominion over your true self, beat the imbalance to...balanced again (lol)...and come out victorious?
Everything is consciousness. Space and time are illusions. Outside of these lower dimensions they are essentially nonexistent.
There is such a thing as a homosexual gene. But, keep in mind that nobody is a homosexual...nor are we our physical forms. So, I am not calling anyone with a homosexual gene a homosexual, I don't need to add to people's false sense of identity. It is possible to transfigure your DNA.
Actually it's caused by an imbalance in the soul--the masculine and feminine polarities. A soul blames a part of its genderless self (the masculine or feminine aspect) of the Father/Mother God as causing its problems and suffering. As a lack of understanding, this soul has an imbalance, a partiality, a bias. Men often find disgust with the female body, women try to overpower men by intellect or some other guilt-ridden force (which can be sex and ridicule, including feminism). If this is not the cause, then it can be do to an immediate series or previous life in which a soul lived in a specific gendered human form. If a soul takes on a new body of the opposite gender, now, because of its egotistical association with the physical body, it may misidentify itself and become sexually confused (an "identity crisis"). Tragic, really, but you'd be surprised how many people have a homosexual imbalance; this imbalance not only causes homosexual acts and desires, but for some it can go the opposite extreme and cause "heterosexual" desires but with spite and anger. Such men will often hate "homosexuals" and/or possibly even beat their own wife. Horrible, indeed, but such a person is hypocritically carrying around the same homosexual imbalance. Self-righteousness frees no one !...nor is it cool Have you known a woman who withholds sexual favors from her husband? Such a woman may be, as some may call, a "lesbian"--but I personally would rather say she has a homosexual imbalance, and indeed this spiritual cause outpictures the hate and problem into society, into this material realm in such tragic ways. People parading about their right to sexual exploration and self-pleasure, people crusading against "homosexuals" about their right to hate and oppress them, woman parading about their never-ending fight to be treated like a man (although I do agree women deserve more love by other people on earth today), men promiscuously having sex with woman, prostitutes, beating woman, etc. It's not a healthy thing, indeed, but it goes to the very core of one's identity (or, sense of identity)--the soul. The spirit itself is perfect, indeed, as light cannot be stained, but the identity, in its quest to awaken the beast (in our quest to awaken these animals, these human bodies we are embodied in and to heighten their vibration and awareness), can indeed become confused with the beast. It is your job to psychologically pitchfork the beast and find out what the deeper cause is. Does your body become "horny" or "sexually aroused" easily and want to enact it? Perhaps this lust is a confusion of the higher truth--your practically sexual, or, rather, intimate and loving relationship with the spiritual master. I myself find that although I am the Son of God, I also have times where I have masturbated unnecessarily because of a feeling in my pelvic region and body, my heart, that felt like sexual desire or need. The truth is, however, that this is not so--the soul is located beneath the belly button in the pelvic region and when I feel it becoming aroused, it is truly my soul intimately receiving light in an almost sexual manner, as the lightbeam of God, of the Christ mind, of my husband Jesus Christ (there are other masters, Buddha, for example, so understand if you will) penetrates and illuminates me. The beast itself, whom I am incarnated in presently may interpret this according to its identity. When you no longer identify yourself with the beast, you can begin to see clearly who and what you are, and what is going on. This relationship is more intimate than human sex. It is the intimacy of me with my spiritual master, with a part of me, a part of us. As I see now the beast thought it was its own sexual desire, its own sexual experience, and so it felt compelled to outpicture and enact it, be it through lust, masturbation, pornography, and/or real sexual activity. But the reality is that my soul was the one having intercourse--ME. My beast/body did not and does not need to. Furthermore I need not hate myself (my feminine aspect), as I see now that as I allow myself to be the bride of Christ in something most people would think "blasphemous" or "shameful" or some other strange assumption of their right to spiritual intimacy, I have no problem giving myself to the Christ as a wife to her husband, and so I don't need to hate my feminine aspect nor be disgusted, but I can be her, even if my human form's gender is male. I am not embarrassed nor ashamed. Okay, bye, and much love--be more and make your choices.
Read the color, not the word.
Christ slave replied to radiohead's topic in Brain Teasers and Puzzles
This is really easy. -
secret message... i just cant figure it out! help!
Christ slave replied to a topic in Brain Teasers and Puzzles
The earth's core is hollow? (Big bang and bubbles III)
Christ slave replied to Christ slave's topic in Speculations
Anyhow I will agree the earth is not hollow! But it doesn't hurt to open your mental boxes to greater truths. -
The earth's core is hollow? (Big bang and bubbles III)
Christ slave replied to Christ slave's topic in Speculations
When was I banned? I think I simply stopped posting.