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Posts posted by LabRat1

  1. 6 hours ago, studiot said:

    If Muskan does not know what an electrical current is, then he may well not know what a potential difference is either.


    You're welcome ^_^

  2. 19 hours ago, at0mic said:

    I was referring to the similarities of how it works in the background at the quantum level. To me, it suggests that the universe may be running on a computer. Especially being such a mathematical universe.

    Well the universe to an extent does work on mathematics, in harmony with physics and chemistry.

  3. So my friend and I were walking in the rain yesterday. And obviously we had our phones drenched. Mine worked fine but hers didn't. After a while when we went back home and her phone started to work again, she told me that she had kept it in a rice container for a while and it started to work again.Now she may be lying and I'm aware of the water absorption capacity of rice, but does this even work like this? Is this some life hack we're all supposed to know?

  4. You'll have to be literally feather light. Eagles themselves have a weight range from around 680g - 9kgs. Then you would need a streamline body. Hollow bones is another aspect. We humans have evolved for land base activities. Unfortunately, the tale of Icarus is a myth. 

  5. On 7/4/2017 at 11:48 PM, Handy andy said:

    Do any religious people have a take on the views given on the thread.?

    I can't see why a religious person would be on this forum. Don't get me wrong, there are a few people out there who might indulge into science, but I don't think they'd come this far. Or they might be here on this thread, secretly learning our art and plotting it against us.....waiting for an opportunity to strike...MODERATORS, I DEMAND A THOROUGH SEARCH!

  6. 2 hours ago, BlackVien said:

    Like you said it would have to be taken out immediately, so while it is being taken out just take some blood from the body if it is still good, and for circulating it, you could possibly make a artificial heart and lungs to pump and oxygenate the blood. (I know there is much more to it but I am just a high school student about to go into Bio-medical science so I don't know too much on stuff like this yet.) Like I said this was something random me and my friend thought of. It's a weird idea but interesting to think about.

    I just graduated high school. Hang in there! So anyways, what I feel that if you need to circulate blood you'll probably need to some how maintain the blood of the deceased. That or take regular blood from a close relative or some one with the same blood type (taking Rhesus factor into account too). If blood isn't being changed regularly, you would also require some excretory system(like dialysis or something).Apart from that you would also require a circulatory system as well (as you mentioned).

  7. He takes 55 steps forward and 30 steps backwards


    Its not possible. A pit at a distance of 11m. Each step of 1m. 55-30=25, which means 25m. The dude definitely missed the pit according to your calculations.

  8. Try to find the velocity of light when passing through the glass using above given information and then use the velocity and the thickness in another relation to find time. Try to think on your own, there's immense satisfaction when you solve it on your own.

  9. I come from a background in video games. I've been a video-game programmer for over 14 years and was a senior graphics programmer on Final Fantasy XV. I'm a bit tired of programming and this is my beginning into a more creative line of work.

    But I can't pretend I am not a technical person and it is that part of me that prefers to have all the details fleshed out and solid.


    I'm not asking you to program anything. Just playing the game on itself can arouse (?) your creativity. But then again whom am I to tell a person like you :3


    I'm just glad that someone other than me typed faster than they were thinking for a change! :)


    I feel you buddy.



    In such stories, politics in the story line can spice things alot.

    I originally set this story on another planet in the M31 galaxy with the "ability" people being an alien race and passed that story off to a few people for a temperature reading, and it was universally cold.

    The less the story relies on "just make up whatever you want" the better it polls. I agree with this mentality since I appreciate scientifically accurate movies and little details such as explosions not making noise in space (and I am conversely bothered by explosions that do make noises in space).


    It doesn't have to be in a ficticious galaxy. You can try having it in Andromeda or maybe the TRAPPIST 1 system. I personally feel that the TRAPPIST 1 system has a good setting for multi-civilizations. You can have life forms on all the planets, the small red dwarf can be used as a threat(as a short life time, the story can be set in the dying years of the star) and stuff like that.


    But then it deviates alot from your thiniking of keeping it relatable.

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