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Posts posted by LabRat1

  1. It's really sad to see that to this date teachers choke your thirst for knowledge. i just graduated high school and will be joining an engineering university soon for computer science. Although it wont be very science related, there'll be plenty of mathematics(I love calculus), so maybe when it starts and I get a hang of it, i can post a few questions and theories i like on some thread(or maybe this thread if the moderator allows) for you.

  2. This is not a bad idea. I find coming up with stories really fun. Okay so anyways, Wouldn't one moon base constantly be on the dark side? So the one on the side which is constantly in contact with sun rays can harness solar energy, whereas the other one can have some nuclear energy power-plant, or some thing on those lines, and the catastrophe can take place there.


    If you're having a story timeline based in the future, wouldn't cancer be curable?(like how common colds are treated presently, because of course eventually medical sciences will improve). Also if you're choosing 2100 or around that time, i don't think we as a race would have such advanced domes to protect us from such a huge nuclear fallout.( Just an assumption, I may be, and hopefully am wrong)


    Also if you find too much trouble trying to come up with theories, just come up with a fictitious solar system by which you can easily accommodate your theories.


    If you want some inspiration, I find playing video games really helpful or even just watching videos of crazy inventions (Tesla highly recommended)


    I'll think of more stuff and I'll keep you posted.

  3. All these answers seem to like give a reason by which an element wants to become stable like the physical or chemical phenomena behind it...but what I'm asking is different..just think, why do atoms/elements want to achieve a stable state by lowering their energy or coming into some sort of equilibrium...what does it really gain by attaining a stable state.

  4. For one, the velocity he gives here is for the exhaust velocity, not the ship velocity. For the ship to reach that speed (accelerating at 1g) would take several years ship time and an equal amount of time to slow back down. The ship would also have traveled over 21,000 light years reaching this speed and another 21,000 slowing down. So the only way you would ever reach this speed was if you were traveling to somewhere over 41,000 light years away. You would have calculated ahead of time of when you would need to decelerate, so there would be no need to rely on "seeing" your destination.


    Having said that, even with the stated exhaust velocity, his ship would not be able to even attain that speed without carrying over 44,0000 times the mass of the ship in reaction mass. (it gets much, much worse when you consider that you also have to carry the reaction mass needed to slow down again.)

    So space travel seems plausible only through wormholes?

  5. If a black hole is a bottomless well that sucks in matter and energy, the opposite would be something that expels all ANTI-MATTER and ANTI-ENERGY.

    How could anybody tell if they were next to a white hole? It would have expelled everything by now.

    And how could anything get in there in the first place?

    Wouldn't the light emanating from them be caught in our cameras or telescopes?

  6. What is going to prevent N.Korea from smuggling a nuke into Seoul in a car or truck? A spy just drives the car-nuke around a bit occasionally, so it doesn't look abandoned. Then if we try to take out their nukes, they set off their car bomb(s).


    Best thing we can do is secretly disable their nukes using a computer virus or something else?

    China is already providing the technology to make North Korea a state capable of producing such warheads.

  7. This post is deeper than the Mariana trench.


    I have no clue about dreaming, but I can probably give some insight on the alone part of your question.


    Firstly the universe is like amazingly huge. So with such a large place there probably wouldn't be any shortage of elements such as carbon, oxygen or important molecules such as water. The probabilities are immense. Just take a look at the TRAPPIT system that was recently discovered,In our own vicinity. And I'm talking about life forms that may need similar conditions for survival like ours. But this may not be the case. Life may and can find ways to grow in extreme conditions. For example right here on Earth, The Tardigrade




    can survive in the most extreme conditions and even in space (visit below link for more info on it)




    There can be life forms which may have grown intelligent or there can also be life forms like the Tardigrade populating planets entirely. There is also a possibility that somewhere somehow another life form is on a similar forum discussing the same topic, Or there can be life forms that actually Govern the Universe, (and probably have wars for that power).


    And all this in one universe.

    There are theories of many universes, Or multiverses.

    One even going to an extent saying that our universe may just be a drop in an immensely huge,continuous waterfall.


    So basically There are possibilities.


    Or maybe we are alone...and its up to us to colonize the universe.


    Like I said, the possibilities are many.


    Hope your hunger is satisfied...which it shouldn't cause if mankind's hunger for knowledge stops, then probably our race would too.

  8. So I have Astigmatism(Again with the self centered post). So I was pondering on the fact that wouldn't it be possible with today's 3D printing technology to print corrective lenses for it?



    I kind of feel that it wouldn't be able to achieve that level of flexibility and softness. But acquiring the shape of the desired lens for the given refractive error would be possible right?


    For the particle accelerator thrusters, I have 8 sections, each with 11 rings and I am claiming that it can accelerate Argon up to 99.9999999% the speed of light.


    Have you considered the Einstein's relativity postulate? I mean if somehow you manage that velocity..then wouldn't time in your spaceship slow down...? If so suppose if you see your destination incoming then it would obviously take you some specific amount of time to like pull some lever to slow down the ship..and dont forget about the signals transmitted by the relays...that would take time to transmit too right? So basically by the time you pull the lever and the signals get transmitted and then millennium falcon or enterprise(whatever thou craves ;)) stops...wont you overshoot?

  10. A virus that kills its host without finding another one and dies in the process itself; would it be considered of value? How different would mankind be if we did that to ourselves by destroying the planet with nuclear weapons. Man has already shown that it is willing to use nukes, so therefore is mankind of no use in the universe if it does not rid itself of these irrational weapons?


    Tensions are running high in the South China Sea and America has at the helm a highly irrational President so its no wonder that deep underground bases exist! Is it possible for the elite to live long enough underground to one day see the light of day and start over for a race to the stars?


    Or is man doomed like a virus?





    We can also learn from history. Previous mass extinctions, though natural, have led to the end of most life forms and our rise...maybe due to the nuclear war rats or moles somehow survive and finally then we can expect a "The Incredibles" trailor.

  11. So according to "everything in this universe has something which is same in magnitude but opposite to its nature" Blackholes have whiteholes. But there is no scientific evidence to prove such a thing. Now if we say that blackholes have an immense amount of gravity, then whiteholes should have an immense amount of antigravity(?)(lets repel everything and everyone!!). Is this why none have been found?






    Quick definition of a Whitehole: Your kid in your car after a hearty meal in the downtown restaurant. :P

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