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  1. Thanks so much! I actually get it now. I realize that angular velocity tells you which way the joint is moving but resultant joint torque tells you which muscle is predominant.
  2. Hey, I am a bit confused by this problem regarding muscle torques and work during running. I am just having a hard time interpreting the graph. It is my understanding that the action is concentric when the curves are on the same side of the 0 line and eccentric when they are on opposite sides. I'm unsure however of how to tell which muscle group is predominant from the graph. I have attempted a few of the problems based on this logic, but I am not confident in my answers at all. Not looking for the solutions necessarily, but does anyone know how to interpret the graph and specifically to tell which muscle group is predominant and what action is occurring (flexion/extension)? My professor never explained it to us but it's on the assignment. Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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