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Everything posted by Bender

  1. Teach by example. Be responsible with your money and occasionally explain your behaviour. There is no age limit. The details about economics, taxes, stocks etc are simply not relevant until late adolescent. (Besides, it is quite possible our current economic model, which is already horribly outdated, won't survive the next 20 years.) The most important lesson about money to teach by example : never compare your wealth to that of others. Never make envious remarks about those that are more wealthy and never make degrading remarks about those with less wealth.
  2. Is a step in a counter-rotating design equally efficient? I would guess not, since the effect of the reversing vanes decreases when they rotate. I wouldn't worry about that. There is quite a difference between some anonymous nobody who claims to have a new idea, and someone who has experimental results to show. If you perform the experiments properly, publishing should not be a problem. Perhaps you can do a relatively cheap proof of concept with 3D printed scale models and pressurised air?
  3. How do you get less parts and weight by replacing the stator blades by more complex and more fragile rotating blades?
  4. Makes sense, as they will only be delivered next year.
  5. Yet when someone talks about nitrogen, they don't mean air. If you do, you'll just confuse people.
  6. Air.
  7. Heat the tire and release the hot, moist air.
  8. That's pretty difficult, since the value is at the inside of the tire.
  9. - regenerative braking is not worth the bother on a bike. The potential energy gain is negligible and you need additional electronics to convert the power back so it can actually load the battery. - There would be no issue with regenerative braking on the rear wheel. The difference between rear and front only matters during an emergency break, something regenerative braking is not suited for. - the pedals are (nearly) in all bikes permanently connected to the rear wheel. I don't think it would qualify as a bike otherwise. Usually there is a freewheeler, but that only decouples in one direction. - putting an alternator on pedals which are connected to the wheel is completely pointless. Adding a clutch to be able to disconnect is even sillier. It would be possible to forgo having a chain altogether by loading a battery with the pedals and discharging on the wheel, but that would be less efficient than a simple chain. Again, I don't think this would still qualify as a bike.
  10. No band gap = no holes = no recombination. To get recombination in metals you need to turn them into a semi-conductor.
  11. Bender

    What is faith?

    Please do. If you provide examples, I, and others on this forum, will be happy to explain statistics to you. Don't expect to fool anyone here, though; we know quite a bit about statistics.
  12. Bender

    What is faith?

    Here is a video describing some naturally occuring "synchronicity". It doesn't require faith. It doesn't even require trust. It's just math. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ahXIMUkSXX0
  13. Bender

    what is a god

    The patterns and rules that cause them were present in nature long before humans existed to describe them.
  14. Bender

    what is a god

    There are 10 kinds of people: those that understand, and those that don't. Did you know that if you count the number of spirals on the romanesco in different directions (or pineapple or pine cone or flower leafs or...), you get consecutive numbers of fibonnacci? Nature is full of mathematical patterns, because it uses simple mathematical rules to achieve complex structures.
  15. Bender

    what is a god

    No, statistics predicts that stuff occurs more often in a larger group or longer Period of time.
  16. Bender

    what is a god

    Nothing, but this is a science forum, and nobody cares about ideas without evidence.
  17. Bender

    what is a god

    Off course patterns emerge, because it is statistics. Eg statistics dictates that every group of 20-25 people roughly has a 50% chance of containing two persons with the same birthday. If you look at an entire school, about half the classes will have such a pair. You can divide the classes by year or by topic and in each category, roughly half will have such a pair. There you go: a patterns. Another example: people wake in the middle of the night and see 3:33 on the clock. You search the Internet and find others who saw 3:33, or perhaps 2:22, because those are not unusual times to wake up (you will never see 8:88 in the middle of the night), and some people look at the clock 10 times each night, so chances get pretty high. If we see 3:28, we're likely to still be awake by 3:33 and look again, because we like patterns. So you get a pattern of people supposedly waking at 3:33, much like you get patterns of people waking at 3:12, but nobody cares about that.
  18. You are preaching to a fellow tool collector, bro I have bits: sanding, stone grinding, polishing, cutting disks, diamond glass engraving... I just don't have WC bits
  19. Bender

    what is a god

    Number synchronicity is not evidence, it is lack of understanding of statistics (which humans have a horrible intuition for), combined with our extraordinary pattern finding skills (which we have evolved to catch heaps of false positives).
  20. I may have to buy me a set too. And I hardly ever use my die grinder...
  21. How can they make tungsten carbide that cheap? I wonder about the quality.
  22. Who says these other conceivable somethings don't exist?
  23. Only because the ant has an environment to influence it. A proper analogy would be the properties of things that do not necessarily have an environment, such as the universe. While I'm no expert on topology, I would be very surprised if there are no topologies in which squares and circles do not exist; such as eg fractal geometries. A square circle on the other hand, would exist in a spherical universe.
  24. You have two conflicting requirements: materials which heat up fast also cool down fast. Speed of heating depends greatly on the method of heating. You will also need to quantify: "solid", "durable", "fast" and "the same". Accumulator heating uses stone, which could qualify for all your requirements, depending on the details.
  25. It is unethical to switch off life support. The computer is required for the "survival" of this digital mind, so yes, it could be unethical to switch off the computer.
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