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Everything posted by _Rick_

  1. I think that throughout history religion has had a vast unifying effect that has ultimately pushed society forward.
  2. If you're asking for a standard time period derived from the planc time, the planc time is sort of in a way derived from the second.
  3. Because red blood cells are huge comparatively?
  4. Then yeah, if we have a way of adding an alkane group then to our current knowledge we can just carry on doing it indefinitely. Sort of in the same way that we discover new elements, it might become increasingly difficult but if we invent a new machine to just carry on doing it, then yeah probably we can make an indefinite amount of new compounds.
  5. Nothing in the science community should be left to opinion and I think you're trololololing...
  6. certain types of rope take 3 months to biodegrade why are you doing this
  7. This is a pretty weird question for chemistry as this idea of "infinite time infinite resources" isn't usually thought about, chemistry as a whole usually tries to focus on the most practical solutions to a problem. For your first question, there are certain limits for what we can create even with infinite time and infinite resources and time due to limits we have discovered, quaternary alcohols for example. As for your second, I personally think that with infinite knowledge (and thus a complete understanding) of the properties of the atoms and how they interact we could in theory predict any molecule and its respective interactions. But who's to say that we'll ever have that knowledge, one day we may think that we're close and we'll suddenly discover a curveball. If there is a limit to chain-length and the size of molecules, it has not yet been discovered.
  8. Because we'll steal it silly! Also his post sort of seems like a bit of a joke, but I still encourage you to share your world changing discovery
  9. KOH is soluble in diethylether why dont you just try it? Do a small sample and if it works it works
  10. If its just the fact that its a gas and not the ridiculous 2.6k degrees you could hook it up to a metal tube and use it as a condenser. Probably your best bet for managing to do anything is by reacting sodium or lithium with it at a more reasonable temperature. Cody's lab did a pretty good video on this synthesis.
  11. Particles can behave as both a wave and a particle. It's called the wave-particle duality. If you really want a way of describing it in terms of quanta. Imagine I'm running towards you at 5km/h and I throw a ball towards you at 3km/h. I see this ball as travelling 3km/h relative to me but you observe its velocity as ~8kmh, thus you see it as having more energy. Vice versa if I'm running away from you at 5km/h and throw it at 3km/h towards you, you'll see it as having less energy.
  12. Keeping the material warm keeps the material less magnetic but for most practical applications that's obviously not effective. As for the annealing and tempering it'd pretty much immediately become paramagnetic again. Paramagnetic materials will always be attracted to a magnet so long as their molecules are cool enough to align properly, you might just have to invest in some different steel. May I ask in what scenario the steel comes into contact with a magnetic field?
  13. They make steels that are specifically non-magnetic. Google "austenitic stainless" or just "non-magnetic steel". Have you never noticed how your stainless steel kitchen cutlery isn't magnetic? As for the steel you're currently using the only thing you can do is work it a lot to break up crystals, or heat it up. But unless you're going to keep it heated constantly there's little that will do.
  14. Parts per million 0.00007% means 0.00007 per 100 (percent) Thusly 0.00007/100 = 0.0000007 0.0000007 * 1000000 = 0.7 Parts per million
  15. You should quickly realise that and string will look something like BWWWBWBWBWWW Simply put a string of Ws with single intermittent Bs If we treat each section as B followed by some number of Ws we get sections such as BWWW BW BW BWWW Now if we just find the average number of Ws in each section we can find a ratio. The chance of finding BW is 100%, BWW 75% and BWWW 56.25% ect.. This can be reduced to the expected value of getting N Ws in a row, as there's a 1/4 chance of getting a black it should take 4 tries until we get one. Therefore the average string should be: BW (100%) + WWWW = BWWWWW So on average we get 1 B for every 5 Ws, 1/5 chance If you'd like any more proof than this I wrote a quick piece of python code to verify this which usually gives values of about 0.2 import random string = [] for p in range(100000): if random.randint(0,3) != 0: string += ["W"] elif list(string)[-1] == "W" or string == 0: string += ["B"] print(string.count("B")/len(string))
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