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Everything posted by M-CaTZ

  1. Seeing is that the Universe is expanding at rates that are impossible to duplicate by any machines of mankind, i dont see the purpose in trying to argue what observations can be made at the "edge". I do however have a slightly digressing question about the Universe. Ive read theory's of the Universe possible collapsing at some point in time. A reverse big bang if you will. Although its hard to percieve, what are your thoughts on the end of the universe, and if or when it happens what will happen next. Will the matter disappear, or take a new shape of another form?
  3. M-CaTZ


    On a more serious note, do you think that there will be any new anti biotics, or medications that will help supress the disease, or make recovery faster, to eliminate the possibly deadly effects of the SARS virus? I know that death is not very common, and that the number of deaths in China, could be in large to the third world nature of the country, however i dont see quarantine as an effective way to eliminate the disease, and i believe that even here in the states it would be potentially deadly, albeit in much smaller numbers.
  4. M-CaTZ


    Everyone here who lives in the states, what do you think about the SARS epidemic. Do you think it is something we need to take seriously, or think of as just a major problem in Asia. Also do you think we will be able to find any medication to reduce the effect and not make it deadly.?? <threads merged... Radical Edward>
  5. yeah i remember those good ol days the feeling of finishing all of your exams. OFCOURSE BEING IN HIGH SCHOOL I STILL HAVE A LONG WAY TO GO
  6. WHo is Blike Suckz, and why does he posses such hatred toward people on this site?
  7. Replubished? IM not the only one who makes typos blike. Anyways, the issue of origin of life has been a subject of controversey for thousands of years. Ofcourse, the more advanced society gets, we apparently get "closer" to the answer. However I for one being a pragmatist on most issues, feel that We are digressing further from the truth as more and more scientific explanations come along. On this particular topic I have to support the idea that a Supreme Being is responsible for the creation of life. I'm not saying that all of the scientific theories are not plausable, however after reviewing some of the probabilites posted on this site and other sources, it doesnt seem very likley. Ofcourse i could be wrong, and who knows maybe someone in this forum could come uip with the truth of life. You never know:D
  8. LoL blike and faf, cant we all just get along??
  9. I know this isnt what is being discussed but i was just curious to know what your perspectives are on human traveling in terms of speed. Given the mass of humans and the components that would be neccissary to transport them, how close do you think humans could come to travelling at the speed of light. Im not sure if there is already a set limit theorized. Also what type of engery would have to be utilized, photon maybe?, or some other energy source.
  10. Actually if the sun burned out then life on earth would end instantly or very rapidly, because without sun there is no heat, and without it everything would freeze. The whole earth would become solid, and there would be no life of anysort. Im not sure if you meant the sun going out as in what i just described or just if it remained night for a long time, but the sun was still there. In that case, Blikes theory is feasible.
  11. Once again i must emphasize that i dont believe in it, it was just out of curiosity and neccesity that i posted. I dont believe in that kind of stuff, but the theories are kinda cool.
  12. Rad, i agree with you but i need to know for this project plus it seems kind of intresting to see what people come up as theorys to interpretation. Despite the fact that in my opinion it pertains little relevance.
  13. I am currently taking a psychology class and we are discussing dream interpretation. I wanted to inquire about the meaning of colors in particular and what they mean as they occur in dreams. Do certain colors have specific meanings as to the psychological state of the persons mind or are they just abstract and just exist for no apparent reason. If you have any info or can find me a good article to read about this please post back. Thanks
  14. I can see where you are coming from in terms of theory of relativity, and how the ship sees it before the person, however i must say, personally i dont believe in that theory, because it deifes logic. I understand it has been proven, however i dont believe it can pertain to all circumstances, and as we all know logic is the basis of mathematics to begin with. I know this doesnt answer your question but just something to think about:D
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