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X facter

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  • Quark

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  1. A fungus isn't an animal.
  2. It was actually in the Union Tribune here in SD, CA, on the same day as this, I believe.
  3. If you are talking about the highly religious community, I highly doubt it. Most people are afraid of/scared of/against any form of science they don't understand. Those who know how evolution works and understand the undeniable evidence would never once think it could be completely wrong. But those who refuse to even try to understand how it works or what it actually means are never going to take it as fact. Take a... ahem... "friend" of mine for example. He is mormon (not generalizing, just giving facts). We are going over evolution in my biology class right now, and with everything we are learning, the unsurmountable evidence, etc. etc. etc., he still says, and I quote, "I don't believe in evolution." He refuses to believe that there were other species of humans and that we evolved from the same things as rats and the like. He also does not understand the concept of how life came to be in the first place. Not understanding the facts, he claims that God placed them here and that's that. My friend and I just want to kill him every time he opposes facts (which he does a lot). You can't teach people things that go against the things they have been taught since the day they were born.
  4. That was simply illogical thinking further corrupted by religion. Sailors had little use of either the former or latter, and noticed ships getting smaller, etc. This also has nothing to do with the discussion at hand.
  5. That isn't even close to being right. You are thinking of the kinetic energy formula, which is KE = (1/2)mv^2. This has nothing to do with Einstein's E = mc^2, which describes the conversion of mass to energy.
  6. "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I hate that! I eat plenty of apples, and yet my dad keeps coming home.
  7. Control in dreams is called lucid dreaming and can be induced with quite a few methods. There is an entire community dedicated to this stuff here. I'd suggest checking that place out and visiting the forums. They can help you with controlling your dreams (lucid dreaming).
  8. My idea was actually something along the lines of having some sort of generator that created energy while people walked over it, or something. Maybe build a city over it. I don't know how feasible this is, though.
  9. Sorry if this has already been posted, but this has been bugging me for a while and a search didn't turn up anything. We keep talking about alternative energy sources everywhere when there is a constant energy around us all the time. What I want to know is, could gravity be used as a feasible source of energy?
  10. Do you?
  11. Gotta love HHGTTG.
  12. Did it happen to be a random message with a link that you then downloaded something from? And your friend had no idea how it got there?
  13. I thought R stood for Random.
  14. Yay. I didn't see this thread, but my dad apparently knew it was on and took the remote from me. Good thing, too.
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