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  • Favorite Area of Science
    theoretical sciences and astrophysics

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. A very intriguing article, but wouldn't the astronaut still suffer from the negative effects of microgravity, with the only thing that is truly being pulled to a singular surface being the suit, and not the astronaut himself?
  2. I know this sounds extremely "quacked". And I am familiar with the diamagnetic properties present in the Levitating Frog video. I was more going for trying to figure out the possibility of circumventing or altering the diamagnetic properties of the human body to enough of an extent that it would be drawn towards an electromagnet, for instance wearing an article of clothing or jewelry with a power source for regulating the body's charge. I am sorry if I am asking for answers to things that are as of yet outside the realm of possibility. I am just trying to look at this from any possible angle and listening to third party opinions from those that most likely know far more than I. I am just highly interested in theoretical sciences, with large interest in astro/quantum physics. And I apologize for using the term "gravity" so loosely, what I mean to say is an attracting force between two objects.
  3. I would like to hear ideas on anybody's take on bioelectric magnetism. The reason for this is my personal interest in ways of achieving artificial gravity without the use of constant acceleration, centrifugal force, or an almost impossibly dense object as the source of a gravity field. My true question is: is it possible to charge or ionize a human body on a cellular or smaller level that will allow it to attract to a medium electromagnetic field built into a deck or walkway to simulate gravity to an extent?
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