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  1. hello my advice also for you do not write grow up and learn algebra first you understand o.k and we use dear for as a respect not for affection .very well said i am insulting what you and others doing you are not aware of it wonder full .
  2. For your namesake bignose do not try to tell me know algebra my dear I know very well first you read all the quotes then write dear after reading few quotes u are not suppose to write anytning anywhere ok
  3. Patience and Passion ,Count the Fishes.

                                                                                      Piyush Goel

  4. thnxs a lot for sense now but to be very frank as you related the formula with N2 = (N-1) * 4 + (N-2) * (N-2) that,s i do not know but how this formula N2 = (N-1) * 4 + (N-2) * (N-2) came into existence I know I have proved two formulas for cube or square through points on pyramid .ok it,s happened all of a sudden when i was working on straight line divided into same ratio got another line again divided into same ration till i got the one point then the miracle happened and got amazing results. For kind information i never manipulate formulas .... for every formula i have the basic concept from wher and how this formula i got. ok. thnxs for quoting and keep continue I have proved and have proof of this formula which you mentioned and two more too. o.k dear.
  5. dear it is very simple but do you know how this formula came into existence if not in the next quote i will define you i have already proved through points .o.k wait for....... dear it is very simple but do you know how this formula came into existence if not in the next quote i will define you i have already proved through points .o.k wait for.......i have done lot work on (more then 20 years).
  6. ok we know dear but there must a proof and prove ok.
  7. Very Strange People do not try do understand just keep quoting continue in vain.............. surprisingly what they want to prove.

  8. verrrry strange neither mention you mail nor want to see on youtube and saying it is very complicated process something wrong with you as you already mention in your first quote it is complicated process means you already have read example then you replied and in trolling quote you trying to say it is complicated complicated and complicated what is this ............dear Strang my suggestion is to you always appreciate others work .............do not try to down others. ok first time i am seeing this formula i am not aware of it i was just working on X-Y AXIS and got that results you know everything is related with each others if it is not we can not prove and proofs things ,ok . maths is the only subject where we use x y for example x+y=24 xy=12 ok ....take care can you prove this formula N^2 = (N-1)(4) + (N-2)(N-2).
  9. ok in few days I will quote a link(youtube) in which every thing will be clear ok...............but i am so surprised not mentioning your email address, it is gr8 wow ......is there any problem .......
  10. very strange and very simple why do u not try to understand ... in your first quote u wrote it is very complicated it means u have read all the things with example now what u want to ask i am unable to tell u ... now (7-2)th means 5th square ,(3rd squ) mean third square now count the nos of dots(points where crossing with each others)start from origin to 3rd square to 7th square.ok dimag per jor lagaooo........
  11. sir very strange have u not seen the two examples .......................... example also quoted of 5 and 4 .
  12. what u write we all know my question is up to how many decimals.......o.k. why not trying to understand.
  13. very easy 5th(at y) square to 3rd squ(at x) count the nos of points u will get 24. sorry no any converted.............. it is very hard to get formula ......................I took years to get it. It is not a Manipulation dear. Dear Bignose ...........Very simple to write anything(there is something wrong with peoples) but when u do something new it takes time and lot hard work .
  14. It seems like a very complicated way of calculating squares. And it will inly work for numbers up to 7, if I understand it correctly. yes complicated but a new way on X-Y Axis why u saying it will work up to 7 pl explain. square of 7 as per formula (7-2)th(3rd squ) +(7-3)squ.(7-3)squ 24 + 25=49
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