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Everything posted by tkadm30

  1. Your ignorance is perhaps a sign of poor education. I suggest you learn to use Google and search for "evidences" yourself. Meanwhile, the synaptic hypercomputation theory remains a fascinating scientific topic.
  2. A very spectacular claim not backed up by scientific evidences of biological hypercomputation...
  3. You need to calm down. A smiley won't affect your interpretations of my theory. You should take the time to educate yourself on the science before making spectacular claims on the things you don't necessarely understand.
  4. You do realise to ignore scientific progress on the (high) probality of your negative emotionality toward the use of appropriate technical language on a science forum?
  5. I do present my ideas as hypothesis. The theory of synaptic hypercomputation is a valid scientific investigation. It is your duty to research biological hypercomputation before claiming the absence of evidences to support this idea.
  6. Neuronal phase coherence and synchronicity: Evidences of synaptic hypercomputation as a novel neurocomputational model to access the subconscious system through the neuromodulation of exocytosis?
  7. Mental thoughts amplification is dependent on neuronal phase coherence and retrograde signaling: THC-mediated pharmacological activation of CB1 receptors may enhance dopaminergic signaling and increase perceptual saliency. Neuronal phase coherence (NPC) is poorly understood. The frontal lobe is implicated in learning and acquisition of new informations. The role of the frontal lobe processing of dopamine exocytosis is unclear. I propose that neuronal phase coherence is a functional evidence that interneuronal computation is sensible to exocytosis.
  8. No, imagination is essential part of the regulation of creativity and saliency. Without imagination, you will get nowhere in science. I cannot provide "evidences" since I must interpret the experimental data from local observations. This require time and careful analysis of neural synchronicity, synaptic phase coherence, and exocytosis.
  9. Increased cerebral blood flow activity promote creativity and saliency. I argue that mental thoughts amplification can be enhanced by upregulating neuronal phase coherence and "fine-tuning" dopamine receptor density via pharmacological activation of the subconscious system.
  10. Drug-induced neuronal injury is poorly understood. Antipsychotics may cause neurological damage and toxicity to brain cells. All psychiatric treatments are experimental and not based on empirical data of the pathology.
  11. Nope. Synaptic hypercomputation is a novel neurocomputational model to study the interneuronal phase coherence and neuromodulation of monoaminergic pathways on the brain electrodynamics. Your lack of imagination is reducing your arguments to a unnecessary distraction.
  12. Excellent analysis. You seem to have well investigated the concepts of synaptic hypercomputation. The quantum-like nature of neuronal phase coherence seems highly relevant to synaptic exocytosis. Serotonin/Vitamin D levels may also interact with endogenous retrograde signaling to activate on-demand neuromodulation of corticostriatal pathways implicated in saliency and creativity.
  13. You have deep perceptional-cognitive abnormalities or profound misinterpretations on the usage of technical language in a science forum.
  14. Quantum-like collapse of the wavefunction via phasic dopaminergic signaling: Mental thoughts amplification is the subconscious process of directing the subliminal creativity to enhance mental saliency through fine-tuned dopaminergic signaling.
  15. Psychology is the science of mental representations of the mind: Modern psychiatry is scientific radicalisation and promote medical oppression to control the complex representations of the mind. The very fundations of psychiatry violates the hippocratic oath : "Do no harm".
  16. Nope. You essentially lack the motivation to unlock your learning potential of novel scientific knowledge. You seem desperate in making a point which appears highly misinformed. I suggest you take the time to educate yourself on the neurocomputational models of the brain. Hypercomputation is a highly current research domain with many potential areas remaining to be explored.
  17. No, local observations can be useful to validate a novel scientific theory. I can provide local and experimental observations on the synaptic hypercomputation theory but further experimentations will be necessary to validate the neurocomputational model of dopamine exocytosis in the frontal lobe.
  18. I understand that the technical language of undeniable quantum-like effects of neural synchronicity is poorly understood. I don't pretend to have the mathematical skills to demonstrate the potential of quantum-like neuronal phase coherence to control synaptic hypercomputation and collapse the wavefunction of dopamine exocytosis... I'm only arguing that synaptic hypercomputation is connected to neural synchronicity and (phasic) dopamine exocytosis.
  19. If you think with a closed attitude, you may not consider the evidences of neural synchronicity. (open systems) Quantum-like hypercomputation is a trending hypercomputational theory. Negative. I'm investigating the potential for dopaminergic activity to trigger phasic synaptic exocytosis. Technical note: Quantum-like phase coherence in biological systems: Dopaminergic neuromodulation of synaptic exocytosis may trigger quantum-like wavefunction collapse...
  20. I define "biological hypercomputation" as the outputs of synchronicity in living systems. All living (cellular and unicellular) organisms are essentially conscious entities and salient beings: The quantum phase coherence of neural synchronicity (in microtubules) may control phasic dopamine exocytosis. (Dopamine is a neuromodulator of saliency as opposed to a excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitter) "Hypercomputation" is a broad term which may refer both to neuronal (synaptic) hypercomputation and quantum-like hypercomputation. Quantum-like hypercomputation is best described as the near-instant computation of non-classical Turing machines by quantum computers. Synaptic hypercomputation, however, is an attempt to understand how neural synchronicity is implicated in the quantum-like wavefunction of synaptic dopamine exocytosis.
  21. This is highly interesting stuff. Notes: -The non-local activation of brain-to-brain interconnectivity may be a key feature of synaptic hypercomputation. - Interneuronal quantum coherence in microtubules is also critical for optimal dopaminergic computation of the subconscious system. - Calcium-dependent activation of corticostriatal pathways may regulates dopamine functional connectivity. - The brain is not the source of consciousness... (open systems)
  22. Thanks for your reply. Neuronal synchronicity is evidence of synaptic hypercomputation: The biological mecanism which drives our synaptic potential to acquire salient informations through the subconscious system. (perceptual interface) The frontal lobe is home of creativity and activation of intracellular CB1 receptors in this area promote cerebral blood flow (CBF) for optimal computation of conscious activity. I believe it is illogical to reduce the brain bioelectromagnetic field to a closed system: Experimental evidences put forward the model of neuronal hypercomputation as a emerging property of living systems were electromagnetic signals can interfere, manipulate, and regulate the synchronicity of neuronal activity.
  23. Regulation of neural synchronicity by calcium-dependent dopaminergic pathways may enhance optimal computation of saliency and creativity (aka mental thoughts amplification) .
  24. Can psychotropic drugs (ie: THC) alter perceptual saliency of informations? Is it possible to experimentally induce mental thoughts amplification through altered states of consciousness?
  25. Great post. I agree that HU210 is a synthetic cannabinoid and that THC regulation of neurogenesis is controversial. Dopamine neurotransmission is critical to optimal computation of the subconscious system by regulation of neural synchronicity. Is (functional) neurogenesis in the frontal lobe correlated to enhanced dopaminergic activity ? Is neural synchronicity correlated to enhanced dopaminergic computation of saliency, creativity, etc ? Neural synchronicity is poorly understood. Dopamine neurotransmission may increase perceptual saliency and creativity through optimal computation of the subconscious system. (aka neural synchronicity) Neural synchronicity and transport of calcium efflux in brain is evidence of synaptic hypercomputation. eViL StOner
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