I present below an alternative version (not a questioning) to the theory of general relativity in order to integrate the accelerating expansion of the universe, the dark matter and to solve the problem of quantum time. To do this, quantifying space-time is essential.
It’s not an easy concept to explain. To do so, I will describe my approach below and have written an article for those who will be interested.
There is a strong similarity (which is not obvious) between the energy of an elementary particle and the energy of a fluid in motion (describes the Bernoulli’s principle):
For a moving particle, the energy comes from two sources: having speed and having mass.
Energy of a moving particle: Energy = motion + mass
Bernoulli's principale (venturi effect) : Ptotal = Pdynamic + Pstatic
This theory has two postulates:
1. Space-time is created by the particles composing it (electrons, higgs boson, possible particles still unknown, etc.). The particles are made of material giving them a volumetric density of material. Therefore, space-time is a kind of ocean of elementary particle.
2. Movement takes place from high densities of material to low densities of material (entropy principle). Therefore, the particles exert a pressure between themselves by "diluting". The pressure forces are equivalent to the energy (the energy increases when the pressure increases, and the pressure increases when the volumetric density of the material increases, Pressure = 1 / volume).
When the dynamic pressure of the particles of a fluid increases, the static pressure of the fluid decreases. This causes a pressure drop.
When the energy of the elementary particles increases, space-time bends.
When an elementary particle accelerates, its mass (its volumetric density of matter) increases and consequently it blocks less the other particles because it takes less “space” (indeed, the quantity of matter for a particle is invariant) . This release of space will generate a pressure drop. This fall is at the origin of the gravity! (low pressure are only attractive)
From the same principle, when the energy of the medium increases, the particles contract and block each other less. They free spaces and are less restrained. As a result, the movement is fluidized as the temperature increases. The effects are comparable to those of the Higgs field!
The speed of a particle depends on its energy and the energy of the particles around it. Thus, we can express the velocity of the particles by a ratio integrating all the results of the pressures forces (0 being a particle at rest and 1 the speed of light).
The inert mass and the gravitational mass are completely equivalent in this theory. The inert mass being generated by a high pressure and the low mass by a pressure drop.
The expansion of the universe is due to the fact that the particles are attracted to a "hyper-universe" less dense than our universe. Particles contract themselves (because their energy increases as they move) and “block” themsleves less and less as the expansion continues. Therefore, the expansion of the universe accelerates.
Black holes can be formed via an intense energy difference.
For more information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VlfLrGBI_g_xi3Ta8nnv3z4dQ_f-N3g5iLXDyvMHsco/pub
I have absolutely no pretention, although the subject is very ambitious. Get feedback to build an interesting discussion of physics is my goal.